As far back as we have recorded human history, crystals have had a role to play. For example, the word amethyst comes from an ancient Greek word meaning “not intoxicating.” The ancient Greeks would carry around an amethyst on a night of drinking because they believed it would help them keep a sober mind. Today, we recognize amethyst for its calming energy, and it is useful for those needing support when releasing an addiction or habit.
The Hindu link between crystals and subtle energy dates all the way back to the Rig Veda, an ancient Indian collection of Vedic Sanskrit hymns that recommends using seven gems to capture the sun’s rays. In the Puranas, a collection of religious and mythical Hindu literature, crystals were associated with areas of the body, the nine planets of our solar system, and fixtures in Vedic astrology.
Our world is constantly in motion and in communication with itself. Everything in it—from thoughts to colors to furniture—resonates at a vibrational frequency. Frequency is, basically, the speed that molecules rotate around each other. This causes an energetic wave, or vibration. Our vibrational field works in harmony with all other beings, and it is our responsibility to maintain it for collective health and wellness.
Crystals are defined by their incredibly organized internal structures, which are made up of repeating arrangements of atoms known as crystal lattices. These lattices influence what the crystal looks like and categorize them as the most stable state of matter.
When we share a space with a crystal, our energy bodies become more like that of the crystal, rather than the other way around. They superimpose harmonizing patterns of energy currents into the body’s energy field, or aura.
There are three categories of rock: igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic. They include all crystals.
Igneous rock is formed when intense pressure forces liquid magma or lava to the surface, where it eventually solidifies into rock. Over time, interlocking gemstones and crystals begin to grow within these rocks. Rock that solidifies underneath the surface is called intrusive; it cools slowly and has coarse mineral grains visible to the naked eye. Rock that hardens above the surface is called extrusive; it cools more quickly and its appearance is smooth, crystalline, and fine-grained. Cooling time, mineralogy, chemical composition, texture, and geometry all affect how igneous rocks are classified.
EXAMPLES: fire opal, obsidian
Sedimentary rocks are formed by the accumulation of mineral particles on the Earth’s surface as a result of weather and erosion. Over time, layers of fragments, along with mud and other organic and inorganic elements, are compacted into hard rock. Sedimentary rock covers three-quarters of the Earth’s surface, but represents only 8 percent of the total volume of the planet’s crust.
EXAMPLES: ruby, sapphire, quartz
Metamorphic rocks are made by recrystallization, which is caused by intense pressure and high temperatures, transforming the composition of a rock deep within the Earth’s crust, or through direct contact with hot magma.
EXAMPLES: jadeite, peridot
Crystals’ power comes from how they were created, and the oscillations of their internal structures creating vibrational frequencies. The Earth’s crust is composed of magma, liquid rock, that gets pushed up to the surface—by means of volcanic eruption, for example. This process may include intense heating and cooling. While a rock is going on its journey, it may pick up other minerals, which dictates what type of crystal it will become.
When a crystal grows, it develops lattices with gaps in the structure, extra atoms, or atoms of slightly different sizes. So even though crystals are in a state of equilibrium, this leaves a reservoir of extra electrons with nothing to do. We can give these electrons purpose by putting energy into the crystal. This enables crystals to act as transducers and transform one form of energy into another.
Energy is a property with the ability to do work. It can be transformed into other types of energy, but it cannot be created or destroyed. Think of stones as a source of potential energy that transforms into electrical energy when met with a heat source—such as your skin.
I always find it entertaining to ask people in crystal shops why they believe crystals are used in healing. My most recent encounter gave me insight not only on the crystals but on the young woman with whom I was talking. She told me that the power of crystals comes from the process of their creation. She said that their beauty is derived from the struggle they endure while forming. She was correct; crystals do go through a lot to develop as beautifully as they do. And perhaps that is why they are considered such powerful healers. Do you want to learn how to heal from heartbreak from someone who’s never been in a relationship? Or do you want to learn from someone who has been through relationship hell and has wisdom gained from how they triumphed? We all go through struggle, pain, and hardships. We all experience it differently. Sometimes the best way to channel great pain is to help others. Crystals can be seen in this light.
