By Tuesday morning, I’d resolved that we would have to change the sex of Jack and Angie’s baby to a girl, just to keep the viewers guessing. When the episode aired, we wanted them to be surprised.

On the other hand, we’d already announced the sex of the baby in the final scene of the episode we’d filmed last week. Of course, that episode hadn’t aired yet. It wouldn’t for another week. Hmm. Maybe we could get Kat back in here to do a voice-over and then somehow dub the rest.

No, we couldn’t get Kat back in here. She was happily curled up at home with a new baby—a real baby—in her arms. I wouldn’t wrestle her back to the studio for anything in the world.

Maybe we could go to her. Maybe we could take a camera, some microphones, a—Tia, what are you thinking? Have you gone crazy? Of course we’re not going to her house. That would be asking her to go above and beyond the call of duty. The only people who needed to live like that were the director and the producer. And sometimes the actors, but not right after giving birth.

When I arrived at the studio, I tried to put the problem out of my mind. Unfortunately, my sister seemed bent on making me feel bad. I should have just apologized first thing, but the sour expression on her face let me know I needed to keep my distance. She must’ve somehow tipped Bob off to my suspicions, because he seemed to give me the cold shoulder too. Was it my imagination, or was he really snubbing me?

By midmorning, my nerves were on edge. Gone was the peace I’d felt during the Sunday morning service. In its place, raw nerves, exposed and aching. And my sister’s erratic behavior did nothing to calm me down. She seemed to be playing to my suspicions, hovering around Bob and giggling like a schoolgirl.

I approached her, ready to get this apology over with. But as soon as I came over, she reached for Bob’s arm and gazed into his eyes, batting her lashes like a helicopter approaching liftoff.

He gave her a coy smile. “Beni, I had the craziest dream last night.”

“Oh?” She giggled and glanced my way, likely to make sure I was watching.

“Yes, I dreamed I was kidnapped by cannibals.”

My sister’s eyes widened. “Ooo, what happened?”

“Well, they took me away to the Amazon rain forest, to their leader.”

“What did he do?”

“She.” Bob slipped his arm over my sister’s shoulder.

“What did she do?” Benita’s voice grew more animated.

“That’s up to you.” Bob gave her a wink and pulled her close.

“Huh?” My sister’s little giggle reflected her confusion.

“She looked just like you, so I figured the dream would pick up when I got to work. So, now that you’ve caught me in your lair, what are you going to do with me?”

Suddenly I felt sick. At least I had to give it to him—Bob could come up with a great story. That’s why we kept him on the payroll.

Benita finally got the joke and giggled. “Oh, you’re so cute.” She slapped him on the arm. She turned to me, gave me a charming look, and said, “Isn’t he just the sweetest thing, Tia? I mean, really, who could say no to a great guy like this?”

“Music to my ears.” He squared his shoulders. “So will you go out with me?”

“Well, I’m kind of seeing this other guy. Julio.” She looked my way again, as if to rub it in.

My stomach churned. Why are you doing this, Beni? Enough already. Can’t you see I came over here to apologize?

She released an exaggerated sigh. “He’s the most handsome man God ever put on the earth. We’re perfect for each other.”

You would’ve thought this would hurt Bob’s feelings, but he didn’t look terribly downcast. “Look, I’m a writer. We can have Julio’s character killed off, no problem. That just leaves me. So, what about it? What say the two of us go to a movie this Friday night?”

“Ooo, a movie?” She sighed. “I’ve been dying to see Brock’s new movie. It releases this weekend, right?”

“Yeah.” Bob nodded. “It’s a date then?”

“Sure. The idea of sitting in a theater staring at Brock Benson’s gorgeous face gets me all tingly inside.”

Bob shrugged. “As long as I’m the one holding your hand while you’re tingling.”


She leaned over and gave him a little kiss on the cheek. I thought he might fall over. He put his hand on his face and sighed. “I’m never washing this cheek again.”

As she rose, I noticed the searing glance she shot my way. It could’ve burned holes through me if I’d let it. Clearly her flirtatious scene with Bob was meant for me, but why? Seeing them together only strengthened my resolve to end the feud sooner rather than later. I could put an end to all of this with, “I’m sorry, Benita. I don’t know what I was thinking.” Only, now she took off across the room, headed straight for Brock. Great. I couldn’t apologize in front of him.

Not that I had time, anyway. Glancing at my watch, I realized we needed to get this show on the road.

I heard Lenora’s voice ring out behind me. I turned, somewhat surprised to see her carrying an open umbrella and wearing a black coat over a long, gray skirt. She also appeared to be carrying a large carpetbag. Odd.

Well, odd until I heard her singing “Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious.” Then it all made sense.

“Ooo, I always loved that movie,” Athena said as she passed by. “But I could never figure out how Mary Poppins got all of that stuff into her bag.”

“That’s for me to know and you to find out.” Lenora winked and headed off down the hall.

Yep. Just another day on the Stars Collide set.

Our resident diva child, Candy, entered the room with her mother on her heels. The youngster had proven to be quite a handful, but Mama Bianca was far worse. I dreaded the days when Candy was featured in an episode, because it meant dealing with the world’s worst stage mother. And I could tell she had something on her mind this morning.

