Chapter Twelve


Much to Jim's disappointment, the lunch time session had been a complete failure. Two punters, no sandwich or coffee sales, and it was raining again. Jim was beginning to feel the way the sky looked. Gloomy, grey, dull, heavy. It was still early days, he thought, wondering what to do with the curling sandwiches. Once word got around that food was available, business would probably pick up. There again, Willycombe was a strange place. Strange people, strange goings on... It was like a weird dream. Nymphomaniacs running about, the sex dungeon, the vicar and his daughter...

"Afternoon, Foster," Mr Hops bellowed as he marched into the pub.

"Oh, er... Mr Hops. How nice to see you," Jim said, wondering what his boss wanted.

"What's all this then?" the man murmured, pointing at the display cabinet. "Sandwiches?"

"Yes, er... They've been selling quite well."

"Get rid of them," Hops ordered Jim angrily. "I told you, Foster, no changes."

"What's the matter?" Jim asked his boss, anger welling in the pit of his stomach. "Are you afraid that I'll make a go of the pub and ruin your tax loss scam?"

"Tax loss? Er... I have no idea what you're talking about, man."

"Haven't you? Apart from a tax loss, the Tartan Vicar is a front for an underground business. This place is a nice little earner, isn't it?"

"Underground business?"

"I want a cut of the profits, Mr Hops. Say, twenty percent?"

"Have you gone mad, Foster?"

"Not at all. I know what's going on here. You use this place as a tax loss. That's why you don't want any changes. If the pub starts making a profit..."

"I don't like your tone," Hops cut in. "Twenty percent of the profits? Are you threatening me?"

"All I'm saying is that I know what's going on here. God only knows how much you're raking in. I know everything, Mr Hops."

"You know nothing."

"I could be very useful to you. Working with Cleo and the other girls, I could..."

"You're fired, Foster," the man yelled. "I want you out by this evening."

Watching Hops storm out of the pub, Jim was sure that he'd change his mind once he realized that Jim knew too much. Hops would be far better off bringing Jim in on the illicit business than continually having the girls trying to conceal the truth. Hops had obviously thought Jim stupid enough not to realize that the pub was nothing more than a tax fiddle. And he must have thought he wouldn't discover the sex dungeon in a million years.

Feeling pleased with himself, Jim knew that he wasn't the best of businessmen. But he had a pretty good head for making money. Once Hops had conceded and brought Jim in on the scam, the man would soon realize that Jim was a great asset. Pouring himself a beer, he pondered on his next move. All he could do was wait, he decided. Wait for Hops to phone and agree to the deal and then Jim would put every effort into building the sex dungeon business.

"My father just called on my mobile," Cleo said as she emerged from the back room. "He's fuming. What the hell did you say to him?"

"We had a little chat, Cleo," Jim replied, smiling at the girl.

"A little chat? He said that he'd fired you."

"He'll come round to my way of thinking once he calms down."

"Calms down? You don't know my father. He does not calm down. What the hell did you say to him?"

"I put a proposition to him, Cleo. I know why he doesn't want me to make any changes to the pub and..."

"You've done it now," she sighed. "My father is a formidable man. He doesn't suffer fools..."

"Exactly," Jim chuckled. "He thought me a fool, that's why he put me here. More fool him, don't you agree?"

"I couldn't agree less. Look, I'll have a word with him. If I say that..."

"No, no. The ball's in his court, Cleo. Let him steam for a while and then he'll get back to me and we'll be in business."

"You're mad, Jim."

"I think not. Right, I have a little business to attend to at the convent."

"The convent? Jim, don't go poking your nose in at the convent."

"I'll be doing more than poking my nose in before long, Cleo. I'll be running the show."

"Running the convent? You're not going for the Reverend Mother's job, are you?" she giggled.

"I'm about to move in to the big time," he said smugly, downing his drink. "I'll see you later."

Leaving the pub, Jim walked briskly to the convent. This was a new beginning, he mused, feeling confident as he marched up the stone steps to the Victorian building. What choice did Hops have? Jim knew far too much to be discarded, tossed aside. Either the man agreed to the proposition or he'd face huge problems. It wasn't as if the man was going to lose money, he reflected. Bringing Jim into the illicit business would boost the profits.