As you deepen your understanding of crystals, you’ll find that their symbolism is far from random. Each variety of crystal holds potent metaphorical importance through its metaphysical properties, historic uses, color, shape, and configurations. We can reveal vast meaning through each of these elements.
Turquoise, for example, was sacred to ancient Persian and Native American cultures, and it has been celebrated as a symbol of wisdom and prosperity for centuries. It is known to be a strengthening stone and is used for enhancing the immune system. This is connected to its physicality: It is classified as a phosphate, and phosphates are necessary for the formation of bones and teeth and also used by cells in energy production. Strength and more strength.
Another example: Ancient Egyptians placed quartz on the heads of the dead in their tomb to heal their souls and ensure a safe passageway to the afterlife. Today, quartz is widely regarded as the “master healer” stone and is a fundamental crystal in any energy healer’s toolbox.
Our understanding of the metaphysical properties of crystals is also part of collective consciousness. Some of what we know about crystals is channeled information from people who can sense the different benefits each variety offers. One such crystal expert is Judy Hall, who is said to “channel” the benefits of crystals through her abilities as a psychic medium. You can channel information from a crystal and sense its properties before you research it to see if you are in tune to the collective understanding of that crystal. Note that while each type of crystal is ascribed to different meanings, each individual crystal has its own entity and holds its own powers.
The rainbow of colors in which we find crystals is meaningful to the different chakras, the elements (such as earth, water, fire, and air), and color therapy. Color therapy, also known as chromotherapy, is a therapy method that uses color vibrations to heal the body. It’s based on how colors themselves vibrate at specific rates, which correlate to various physical embodiments.
There is also an understanding that crystals with a “milkier” appearance embody a feminine and receptive energy, and the clearer crystals have a more masculine energy.
According to philosophies set forth by Plato, everything in nature is built upon five geometrical formations called the platonic solids. When crystals form, they replicate these shapes, the building blocks of nature. When crystals have one or more of these formations, they symbolize the element of those platonic solids.
4 faces; represents element of fire. The fire element represents willpower, inner strength, transformation through action, and passion. Western zodiac representations of fire are Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius. Naturally occurs in Apophyllite crystal.
8 faces; represents the element of air. The air element represents intellect, mental intention, connection to life force, and love. Western zodiac representations of air are Libra, Aquarius, and Gemini. Naturally occurs in diamond crystal.
20 faces; represents the element of water. The water element represents emotions, being in natural flow. Western Zodiac representations of water are Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces. Not found in physical nature.
6 faces; represents the element of earth. The earth element represents animal instincts, foundation, grounding, and vitality. Western zodiac representation of earth are Capricorn, Taurus, and Virgo. Naturally occurs in pyrite crystal.
12 faces; represents the element of spirit. The spirit element represents energy, that which we cannot see. It has no zodiac representations. Naturally occurs in garnet crystal.
Crystals also form in many different configurations. They represent the beneficial energy that the crystals bring forth. Certain stones may have multiple configurations; they don’t just need to have one. When choosing crystals to work with, consider the symbolism of their configurations, to add depth to your work with them.
An abundance stone is a single larger piece with a lot of different smaller pieces connected all around it. It’s beneficial for taking note of the abundance around you and to wake you up out of a “lacking” energy.
A phantom is created when one crystal is forming when something happened in the earth and another crystal forms around it. These are beneficial for tapping into your internal guidance system and honoring your intuitive healer.
A cross is a stone in which two crystals formed crossing each other. It’s beneficial for when we feel at a crossroads in life and want added support.
Multiple points in a naturally occurring crystal cluster remind us that everyone has their own unique point of view, but all people are connected in community. It’s great for communication. Clusters may be helpful for people in polyamorous relationships by supporting clear and honest communication.
Naturally formed and usually quartz, laser wands become an extension of the user’s intentions and energy. They are excellent tools for breaking up stagnant energy or cutting energetic ties.
Vogel wands are designed by Marcel Vogel to symbolize the Tree of Life in Kabbalah. Distinguishable by their precise faceting, the female (receptive) end draws in energy, which spirals down the length of the crystal, being amplified every time it hits a facet. This highly amplified energy flows through the male end of the crystal (which is cut at a larger interior angle than the female end), where it is focused into a coherent, laser-like energy.