“Tia, I’m not happy with Candy’s costume for this NASA shoot. She doesn’t look good in gray.”

Interesting. Apparently neither do I.

“I would like her in a blue shirt. If you look at her contract, you’ll see that it stipulates a list of colors that she can be filmed in. Gray is not on the list. Frankly, I don’t see how anyone could think that gray is even a color.”

Are you kidding me?

“I tried to talk to Jana back in wardrobe, but you know how she is.”

Yeah, I do. Sweet. Kind. Gracious.

“So I must come to you once again to make things right.” Bianca gave me a half smile, albeit sarcastic. “You’re the boss, after all.”

Funny. I didn’t much feel like the boss today.

“I’ll take care of it, Bianca.” I forced a smile. “Candy will look beautiful, I promise.”

With a curt nod, the irritable stage mom turned and headed back to the wardrobe department.

I was just about to gather the cast and crew when Rex approached, worry lines etched in his brow.

“What’s happened?” I whispered. “Something else with the media?”

“No.” He shook his head. “It’s Lesleigh Conroy. She’s still sick. Erin’s going to have to do the run-through for her.”

“Ah.” Man. When Lesleigh arrived tomorrow, we would have to double our efforts to bring her up to speed. In the meantime, I called for Erin. She approached, eyes sparkling.

“G’morning, Tia.”

“Good morning to you too. Would you do me a little favor?”

“Of course. Anything. Your wish is my command.”

Perfect. “I need you to fill in for Lesleigh again today.”

Erin’s mouth opened. “Oh. You mean in the run-through?”

“Yes, do you mind?”

“I guess not.” She shrugged. “I’m a little out of my element, but I’ll do my best.”

“I know you will, Erin. You always do.”

Clapping my hands, I managed to gather the cast and crew. “All right, everyone. We’re going to run through this thing scene by scene.” I explained that Erin would be filling in for Lesleigh, and everyone seemed to take the news in stride.

Well, those who were paying attention, anyway. I was slightly distracted by Bianca and Candy, who argued with Jana off in the distance. I would have to remedy this at once. Bianca would win, of course. Candy would wear blue. What did it really matter, anyway? Some things weren’t worth fighting for.

Unfortunately, the morning seemed to be going every direction but the right one. Things got off to a rough start right away as I argued with Brock about—of all things—his characterization. If someone had told me a year ago that I’d be standing in a room with Brock Benson, directing a scene, I would’ve swooned. Ironic that I used the opportunity to chew him out.

“I’m not sure you’re understanding me,” I said. “I think your portrayal of this character is a little weak. You could give it more.”

“More what?” he asked. “I’m not clear on that.”

“You have to actually become the character. Have you spent much time with Greek people?”

He shrugged. “A few.”

“Well, get to know Athena and Stephen, our writers. They can give you all the advice you’ll ever need and will help you with the accent and mannerisms.” To cheer him up, I added, “And they’ll feed you the best gyros in town while they’re doing it. Athena’s dad owns Super Gyros.”

“Ooo, I love that place.” He licked his lips.

One crisis averted.

We’d just gotten into the scene again when Scott’s cell phone went off. “So sorry,” he said. “This is Kat. I’ve got to take it.”


Two minutes later he announced to the cast and crew that baby Katherine had apparently smiled for the first time.

“It’s gas,” Jason whispered, leaning my way. “Trust me. Babies don’t smile when they’re this young.”

I buried my laughter and kept going. We’d almost made it through the first scene when the nastiest aroma filled the room. Gag me. Out of the corner of my eye, I caught a glimpse of Joey with a wicked grin on his face. Next to him, Candy began to squirm. Her nose wrinkled and she turned to face him, ready to interrupt the scene.

Don’t do it. I shook my head just in case she happened to look my way. Don’t do anything to stop this scene, or . . .

Ack. The odor now permeated the room. A teeny-tiny giggle erupted, but Brock and Scott continued their lines, thank goodness.

We made it through the second scene, and I marveled at what a great job Erin did. She was actually the strongest of all of them. From there, we dove into the toughest scene of all, the one involving the kids. Unfortunately, they were on their worst behavior today. From the sidelines I watched as Bianca tried to give Candy direction. I hated when the parents did that. Did they not trust me to do my job?

I got so aggravated that I had to stop. With my hands on my hips, I turned to the kids. “Let’s try that again, okay? Candy, you stand on Joey’s right this time.”

“But . . .” She looked at her mother, not at me.

I shook my head. “No buts. Just do as I say.”

Bianca’s mouth tightened, and I felt sure I would hear from her after rehearsal. We plowed through the scene, my directing skills taking a beating every step of the way. I watched as my sister looked on from a distance. She rolled her eyes, and I could almost read her thoughts: You call yourself a director?

Yes, thank you very much, I do. And if you’ll get out of here, I’ll do my job.

Unfortunately, she didn’t leave. And during the fourth scene, I managed to lose control of the cast altogether. Lenora, who was supposed to appear stage left, was MIA. Rex went off to find her, finally locating her in the costume department. She couldn’t seem to remember any of her lines, so we fed them to her one by one. Her mental state—always fuzzy—was far worse than usual.

