abaya: large outer garment for Muslim women
Allah: the Arabic term for “God”
Allahu’akbar: proclamation of the greatness of God, often expressed in excitement or happiness
As-salaamu’alaikum: the Muslim greeting of peace, literally “peace be upon you,” often said in place of “hello” and “goodbye” and is sometimes extended to include wa-rahmatullaah and/or wa-barakaatuh
Astaghfirullah: expression said upon committing a mistake or sin or upon hearing or witnessing something sinful or reprehensible, literally “I seek God’s forgiveness”
daff: small hand drum
da’wah: any teaching about Islam for the purpose of clarifying religious misunderstandings or inviting someone to become Muslim
deen: religion, often used in reference to the religion of Islam
du’aa: supplication to God or informal prayer
jilbaab: outer garment for Muslim women that resembles a large, loose dress, sometimes used in reference to the Saudi-style abaya insha’Allah : literally “if God wills” or “God-willing,” often said in reference to something expected or hoped to happen in the future
kaafir: disbeliever
khimaar: Muslim woman’s head cover, often referred to as hijab
maashaAllah : literally “it was God’s will,” often said in admiration of something or in acceptance of a situation
niqaab: face veil
Qur’an: the Muslim holy book
shahaadah: the Muslim testimony of faith, formally recited to officially enter the religion of Islam
Subhaan Allah: glorification of the greatness and perfection of God, often uttered upon sudden inspiration, epiphany, or surprise
Sunnah: the exemplary prophetic example drawn from the life, sayings, and teachings of Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him
ukhti: term of friendly endearment for females, literally means “my sister”
Wa’aliku-mus-salaam: the Muslim greeting of peace said in response to As-salaamu’alaikum and is sometimes extended to include wa-rahmatullaah and/or wa-barakaatuh
WAllah: an oath in the name of God, literally “By God,” often uttered to emphasize the truth of something
wudhoo: ritual ablution before formal prayers