Growing up the eldest of four boys, I was blessed with a mother who insisted that we make our beds and learn to cook. After trying the oilfields in West Texas and a stint as an artist, it was time to come home to Albany Texas.

I became the cook at the Lambshead Ranch which was managed by Watt Matthews. I cooked breakfast for the cowboys, Watt and his family, and a big lunch for whoever was near the cookshack. Regularly, and always unexpectedly, as many as 30 people would drive 20 miles to the ranch for dinner after Watt’s impromptu invitation.

It’s true that a cowboy has a simple life and simple tastes, but don’t believe that a cowboy will eat just anything. It’s got to be good and filling. If it is, they’ll eat the same thing five days a week. I’m sure my experience as a ranch cook was little different than a chuck wagon cook 130 years ago. Cowboys like meat, beans, potatoes and bread. They like corn. Some will eat a green vegetable, especially if it’s fried. They want Ranch dressing, even if it’s from a bottle. Because of these limitations, it was a challenge to create meals they liked. I found out that I really liked experimenting.

That resulted in a new experiment, aided by Watt, who was also keenly interested in history. With his blessing, I rebuilt an old chuck wagon using authentic materials and methods. This new pastime resulted in my serving on the board and eventually as president of the Ranching Heritage Center in Lubbock. The Center’s goal is to capture historical life on Texas ranches through its architecture, stories and memorabilia.

I no longer cook at Lambshead regularly, but am in charge of maintenance and equipment upkeep there. After cooking for cowboys and ranch guests for so long, I was asked by people to “cook” for other events. And they were really interested in chuck wagon cooking. It may have been a novelty at first, but after people ate our cooking, they knew it was simple but delicious.

Now I am not only cooking for the pleasure of the cowboys or my family, but I enjoy cooking with others who love to cook, who love history and who have a passion for mixing the two.