"May I help you?" a pretty girl asked Jim as he entered the building.

"I'm here to see the boss," Jim quipped, eyeing the girl's long blonde hair cascading over her shoulders, her ripe nipples pressing through the tight material of her white blouse.

"The boss? Oh, you mean the Reverend Mother?"

"Indeed, I do."

"She's in her study. But she's given strict instructions that she's not to be disturbed. If you'd like to come back in an hour or so..."

"She loves being disturbed by me," he chuckled, walking away.


"Worry not, my child," Jim called.

Knocking on the Reverend Mother's door, Jim wondered why she wasn't to be disturbed. She was probably spanking a schoolgirl's naked bottom, he thought, his cock twitching as he pictured the lewd scene. She might be having her clitoris licked to orgasm by a naked little beau. She had a pretty good job, he pondered as he knocked again. Surrounded by girls, administering spankings...

"What is it?" an ageing woman asked as she yanked the door open.

"Oh, er... My name's Foster, Jim Foster. I'm here to see the Reverend Mother," Jim stammered. "I don't have an appointment, but Elizabeth is always pleased to see me."

"Is she?" she asked him, her beady eyes frowning. "In that case, you'd better come in."

Following the woman into the study, Jim closed the door. Reckoning that Elizabeth was probably in the side room attending a girl's naked bottom, he was sure that he'd be invited to give her a hand. Or a length of rock-hard cock, he thought, rubbing his hands together and remarking on the rain. The ageing woman wasn't at all friendly. Pacing the floor and grunting as Jim mentioned chatting to Elizabeth in the pub, she finally stood with her back to the window and glared at him.

"What business do you have with Elizabeth?" she asked him.

"Just a little chat," he replied. "Er... Private business, if you get my meaning?"

"Yes, I get your meaning. She's with someone at the moment but she won't be long."

"Good, good."

"I'm Elizabeth's... How can I put it? I'm her right-hand woman. We work together, so to speak. She's quite a character, don't you agree?"

"Yes, indeed. Quite a character. I like her rule concerning the girls shaving their pussies. Elizabeth brought me in to help with those girls who disobey her. I had to deal with one the other day."


"I'm rather good when it comes to dealing with your girls. Punishing disobedient girls is my forte."

"I'm sure it is. I suppose you've heard about the rape?"

"Rape?" Jim echoed.

"Maria, a Spanish girl."

"Oh, that," Jim chuckled. "She's a damned good little actress. And a bloody good... It wasn't rape. You know as well as I do she was playacting in the dungeon."

"Where is this dungeon?"

"You don't know?"

"Mr Foster, I am the Reverend Mother. From what you've said..."


"From what you've said..."

"Er... I was only joking. Who is this Maria girl? I've never heard of her. And what's this dungeon business?"

"We're going to have a long chat, Mr Foster. Please, sit down."

"Ah, er... Can't stop. Have to dash, I'm afraid."

Fleeing the woman's study, Jim sprinted along the corridor and dashed out of the building. This was a fucking nightmare, he thought, realizing that he'd put his foot right in it. He'd had his suspicions about Elizabeth and should have realized who the ageing woman was. To go blabbing his mouth off to the real Reverend Mother was a fatal mistake. He'd deny all knowledge of the meeting in her study, he decided. Mistaken identity, that's what it was. Breathing a sigh of relief as he walked down the drive to the main gates, he stopped as he heard the bushes rustling.

"Over here," the girl he'd met in the hall whispered.

"Oh, it's you," Jim murmured. "What are you doing in there?"

"This is one of our hides."

"One of your hides? Er... Right," he chuckled, looking about before diving into the bushes. "This is rather cosy," he remarked, sitting on a blanket in a small clearing beneath the bushes. "Home from home. Well, not quite."

"This is where we keep an eye on the gates. We can see who's coming and going from here. I'm on watch for the next hour."

"On watch? Who, exactly, are you watching for?"

"Anyone and everyone. We like to know who's coming and going."

"So do I," Jim chortled, eyeing the tight crotch of the blonde's knickers as she pulled her legs up and rested her chin on her knees. "You're a pretty little thing. Do you ever visit the dungeon?"

"The dungeon?" she gasped, her blue eyes widening. "God, I wouldn't go there even if I knew where it was. I've heard the rumours, of course. But I'd never go there."

