
Great Relationships Equal Great Success


Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing. ~1 Thessalonians 5:11

Several years ago, I had the honor of speaking to a crowd of student-athletes in Washington, DC. It was a wonderful feeling to be able to go back to the environment that had a major impact on the person I have become today. It was great to be a voice to the future young minds of tomorrow.

Shortly after I finished speaking, I did an interview with one of the local newspaper reporters. During the interview, the reporter asked specifically about what I would say to the youth in light of these uncertain financial times and the political climate. My answer to him is what I want to share with you today, with the hope that it will enlighten you.

When stuff appears complicated and doubtful, we have to put a spotlight on what is certain in our lives: our friends, our families, and most importantly, our relationship with Jesus Christ. We always have to remind ourselves to find balance in our day-to-day living, even when the world around us seems unstable.

Think about that person that loves to go rock climbing up a mountain. In the movies, there is always a person at the top of the mountain reaching their hand down to help someone else to get to the top. You always hear the same phrase, “don’t look down” and the next thing that person does, is look down and lose focus on the individual trying to help him or her reach the top of the mountain.

Unfortunately, we have all been in a position where we’ve felt like we were climbing that massive mountain. When our foot starts to slip, that is when we should reach up and grab hold of our relationships. We have to reach for those individuals that have supported us in the past; our relationships are our support system. It is why one of the most important decisions we make in life is whom we choose to be around.

And it’s extremely important for you to know that:

Great relationships begin on spiritual and intellectual levels: levels of prayer, purpose, passion, and personality.

It is painful when you realize you were more invested in a friendship than the other person. Nevertheless, do not withdraw from everyone because a positive support system will assist you in accomplishing the task at hand.

Being in a circle of great relationships will provide the necessary tools to help you climb any mountain that you may ever face. You can have all the money in the world, but if you do not have a support system, if you are not connected with people in healthy ways, then you will not fulfill your destiny nor be able to live the way God intended.

The Bible says in Proverbs 27: 9, “The heartfelt counsel of a friend is as sweet as perfume and incense.” Our ability to build and maintain healthy relationships is the single most important factor that determines how we get along in every area of life. Therefore, I encourage you today to treasure the people in your life. Be willing to make adjustments and modifications to improve your relationships.

It is one thing to say you are a friend and an entirely different thing to actually be a friend! One-way friendships, partnerships and relationships will ultimately lead to a dead end. Without dependable and trustworthy reciprocity, we find ourselves alone.

If you want to continue to move forward in the right direction in life, remember, people are God's priority, and when you make the people in your life your priority, you are taking steps towards building great success. All of life's successes come from initiating relationships with the right people, then strengthening those relationships by using the love of God.

Cream and Sugar...

Say this Prayer:

Dear Heavenly Father,

Today, please have mercy on me. You know my shortcomings and difficulties, so I’m asking You to strengthen and heal my relationships. I am weak, but You are the Divine Healer and strengthener of my heart and soul. Guide me to do Your will in this world, to love and respect others, and to be Your representative among my relationships. In Jesus’ name, I pray, Amen.

Day 26