Dear Friend,
I write this letter to you with a joyous heart, with the hope that your experiences with God are as life-changing as mine. I speak grace and peace to you many times over, as you deepen your love with God through Jesus Christ, our Lord.
What a mighty God we have! And how fortunate we are to have Him, this Father of our Lord Jesus! Because Jesus was raised from the dead, we’ve been given a brand-new life and have everything to live for, including a future in heaven! To Him is the glory both now and forever!
I know how great this must make you feel, because you have never seen Him, yet, you love Him. You still don’t see Him, yet, you trust him. Therefore, because you keep believing in the Son of God, I pray that God bless you with everything that is good and wonderful according to His will.
I know you have traveled far down the road of life and enjoyed many favors and wonderful blessings. However, what are your expectations?
I want to challenge your expectations for your future because I have learned over the last 20 years that expectations can be high or low, rational or irrational, noble or ruthless. Nevertheless, I truly believe in the importance of high expectations for yourself as an individual and for the life you plan to live.
The devil is going to try to influence and impact your future by getting you to expect the worst! If you do, he will provide you with the right conditions, signs and sentiments to confirm your worst fears. However, if you take hold of God's Word and raise your expectations, you will start to see God move in a mighty way, making the impossible possible.
Here is my last quote until I write to you again:
Great accomplishments will continuously be present in the framework of great expectations.
Always remember, living forward is having the expectation that no matter what happens, God is ordering your steps. Your expectation will cause you to be at the right place at the right time, not only for your good and the good of others, but for the glory of our Heavenly Father.
Never lower your expectations to meet your performance or skill level. Raise your level of performance to meet your expectations. Expect the best for your future because Jesus wants to use you to fulfill His plan on the earth.
Wake up every day with an open heart, ready to be used by God for His glory. Let Him be Lord over everything in your life because He can change any situation. And I will leave you with this: instead of getting worked up and frustrated about things that happened yesterday, trust God and know that today is a gift, so you can start living your best life forward with a little bit of coffee and a whole a lot of Jesus.
Your Brother-in-Christ,
Tony L. Warrick