"Why not?"

"They have sex there," she whispered, leaning forward. "Maybe one day I'll..."

"I don't know what I'm missing," Jim broke in, his eyes bulging as he gazed longingly at the swell of her navy-blue knickers. "I mean, you don't know what you're missing."

"Ooh, that tickles," she giggled. "You are naughty."

"And I get worse."

"You're the man from the pub, aren't you?"

"Yes, that's right, and if you want to go to the pub, then you'll come as my guest," Jim said, his balls rolling as he imagined the purple globe of his solid cock encompassed by the full lips of her pretty mouth. "I run the pub and, if I say you can come in for a drink then, no one can stop you."

"Great," she trilled. "But, I don't have any money."

"You don't need money, my pretty little thing," he laughed. "You have something far better than... I'm Jim, by the way."

"And I'm Angelica."

"What a sweet name. It reminds me of innocence. A young wood nymph lying beneath the pine trees with shafts of sunlight playing on the mounds and crevices of her curvaceous body and..."

"I've never been into a pub before."

"We'll soon change that, Angelica. In fact, we'll change quite a few things."

"Will we?"

"Oh, yes. I have great plans for you, my little cherub. I must say, I do like the way you're sitting. Your knickers are absolutely..."

"Oh, my knickers," she sighed despondently.

"What's the matter? Do your knickers trouble you?"

"I have to wear them for four days without taking them off and then give them to Crystal."

"Yes, I've met her. Why give her your knickers? Surely she has her own?"

"I don't know why. She collects dirty knickers from all my friends."

"Ah, right."

"She gets really annoyed if I change them before the four days are up."

"Yes, I can understand... So, you have no idea what she does with them?"

"No idea at all. One of my friends reckons that Crystal sells them but I can't see who'd want to buy dirty knickers."

"Er... No, of course not."

"The idea of people buying dirty knickers is stupid. Anyone who wants to buy a pair of knickers would go to a shop and get a new pair."

"Why don't you take them off and let me have a look at them?" Jim suggested, desperate to press the warm crotch to his face and breathe in the perfume of her cunny.

"But, Crystal won't allow me to take them off."

"Not even when you..."

"She seems to think that they're better when they're wet and smelly. It's strange, isn't it?"

"Not at all. Er... It's most peculiar. Perhaps I can help to solve the mystery. Slip your knickers off and I'll examine them. There must be a clue..."

"You just want to see my pussy, don't you?"

"See your... Good grief. Of course not," he laughed. "I want to see what the interest is in your knickers. There must be something about them that is of interest to Crystal."

"All right, then," she conceded. "You can examine my knickers. But you're only allowed to look at my pussy. No touching, OK?"

"Fine, fine."

Lying on the blanket and raising her buttocks clear of the ground, Angelica tugged her navy-blue knickers down her long legs and kicked them off her feet. Her short skirt concealing the crack of her pussy, Jim wondered whether to suggest that she take all her clothes off so that he could examine them. No, she wouldn't fall for that, he decided, sniffing the girl-stained crotch of her knickers. Like a breath of fresh air, the heady scent was extremely intoxicating. Heavily soiled with girl-juice, perfumed with an aphrodisiacal blend of... There was money to be made here, he knew.

The girl's skirt rising up as Jim continued to examine the wet crotch of her knickers, she was obviously aware that the hairless lips of her naked vulva were on display. Jim gazed out of the corner of his eye at her creamy sex crack as he again breathed in the heavenly fragrance of her knickers. She was beautiful, he mused, imagining running his wet tongue up and down her sweet sex slit and lapping up her juices of lust. Her knickers were heavily scented, and she was heaven-sent.

"It's not my knickers you're interested in," she said, following his gaze to the naked flesh of her vulva.

"I'm very interested in your knickers," he murmured. "But I'm also very interested in your beautiful pussy."

"Look, but don't touch," she reminded him as he leaned over her for a better view of her tightly-closed crack of desire.

"Of course, Angelica. Look, but don't touch."

She was having him on, he knew as she lay with her slender legs parted, the gentle rise of her hairless mons only inches from his juice-thirsty mouth. Angelica was a lying little slut, Jim mused, pushing his wet tongue out as he moved closer to the creamy valley of her pussy. Which was just as well because he was heavily into lying little sluts.

