
Entry# 3 - Raising The Roof


The storm was reaching a fever pitch now, and the rain fell in gray curtains that obscured my view of anything beyond just a few feet! All around me now lightning was dropping from the sky. One second it was nearly pitch black and then a sudden flash would bathe the whole rain-soaked world in blinding light! The bolts were so close and the thunder so loud that each strike was almost as powerful as a punch in the head! I reeled left and then right, trying to keep my footing on the muddy ground and not die from a lightning bolt. My heart was pounding so hard I could hear it in my ears!

“There!!” Pete screamed out. “The barn is just ahead of us!”

I squinted and tried my best to keep the rain from hitting my eyes. Not far in front of us, a large shape was looming out of the darkness. We were nearly there! A few more muddy steps and we reached the wall. It took several more agonizing moments to finally find the barn door, and then we began to bang furiously to let the people inside know we were there!

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, the large red door opened just a crack and Pete and myself spilled inside, chased by a stream of angry rain, upset to see us leave. I crumpled to the floor, happy to be alive. A few other folks who had made it to the barn rushed to help Pete and me, bringing us warm blankets and a change of clothes. Outside, the storm seemed to rage with ever-increasing fury.

There were probably ten people in the barn. It was tough to say since the electricity had gone out and we only had a few candles to huddle around. But we banded together tightly and tried to encourage one another.

“Have you ever seen anything like this?” asked a woman named Sarah. “I've been coming to this server for a long time now and never witnessed an event like this!”

“No, this is very strange indeed.” another man spoke up from the shadows. “I've never heard of a storm like this ANYWHERE in the Roblox world!”


Another bolt of lightning struck, and from the sounds of it, it had hit the barn itself. The whole structure groaned, almost as if it was in agony. Then, several more cracking sounds echoed through the barn, and I could feel a wet breeze hitting my face.

“The barn!” I shouted. “It's breaking apart!”

Sure enough, the last lightning bolt had caused a large rift in the roof at one end of the barn, and the strain was causing it to split open slowly. Rain began to pelt the ground, eagerly attempting to get inside and drown us.

“Everyone hold tight!” The calm voice of Pete rang out. “There's nowhere else to go at this point, so we shouldn't lose our heads. Let's try and gather in a corner away from the hole in the roof.”

Without acknowledging it, we knew this was the best course of action. The roof was splitting wider and wider with each passing second, but we were out of options and had nowhere to run. So our little band of people all pressed into one corner of the barn and huddled together, waiting for the storm to end, and hoping that we would all live to see another day!