The faces of a generator crystal are even in size and come together at a point. Generators are considered a strong power source for other crystals, kind of like a battery. They are most often used to charge quartz crystals. Beneficial for meditation and psychic protection.
Double-terminated crystals have a naturally occurring point at both ends. They are helpful for when you want to both receive and give energy in a balanced way. And they’re beneficial when you need to nurture a relationship yet also ensure your energy is not being drained. They create circuitry with energy.
A rutilated crystal has strands of gold or another mineral within a naturally occurring crystal. It will amplify your intentions and can attract love and stabilize relationships. Rutilated quartz is particularly effective for getting things moving energetically. It can be used for helping slowed chakras return to normal spin and balance. Rutilated quartz is associated with the solar plexus chakra and is sometimes considered a link between the root and crown chakras.
A key crystal has a small cavity that was created by another crystal’s presence but was later removed. This configuration can be useful when you want to open up to different types of healing modalities (such as crystal or energy healing), or to gain a key insight to a situation.
A tantric twin crystal has two individual points of the same height, growing together at a base. This type of configuration is beneficial for one-on-one relationships. There are different types of twin configurations, including Gemini Twin, which has two crystal points growing from the same base, but that are clearly different crystal varieties.
This is a polished, man-made crystal sphere. Because they have no beginning or end, spheres support our intentions in the present moment. They represent completion, fullness, and the realization of all possibilities.
You may also encounter certain crystals that are carved and polished to have a shape that is symbolic of the type of healing it is being called to give. A rose quartz may be carved into a heart—to amplify the intention of feeling love, for example. Animals such as frogs, horses, or birds may be carved to invoke a Native American tradition of animal medicine or spirit guides. Angels, spheres, and skulls are just a few other examples of shapes crystals may be carved in to enhance the energy through their symbolic shapes.
Some crystal shapes have uses that more specifically involve sexuality. You may find one of these particularly helpful for the exercises in this book.
An Original Chakrub is a cylindrical wand that gradually gets larger from one end to the next. Note that it’s representative of the sacred space within a vagina, rather than a phallic symbol. Chakrubs are a way for many to experience pleasure without the underlying implication that a penis is required. Chakrubs are created from the “mother stone,” a large chunk of crystal that is polished down and shaped to be delivered to the owner, never having been previously owned.
Caution: Chakrubs are created specifically for use as intimate massagers. Crystal “wands” that you may find at new age stores are polished into wand shapes just like the animal or other shapes mentioned previously. These “wands” should not be used internally, not only because they may have been previously owned and thus have another person’s energies and may not be hygienic, but because they may be made of stone that isn’t recommended for internal use. Certain crystals, such as selenite, should not get wet.
This Chakrub is shaped more like a penis. Often when phallic symbols are carved out of crystal, they are seen as a representation of masculine energy. They are also seen as a sign of strength and fertility, and they can be used to heal from sexual trauma or shame. We can work with these stones when we want to provide energy and tap into our masculinity. We all have masculine and feminine energy present in our energy field, regardless of our gender identity. Vulvas and phallic symbols can be used to work with these energies when there is an imbalance.
Yoni eggs are special crystals carved and polished to resemble an egg. Yoni is a Sanskrit word meaning “source,” “womb,” and “vulva.” The yoni egg practice involves inserting the egg into the vagina and engaging the pelvic floor to do exercises with it inside. Some eggs come with a drilled hole in the middle for use with a string, to perform advanced yoni egg practices. Although this practice has gained popularity in the past several years, it is an ancient Chinese practice dating back more than 2,000 years. Traditionally, a jade egg was used for its heavy weight, which was deemed useful for vaginal exercises to help regain control over the vagina after childbirth. It has also been shown to increase blood flow and promote natural lubrication after menopause.
Shiva lingams are known as sacred stones in Hinduism. They are intentionally shaped to be symbolic of the phallus of the Hindu God Shiva and his union with the Goddess Kali. Formed by the tumbling Narmada River in Onkar Mandhata, one of the seven holy sites of India, they remind us to form ourselves through flow. The shape represents the male or masculine energy, while the pattern represents the female or feminine energy. They are perfect for facilitating spiritual evolution through tantra or sexual magic by calling us to invoke our creative power. Shiva lingams represents harmony and balance and facilitate the union of opposites, such as masculine and feminine or body and soul.