Recalling Maria's playacting, he reckoned that the girls had been taught to come across as innocent little virgins by their older peers. But who was in charge of the convent side of the scam? he wondered, his tongue moving closer to Angelica's vaginal slit. Cleo appeared to be in charge of the sex dungeon, but who ran the illicit business at the convent? Crystal was his best bet, he decided. She was into anything and everything from selling soiled knickers to raking off a profit from the sanitary towel machine. The picture was at last forming. Crystal forced the girls to give up their dirty knickers, and Cleo packed the goods in polythene bags and kept the stock in her dressing table drawers where they were then supplied to the sex dungeon clients. One thing was certain, Jim mused. He was going to keep Angelica's beautifully stained knickers. They'd come in handy for sniffing if he was forced to resort to wanking.

The tip of his tongue finally coming into contact with Angelica's vulval flesh, he breathed in the heady aroma of her girl-scent. She writhed and let out a rush of breath as he ran his wet tongue up and down the full length of her love slit. Raising her pert buttocks clear of the ground and parting her firm thighs, she was obviously offering her pussy to Jim's mouth as he lapped at her cream-wet vaginal crack. She was no more an innocent virgin than he was, he knew as her sex cream bubbled between the succulent cushions of her outer labia.

Daring to part the fleshy swell of her outer sex pads, he eyed the intricate pink folds nestling within her creamy valley of girl-pleasure. Her ripe clitoris fully emerged from its protective hood, her sex hole spewing out her creamy lubricant, she let out another rush of breath as he ran his fingertip over the wet flesh surrounding her vaginal inlet. She was more than ready for a damned good fucking, he knew as he licked the sensitive tip of her erect clitoris. Her body trembling, her breathing fast and shallow, she was more than ready for a meaty length of solid cock and a pussy full of fresh spunk.

Reaching up to the swell of her tight blouse, Jim squeezed and fondled her breasts. Before sliding his huge penis deep into her tight pussy and drowning her cervix in sperm, he decided to heighten her arousal by pulling and twisting the sensitive protrusions of her milk teats. Once she was in an incontrollable state of sexual frenzy, he'd move between her splayed thighs and ram his purple crown deep into the tight shaft of her hot pussy and fuck her senseless.

Slipping his hand into her blouse, he managed to lift her bra clear of her small breasts. Running his fingertip around the warm teats of her nipples, he grinned as she let out a moan of satisfaction. Pushing his tongue into the wet entrance of her hot pussy, he tasted the cream-dripping walls of her cunt. Angelica squirmed on the blanket as Jim tweaked the teats of her nipples and caressed the inner flesh of her pussy with his tongue. She was obviously close to her orgasm. Gasping, letting out whimpers of sexual frenzy, she arched her back as Jim centred his oral attention on her solid clitoris. Yet another conquest, he reflected, deciding that his time spent in Willycombe Village had been most fruitful.

"No," Angelica gasped. "You mustn't make me come. I'm... Oh, God." Her clitoris exploding in orgasm beneath Jim's snaking tongue, she shook uncontrollably and let out screams of sexual gratification. Hoping that no one would hear her cries of lust, Jim imagined the hag-bag Reverend Mother peering into the bushes and witnessing the lewd act of Angelica's orally-induced climax.

Sustaining the little beauty's pleasure with his caressing tongue, Jim drove two fingers into the incredibly tight sheath of her well-juiced vagina and massaged her hot inner flesh. Her creamy juices of lust gushing from her finger-pistoned cunt and splattering the pale flesh of her twitching thighs, she writhed like a snake in agony as her orgasm peaked. Jim had never known a girl come so much. Her orgasmic cream jetting from her bloated vaginal cavern, running over his thrusting hand as he sucked her pulsating clitoris into his hot mouth and painfully pinched the ripe teats of her nipples, she was obviously in her sexual heaven. Again and again, tremors of sex rocked her, reaching every nerve ending, tightening every muscle.

