






C:\Users\HB78236\Documents\Personal\Book - To Add to File\Terraunum Map and World\Symbols - Races and Magic\Attachments_20161212 - PNG Files for Web\Snowflakes.png


Powers: Water Element

Symbol: Snowflake

Preferred Weapons: War Hammer




The first thing anyone notices about the Helion is their size. Men are usually close to eight feet tall, while the women are usually around seven. Their increase in size comes with an increase in strength, which is higher than that of all Senturians except those with a high-level Strength Quantum Power. It has been speculated that the blue-white skinned, white-haired giants developed their size to combat the cold weather, to the point that now they are immune to it. Despite their immunity, they prefer to wear leather and fur-lined clothing. They favor white as a color.

This lack of sensitivity to the cold has in turn increased their sensitivity to the weather. Helion are able to predict weather with astounding accuracy. Many consult the few Helion who venture outside the north before making major travel decisions that would be influenced the weather.

Tradition, history, family, and loyalty to the Helion nation are of paramount importance and are the overwhelming drive for everything they do. For the most part, other than trading, they are only concerned with what happens with the Helion, and leave the other Races alone. Like the Dwarves, only males are allowed to serve in the army, but that does not mean the women are any less formidable.

The capital of Nordheim is typical of Helion cities:  – a mix of building materials (wood, stone, metal) all covered in ice, with pointed and angular architecture. There are several other cities, but Nordheim is the biggest. It is home to the king and is the center of all government. All major decisions are brought before the king, and very little goes on outside of his knowledge or control.

With the short growing season, the Helion trade mostly for agricultural products to help sustain their population, while exporting timber, ice, and various products unique to their region.

The Winter Solstice is especially important to Helion, as they see it as the changing of the year between the cold and the warm, the sun and the moon, and the change from defense (survival) to offense (growth).

Military Structure:

Helion have a very rigid military structure and all males are trained to serve. The king is the highest ranking official, followed by three generals, and then individual units.

The Helion are one of the few Races who patrol their borders for more than just deterring crime; they are constantly wary that one of the other Races will try to take their land.

Because of the strong military presence and the harsh conditions, there is virtually no crime – other than those “against the Helion nation” – that can result in banishment or death.