While many purveyors of this newly popularized trend say that it is good for “tightening” the vagina, I disregard that wording as I see it as not being body-positive language. When working with a yoni egg, regard it as a tool to strengthen yourself not just physically but in terms of the connection you have to your sacred space, womb, vulva, source energy. Being that these are egg-shaped and referred to as “yoni eggs,” we are focusing on giving attention to source energy, creative potential, nurturing ideas, and so on. “Birthing” the egg is another way to understand the full range of motion of the vaginal muscles, and to learn how to relax and release tension in the area.
Many different crystal varieties are available to use for this practice. Always do your research when making a purchase and choose a provider who is trusted and knows what crystals are safe for insertion. There are many courses available on the yoni egg practice online and with coaches. Resources are listed in the back of this book.
Already, when you make the initial steps into purchasing a new crystal, you are in the process of working with it. Crystals, being that they were formed with the earth, carry a type of consciousness within them that we do not yet fully understand. Many serious crystal healers believe that when you choose a crystal, it has actually already chosen you. Once you begin appreciating crystals and working with them, you’ll start feeling drawn to them in inexplicable ways. There have been many times in my life that I’ve been in a new city and I happen to walk into a souvenir shop that has nothing to do with metaphysics, and find my way over to a little hidden section in the shop with some crystals for sale. There have also been times when I’ve gone to a crystal shop and been struck by the beauty of a crystal, but when I hold it in my hand, I know that it isn’t for me. Though this is sometimes disappointing, choosing crystals is all about listening to your intuition. The process of choosing crystals is a great start to honoring your inner wisdom, because you really can’t make a mistake.
There are times when I’ve felt uncertain about crystals that I’ve acquired, and that becomes a mirror for me to observe the part of myself that sometimes feels insecure about decisions I make. In that way, they were the right crystals to choose.
When making a purchase, it is always a good idea and gracious act to seek out trusted retailers of crystals who are knowledgeable about the origins of the crystals to ensure that they were ethically sourced and mined. Supporting small businesses could also be a factor in the positive energy you create when making a purchase that will carry through to working with your new crystal.
When purchasing your crystals from a physical shop, you have the opportunity to spend time with different ones, tuning in to their energy to feel what’s right for you. When I go to metaphysical shops, I can sometimes feel overwhelmed by all the crystals, mystical products, and even the people working there. If you are sensitive, you may find it beneficial to do some emotional guarding work before going into a shop. Take a few deep breaths, and visualize a protective golden shield around you. Invisible cloaks work nicely, too. It may sound silly, but the act of wrapping yourself in an imagined cloak is like having a secret power of protection when you need it. Try it. It’s fun! Or, if it feels less silly, get an actual cloak or piece of clothing dedicated to invoking feelings of protection around you.
Once you get in the store, take your time and manage your breath. Wait for signals from your inner voice. You may get a sense of “hearing” a stone calling to you, or you may feel “right” when you hold one in your hand. And if you’re really just in love with the beauty of one, why not let that beauty move you? Many times, when we want to be more “spiritual,” we get confused about what it means and how to proceed. We think that things having to do with beauty are shallow, but that’s just another way we are judging ourselves, thus defeating the purpose of being more spiritually centered. If the beauty of a crystal excites you, don’t worry if you think you’re only picking it because of how it looks. If, when you pick it up and hold it, it feels right, go for it. Being physically attracted to a crystal is just another form of your intuition telling you what you need, and it’s just as valid as closing your eyes and relying on feel completely. Be confident in your ability to trust your instincts.
If you’re a serious lover of crystals, and I think you just might be, going into a crystal shop can be quite overwhelming! Also, if you’re anything like me, you may have to watch your wallet and not take every specimen home with you. It’s sometimes helpful to have a clear idea of what kind of crystal you’re looking for, and then, if you really feel another one pulling your attention, you can take that as a sign and get that one as well, but this way you’ll be entering the environment with a clear objective.
If you purchase your crystals online (see Resources), you can still use your intuition and feel which one is right for you. Again, use sites that offer plenty of information and have good reviews.
