Chapter Seven



As we have seen, the evidence carved into the granite artifacts in Egypt clearly points to manufacturing methods that involved the use of machinery such as lathes, milling machines, ultrasonic drilling machines, and high-speed saws. They also possess attributes that cannot be produced without a system of measurement that is equal to the system of measure we use today. Their accuracy was not produced by chance, but is repeated over and over again.

After I assimilated the data regarding the ancient Egyptians' manufacturing precision and their possible and—in some instances—probable methods of machining, I suspected that to account for the level of technology that the pyramid builders seem to have achieved, they must have had an equally sophisticated energy system to support it. One of the pressing questions we raise when we discuss ancient ultrasonic drilling of granite is, "What did they use as a source of power?" A still more forceful inquiry regarding the use of electricity necessary to power ultrasonic drills or heavy machining equipment that may have been used to cut granite is, "Where are their power plants?" Obviously there are no structures from the ancient world that we can point to and identify as fission reactors, or turbine halls. And why should we have to? Isn't it a bit misguided of us to form an assumption that the ancient power plants were even remotely similar to ours?

Nevertheless, there may be some fundamental similarities between ancient and modern power supplies, in that the power plants in existence today are quite large and all need a supply of water for cooling and steam production. If such an advanced society existed in prehistory and if indeed they had an energy system, we could logically surmise that their power plants in all probability would be the largest construction projects they would attempt. It also may follow that, as the largest creations of the society, those power plants would stand a good chance of surviving a catastrophe and the erosion of the elements during the centuries that followed.

The pyramids easily meet these requirements. These geometric relics of the past, which have been studied, speculated about, and around which so much debate has centered, are located near a water supply, the Nile River, and, indeed, are the largest building projects that this ancient society completed. In light of all the evidence that suggests the existence of a highly advanced society utilizing electricity in prehistory, I began to seriously consider the possibility that the pyramids were the power plants of the ancient Egyptians.

Like just about every other student of the Egyptian pyramids, my attention was focused on the Great Pyramid, primarily because this is the one on which everybody else's attention had been focused, resulting in more research data being available for study. The reports of each successive researcher's discoveries inside the Great Pyramid are quite detailed, especially Petrie's. It is as though researchers became obsessed with reporting data, regardless of how insignificant it may have seemed.

Researchers have especially noted the Great Pyramid's geometric dimensions. Having worked with dimensions and angles all my working life—not just for the sake of dimensions themselves—their relevance in the Great Pyramid, while being important, was not of a primary concern to me. The dimensions, after all, are not the object, but a means to create the object. The area of study that I felt would reveal the true purpose of the Great Pyramid was a thorough examination of the inner chambers, passages, and every little detail that has been noted within them. While I was studying the inner chambers and passages of the Great Pyramid, I became convinced that I was looking at the prints for an extremely large machine, except this machine had been relieved of its inner components for some inexplicable reason. It is difficult to envision a machine that big, but with this basic premise I studied the drawings a little closer in order to obtain an understanding of how it might have operated.

The tremendous amount of masonry used in constructing this edifice suggested to me that there were things happening inside this pyramid that made such quantity necessary. Also, it seemed that the only logical reason an advanced civilization would have to build such a structure, at an obviously vast expenditure of time and energy, would be the same and only reason our civilization would need to duplicate it—to provide the population with some return on their investment. Energy would be such a return.

At the time the early explorers were crawling through the Great Pyramid, science and technology were at such a point that the basic foundations for explaining its true purpose had not yet been laid. At that time in our technological history, it would have been impossible for those researchers to entertain the thoughts recorded in this book; therefore, it is true to say that the science embodied in the Great Pyramid was lost to early explorers. But is this ancient science still lost?

I believe that the scientific foundation has been laid to attain that elusive lost science. In proposing my theory that the Great Pyramid is a power plant, I am not adamantly adhering to anyone proposition. The possibilities may be numerous. However, the main facts are inescapable, for they were noted many years ago, and it would be impossible for an open-minded, logically thinking person to disregard them.

As we head toward the new millennium, the interest in ancient civilizations and the pyramids is gaining momentum. The idea that the Great Pyramid of Giza was built for the generation or as a source of energy is not new. Other authors have alluded to this idea and have made valuable contributions in the research of the Great Pyramid.

It is an exciting time we are living in. New information coming from Giza indicates that the theory that follows will find more evidence and proof to support it. Rudolph Gantenbrink's exploration in 1993 provided some of that proof, as I will shortly discuss. And testing in the Great Pyramid's King's Chamber by Tom Danley of the Schor expedition—though currently shrouded in secrecy imposed by a nondisclosure agreement—promises to reveal a tremendous amount of new and relevant information. Through the efforts of these researchers, and the groundwork laid by generations of others' enlightenment is about to dawn in the hazy world of Egyptology and we can be confident that the real truth about our distant ancestors in prehistory will soon come to light. The theory that follows, and the evidence I have gathered to support it, will, I hope, bring us one step further into the light of awareness about our species—where we were, where we are, and where we may be heading.


FIGURE 28. The Earth's Layers