In fact, everything was far worse than usual. And though I did my best to maintain my composure, keeping in mind Dr. Kennedy’s warning about my stress level, I could not. By the time we hit four in the afternoon, I was ready to snap like a twig. Everyone in the room could sense it, from the looks of terror on their faces.

I caught a glimpse of Jason, who gave me a compassionate look. I marveled at how much things had changed between us over the past few weeks. Why, just a few months back, he would have been the first to roll his eyes at me. Not now, though. No, all I saw coming from those eyes today was genuine kindness.

When five o’clock rolled around, we’d gone through each scene multiple times, and I felt a little better about our situation. Still, there were details to be worked out. Candy’s costume situation. Brock’s characterization problems. Lenora’s inability to remember lines. Gathering my cast into a cluster center stage, I gave some final instructions, tried to look encouraging, and then released them to go home.

Benita marched past me, her nose in the air. The others left with their heads hanging low. Great. Love it when I have that effect on my cast. Despite my best efforts, I’d managed to end the day on a sour note once again. So much for having control inside the studio. And so much for thinking I could leave my stress at the door.

I half expected Jason to hang around and chat, but he seemed to be in a hurry tonight. Was it my imagination, or had he hurried off after Benita? The very idea made me sick. Well, why not? Hadn’t she already stolen my blind date? Why not take the only guy I was interested in too?

Calm down, Tia.

I waited until the others had left, then worked out the costume issue with Jana in the wardrobe department. Afterward I headed to my car, ready to hit the road. Though it wasn’t on my agenda, I found myself stopping off at Kat and Scott’s place to see the baby one more time. This time I found Kat in the living room, nursing Katherine.

“Okay to come in?” I asked.

“Of course. Come on.” She pulled the little baby blanket over her shoulder and gestured for me to sit in the wingback chair. “How did it go at work today?”


“Scott said it was a little shaky. You’re missing Lesleigh Conroy?”

“Yeah, she’s really sick.”

“Oh no. What did you do?”

“Erin filled in for her. She’s amazing. One of the strongest actresses I’ve seen in ages.” Too late I realized what I’d said and clamped a hand over my mouth.

“Oh, don’t be silly. You can’t possibly hurt my feelings.” She gazed at the baby. “Besides, who knows? Maybe I won’t go back to acting now that Katherine’s here. I’d be perfectly content to sit in this room and take care of her . . . forever.”

A ripple of fear ran through me until I realized that all new moms probably felt this way. Give Kat a couple months, and hopefully she’d be ready to come back.

“You can bring the baby to work.”

“Oh, I know. Scott and I have hired a full-time nanny. She’s been with me every step of the way, and she’ll come with me to the studio. I’m sure it’ll be fine. But my figure . . .” She groaned. “I hope and pray I’m back in shape by the time I come back in the fall.”

“Don’t worry about it, Kat. If I’ve learned one thing, it’s that you just have to be yourself.”

“You’ve learned this lesson, eh?” She smiled. “And you had to go and learn it while I was away?”


She gave me a pensive look. “Tell me why you really stopped by.”

I released a sigh. “I went to the doctor.”

“You’ve been sick?”

“Well, I’ve had some allergies. At least, I thought I had allergies. Now I’m not so sure. They’re going to do tests.”

“What do you mean?” Now she really looked concerned.

“The allergist thinks I’m overworked and overstressed.”

“Well, yeah.” She chuckled. “What else is new?”

“She says the stress is causing my immune system to not function as it should. Go figure.”

“Well, God designed us to rest, Tia. Even he took a day off.”

“Everyone keeps telling me that. I take the weekends off.”

“Do you?”

I sighed again. “Well, I try. But my house is under construction.”

“I know you’ve heard the old expression about burning the candle at both ends, so I won’t bore you by going into detail.” Kat gazed down at her baby. “And trust me, after years of nonstop working, I’d be a hypocrite to say I’d led by example. But sitting here with this little girl every day—seeing how peaceful she is in my arms—has been a wakeup call.”


“Yeah.” She stared at the baby, the most contented look on her face. “Peace. Quiet. Rest. They’re all key ingredients to a happy, healthy life.” She looked my way and shrugged. “I know you can’t quit your job, Tia. And I’m sure that wouldn’t solve the problem, anyway. You’d still find something to keep you busy.”


“I just think you need to take some time every day to relax. Get a massage.”

“A massage?” Hmm. How many years had it been?

“Maybe a pedicure too. And a manicure.”

I could feel my body relax as she spoke. The tension in my shoulders lifted.

“But most of all, you just need to get alone with God. Pour your troubles on him. Ask him to carry that stress for you.” With tears in her eyes, she smiled at baby Katherine. “I really think the Lord wants us to be this relaxed in his arms.” She nodded at the bundle in her arms. “See how calm she is? How peaceful?”

“Do you really think it’s possible in Hollywood?” I asked.

She gazed into the baby’s face and whispered, “I do.”

I felt a sense of ease come over me as she spoke. For the first time in weeks, I truly felt like I could let God take all of this anxiety from me. All I had to do . . . was let it go.