
From Dreams to Action


So also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead. ~James 2:17

I have always had a shy personality. Psychologists would label me as having an introverted temperament which means:

Basically, I am a dreamer with a vivid imagination, a homebody who loves to get lost in the world of ideas rather than in the world of things. Despite the fact that I am an introvert, I always felt like there was something great on the inside of me trying to get out.

When I was in the eighth-grade, a few of my neighborhood friends and I started an R&B singing group. Our first (and last) performance was at our middle school’s spring talent show. Naturally, I was extremely nervous, to the point that I could feel my pulse pounding in my temples. To make matters worse, I was going through puberty; my voice was changing. But nothing was going to stop me, because I had dreams of being the next singing sensation and I wanted all the girls to like me.

To make a long story short, I was horrible! Awful! Dreadful! I completely embarrassed myself. My voice was flat, raspy, and weak. Did I mention that I forgot my lines? I am so glad people did not have smart phones back then; it would have gone viral.

As I reflect on that horrific experience, I am so glad God allowed me to go through it. My dreadful performance helped me develop a resilient character. It was my first lesson in putting action behind my dreams.

Today, I want you to put action behind your dreams. Put action behind your faith and make the most of every opportunity God gives you. Leave no opportunity unexplored or unknown!

Pursuing your dreams is an important part of manifesting your destiny; therefore, never use the excuse that it’s too late. JESUS has risen, which means He can resurrect your lost dreams, broken relationships, and restore every area of your life!

If you really want amazing things to happen in your life, you will have to prepare. Success happens when preparation meets opportunity. I like to say it this way:

Prior preparation prevents poor performance.

It is important to use and develop the gifts God has given you so when an opportunity presents itself, you are able to walk through that open door with boldness and confidence.

So, keep the fire in your heart alive. Stay true to your beliefs. Do not worry about embarrassing yourself. Every day you are one day closer to achieving your dreams.

Start using what you have and doing what you know to do, and God will open the door to new opportunities. Remember, life is lived one day at a time, and the way to prepare for tomorrow is to live at your very best today.

Cream and Sugar...

Say this Prayer:

Dear Heavenly Father,

Today, remind me to follow Your lead. Help me to believe that Your timing is perfect, that You are always faithful. Give me the grace to be confident and competent in pursuing my dreams for Your glory. In Jesus’ name, I pray, Amen.

Day 29