"More," she breathed shakily, flinging her thighs apart to the extreme. Again lifting her firm buttocks clear of the blanket and grinding the hairless crack of her vulva hard against Jim's slurping mouth, she tore her blouse open and exposed her breasts. She was lost in her sexual frenzy, Jim knew as she mumbled incoherent words of lust. She was more than ready for a length of meaty cock, he thought, his penis straining to break out of his trousers. More than ready for a cunt full of creamy spunk.

Slipping his fingers out of the spasming sheath of her sex-drenched vagina as he continued to suck her multiple orgasm from her pulsating clitoris, Jim decided to attempt a violation of her bottom-hole with an anal fingering. She'd either protest wildly or give in to her anal desires and allow him to finger-fuck the tight duct of her rectum. Either way, she was going to endure a most severe rectal finger-fucking.

Slipping his finger between her tensed buttocks, he sucked and licked her orgasming clitoris in the hope that she'd not realize what he was doing to her sweet anus before it was too late. Locating the tight portal to her inner core, he pressed his fingertip into her hole of illicit pleasure. She squirmed and writhed, mumbling something incoherent as his finger glided along the tight tube of her rectum. Sinking his finger deep into the fiery heat of her bowels, he massaged her inner flesh, taking her to frightening heights of sexual pleasure.

"No, no," she breathed as he forced a second finger into her anal canal. Ignoring her protests, he repeatedly swept his wet tongue over the pulsating nub of her pink clitoris to sustain her mind-blowing climax. She was a dirty little slut, he thought, the sound of her gasps of girl-pleasure disturbing the still summer air. Young, dirty, horny... Imaging her masturbating in the bed at night, her whimpers of sex resounding around the dormitory as she candle-fucked the tight sheath of her cunt, he reckoned she did join in with the other girls' sex games. All females were latent lesbians, he mused.

Now, the time really had come to shaft the sex-frenzied beauty, Jim decided as her orgasm began to recede. Slipping his anal-slimed fingers out of the hot sheath of her rectum, he positioned himself between her twitching thighs and hauled out his granite-hard penis. Slipping his purple knob between the splayed inner lips, he pressed his weapon-head hard against the tight cone of flesh surrounding her vaginal entrance. She was extremely tight, he mused, forcing his bulbous glans into the burning duct of her pussy. Driving his veined cockshaft deep into her quivering body until his purple globe met her creamy cervix, he looked down at the girl's outer labia stretched tautly around the broad root of his penis.

"God," she cried, lifting her head and following his gaze to her gaping outer lips. "You're so big."

"And you're so tight," he gasped, withdrawing his cock and again driving his knob into her quivering body.

"I've... I've never been fucked before."

"Me neither," Jim chuckled, resting his weight on his hands as he repeatedly impaled her on his huge organ.

Listening to the squelching sounds of her vaginal juices as he fucked her, he realized that he'd never shafted such a tight little pussy. The other girls had been tight, but Angelica's vagina was incredible. Watching his juice-glossed shaft sliding in and out of the girl's cunt, Jim was already nearing his orgasm. His swinging balls battering the firm cheeks of her naked buttocks, he wondered whether to whip his cock out of her pussy and drive his knob-head deep into her bowels. If she really was a virgin, then it was only fair to strip her of her anal virginity as well as her vaginal purity.

"No," she gasped as he slipped his knob out of her sex sheath and forced it past the tight ring of her anus. "What are you doing? That's not my fanny."

"God, your arse is tight," Jim gasped as his glans journeyed along her tight rectal sheath to the heat of her bowels. "And now for an anal spunking."

"No, please... Oh, God. My... my bottom is going to tear open."

"Relax and take it, Angelica. After all, this is what your arse is for."

"My pussy is for... Oh, my God."

His sperm jetting from his throbbing knob, lubricating the illicit union, he increased his anal fucking rhythm. Angelica's body rocking, she let out whimpers of pleasure as her bowels flooded with fresh spunk and her vagina leaked sex juices. She really was a horny little beauty, Jim thought as she slipped her fingers between the splayed lips of her vulva and massaged the solid nub of her clitoris. Fervently masturbating in her sexual frenzy, she tossed her head from side to side as she neared her second massive climax. Jim watched her fingertip massaging her solid clitoris, her juices of lust spurting from the gaping entrance to her sex dust as he continued to pump his creamy spunk deep into the fiery heat of her bowels.

