
This book couldn’t have been written without the help of Anita Leslie’s children, Tarka King and Leonie Finn, who shared their insights into their mother’s life as well as her letters, photographs, diaries and albums.

I am also grateful to the late Leonie de Barros, Anita Burgh, Lord Burgh, Nicola Beauman, Lady Moyra Campbell, The Chartwell Trust, The Sir Winston Churchill Archive Trust, Thea Courchevel, Jeananne Crowley, the late Elspeth Gailey, Tim Gwyn-Jones, Eoghan Harris, Sarah Henson, the late Patricia, Countess of Jellicoe, Angela and Joe Kelly, Linda Kelly, the Lilliput Press for permission to quote from The Fun Palace, the late Fleur Melvill-Gardner, the late Roy Miles, the staff of the National Library of Ireland, Julian Mitchell, James Owen, The Hon. Lady Roche mbe, the Earl of Roden, Jean Rose, Serena de Stacpoole, Caroline Sweeney, the late Bill Vincent, Hugo Vickers, Anthony Whittome, the late Roddy Wilson and Djinn von Noorden, Bridget Farrell and Ruth Hallinan at the Lilliput Press.

Every effort has been made to secure all necessary clearances and permissions. Both the author and publisher will be glad to recognize any holders of copyright who have not been acknowledged above.