1.     “China’s Online Shopping GMV Approached 5 Trillion Yuan in 2016,” iResearch, February 14, 2017, http://www.iresearchchina.com/content/details7_30708.html.

  2.     Boston Consulting Group and AliResearch Institute, “The New China Playbook: Young, Affluent, E-Savvy Consumers Will Fuel Growth,” December 2015.

  3.     Catherine Cadell, “Alibaba Posts Record Singles’ Day Sales, but Growth Slows,” Reuters, November 11, 2016, http://www.reuters.com/article/us-alibaba-singlesday-idUSKBN13605X.

  4.     Gabriel Wildau and Leslie Hook, “China Mobile Payments Soar as US Clings to Plastic,” Financial Times, February 14, 2017.

  5.     Selena Wang, “Alibaba’s E-Commerce App Has a Social Network Facebook Would Love,” Bloomberg, August 22, 2016.

  6.     Ibid.

  7.     Alissa Coram, “Move Over, Alibaba: Check Out This Other China E-Commerce Name,” Investor’s Business Daily, March 31, 2017.

  8.     Lulu Yilun Chen and Shai Oster, “China Startup ‘Little Red Book’ Said to Be Valued at $1 Billion,” Bloomberg, March 30, 2016.

  9.     Frank Lavin, interview by author, April 14, 2016.

  10.   Ibid.

  11.   Twenty US dollars were worth about RMB133 as this book went to press.

  12.   Lavin interview.

  13.   Goldman Sachs, “China E+Commerce: Shopping Re-imagined,” February 28, 2017, 8; eMarketer, “Worldwide Retail Ecommerce Sales: eMarketer Forecast for 2016” (eMarketer, August 2016).

  14.   “Amazon’s Jeff Bezos Looks to the Future,” 60 Minutes, December 1, 2013, http://www.cbsnews.com/news/amazons-jeff-bezos-looks-to-the-future/.

  15.   McKinsey & Company, “China’s eTail Revolution: Online Shopping as a Catalyst for Growth,” March 2013.

  16.   Bain & Company, “China’s E-commerce: The New Branding Game,” 2015.

  17.   Boston Consulting Group and AliResearch Institute, “The New China Playbook: Young, Affluent, E-Savvy Consumers Will Fuel Growth,” December 2015.

  18.   McKinsey & Company, “China’s eTail Revolution.”

  19.   Alizila Staff, “An introduction to Taobao Villages,” Alizila, January 17, 2016, http://www.alizila.com/an-introduction-to-taobao-villages/.

  20.   Susan Wang, “Alibaba’s Centers Now Reach 16,000 Villages,” Alizila, May 26, 2016, http://www.alizila.com/alibabas-rural-service-centers-reach-16000-villages/.