Finally reaching her orgasm, Angelica arched her back let out a scream of pure sexual bliss as Jim's cock glided in and out of the burning sheath of her rectum. Grabbing her legs and forcing her knees up to her chest, he repeatedly rammed his throbbing knob deep into the very core of her trembling body as she rode the crest of her climax. She was the perfect slut, he reflected as his swinging balls drained. Young, dirty, horny, tight, wet, hot... What more could a man want in way of a common slag?

"I'm sure I heard a scream," a woman said.

"I didn't hear anything," another woman breathed.

"Fucking hell," Jim whispered, sliding his spent cock out of Angelica's spunked rectum and zipping his trousers. "Who's that?"

"It sounds like the Reverend Mother," Angelica replied, fumbling to conceal her small breasts within the cups of her bra. "I was supposed to be on watch."

"It's all right. Just keep quiet and she'll go away."

Peering through the bushes as Angelica dressed, Jim watched the hag-bag hovering a few feet away with a younger woman. This was all he needed, he thought fearfully. Caught in the bushes with a half-naked schoolgirl whose bum was spewing out fresh sperm? Praying that the Reverend Mother would walk away, Jim looked around for an escape route. Surrounded by thick undergrowth, he realized that the only way out of the bushes was where the hag-bag was standing. Gazing at Angelica as she finished dressing, he settled on the blanket beside her and decided to wait. The hag wouldn't stand there all day, he was sure.

"If that man is hanging around, I'll call the police," the Reverend Mother said.

"Are you sure it was the new landlord of the Tartan Vicar?" the younger woman asked her.

"Positive. He was talking about shaving the girl's pubic hairs."

"How terribly exciting. I mean..."

"Exciting? Don't be ridiculous, Sister Libido."

"The drama, the police, a strange man lurking... I didn't mean that shaving the girls was exciting. There again..."

"Life isn't supposed to be exciting, Sister. We're here to do God's work, not to shave girls. We shouldn't even be talking about such things."

"I rather like talking about... Anyway, there are no strange men out here. Shall we go back to your study?"

"That was close," Angelica said as the Reverend Mother finally walked back to the convent building. "I thought she was going to catch me with my knickers down."

"And I thought she was going to catch me with my cock up," Jim chuckled with relief. "Right up your tight little arse."

"I'm an anal slut now," the girl sighed.

"Are you?"

"Crystal says that girls who take it up their bums are anal sluts."

"She should know."

"But, I didn't want to be an anal slut."

"I wouldn't worry about it," Jim consoled her. "Anal slut, vaginal slut, cum slut... What the hell?"

"There's a girl in my class who's a total anal slut."


"Her name's Annie. She's known as Anal Annie."


"She always sticking things up her bum."

"What sort of things?" Jim asked her eagerly.

"Wax crayons, fingers, candles... You name it, she sticks it up her bum. She pays girls to finger her bum."

"I'll have to meet the little beauty."

"I don't suppose she'd pay you to..."

"I wouldn't want payment," he laughed. "I'd do it for..."

"She likes carrots. Fresh carrots. I tried sticking a carrot up my bum once but I couldn't get it in."

"We're going to have to meet again, Angelica."

"Yes, I'd like that. We're anal soul-mates now, aren't we?"

"Are we?"

"We've bonded, anally. Like blood-brothers, we're anal brothers."

"Yes, well... I suppose I'd better be getting back to the pub."

"I'll meet you in the woods this evening."

"Yes, yes," Jim breathed. "I'd like it in the woods. Like to meet you, I mean."

"Shall I bring Anal Annie with me?"

"God, yes."

"You'll like her. She's good fun."

"I'm sure that I'll like her."

"She is rather common, but a very nice girl."

"Common? Excellent. I love common girls. Right, I'll meet you behind the church at, say, seven o'clock?"

"We'll be there."

Slipping out of the bushes, Jim walked briskly down the drive to the gates and made his escape. The evening was going to be most interesting. Meeting Angelica and Anal Annie in the woods... But he had Cleo to face before the evening. She'd probably moan, complain because he was always nipping out of the pub. He'd deal with her later that evening, he decided. A damned good anal shafting would keep her quiet for a while. Angelica's mouth, Anal Annie's rectum and then Cleo's tight little bottom-hole. Jim had a busy evening ahead of him.