Crystals store energy, so cleanse them before working with them. Cleansing your crystal can be a special ceremony. When we are working with crystals as representations of aspects of ourselves that we want to nurture, cleansing becomes a way for us to remove the energetic debris we have collected. Removing these particles will help us see ourselves more clearly. Just as everyone picks up emotional baggage through living life, so do crystals. Taking the time to symbolically “wash” away what is no longer necessary should be a common practice for both ourselves and our crystals.
There are many ways to energetically cleanse crystals, so find the way that feels best for you.
• Brown rice bed: Arrange a bed of uncooked brown rice on a special plate and rest your crystals on it overnight.
• Sage: Light sage and allow the smoke to encompass your crystal. When the smoke envelopes the crystal, it is considered thoroughly cleansed. Use your intuition to determine how long it needs.
• Visualization: Imagine a white light pouring through the crystal and see it glowing from the inside out.
• Sound vibration: Use instruments with soothing tones, meditation music, or your voice to create sound vibration.
• Selenite: Selenite is a crystal that clears the energy of the space it is in. Keeping selenite near your crystals will automatically cleanse their energies.
• Flower petals and herbs: Place your crystals on a bed made of flower petals and/or herbs from your garden. Allow them to sit overnight. The leftover flowers and herbs can be used as a soil compost when you’re finished.
When working with Chakrubs or yoni eggs, you want to practice good hygiene. Mild natural soap and water is fine for after everyday use. If you wish to disinfect, a bath with a few drops of tea tree oil (melaleuca) and lavender oil is antiviral and antibacterial. Rinse thoroughly with warm water. Always speak to your doctor if you have health concerns, and never push your body to where it’s uncomfortable. Every body is different, so make sure it feels right to you.
TIP: When cleansing crystals with water, always make sure you know it is safe for the crystal, as some crystals deteriorate when wet.
Charging crystals is another way to prepare for and enhance your experience when working with them. When you charge a crystal, you are imbuing it with a specific energy and purpose that strengthens your intentions. There are many ways to charge your crystals.
To charge a crystal with a specific intention, find a quiet place to meditate, holding the crystal in your hand. Become clear on your intention for working with it and speak that intention into the crystal.
The sun represents masculine, action energy. Placing crystals in the sun is good for when you want to call in active changes. However, crystals such as amethyst, celestite, kunzite, opal, and turquoise may fade in sunlight, so charge them in moonlight instead.
The moon represents feminine, receptive energy. Placing your crystals out to be bathed in moonlight during different phases of the moon allows them to be charged with that energy.
• New moon: The new moon occurs when the sun and moon are in alignment, when the masculine energy of the sun merges with the feminine energy of the moon. It represents new beginnings and fresh starts. Charge your crystals under the new moon when you are setting an intention or programming them for a specific use.
• First quarter: The waxing quarter moon is a time to look critically at your challenges. You might want to bathe your crystals under this moon phase to call in personal growth or if you are looking for guidance on how to accomplish the intentions set under the new moon.
• Full moon: A full moon will be useful when you want to illuminate truths or feel the rewards of everything you have been sowing.
• Last quarter: The waning moon is a time to go within and recommit to yourself. Bathe your crystals in this light to nurture your emotions and encourage your intuition.
You may wish to meticulously place crystals around your living area in places that will remind you of your intentions for working with them and to help create beautiful and harmonious feelings in your home. For crystals that you plan to work with often, as in the practices on the following pages, you’ll want to create a space that honors both the work and the crystals themselves.
Clear glass display cases are a safe and aesthetic way to store your working crystals. You could also keep the clear box near a window to soak up moon and sun energy through the glass.
Altars are a great way to create a focal point in your living space for your crystals. An altar is a designated area for items that create meaning and focus energy for what is important to you. You can create a theme for your altar to address a specific area of your life, such as pleasure or abundance, or for your specific intentions when going through the practices listed in the following chapters. When creating your altar, choose items that inspire you and reflect your highest self. You might want to add something related to the four natural elements, such as candles to represent fire, seashells to represent water, or something specifically symbolic to your desires. Visit your altar for meditation, journaling, or grounding work. Make sure to clean it every so often and don’t be afraid to remove or add items as you evolve.