
Female Head Side

Just as you find different face styles in manga, you will also encounter different profile designs. In some manga, the features are very sharp and edgy, while in others they are very unrealistic and small. In this demo, I’ll focus on the least complicated form of profile designs.

STEP 1: Know Your Guidelines

Draw a circle, then divide the circle in half with a vertical symmetry line. This vertical line will indicate where the ear will be placed later.

STEP 2: Draw the Jaw and Neck

Sketch very roughly the shape of your character’s nose and jaw, and draw the neck. These are guidelines that you will follow to help you draw more accurately.

STEP 3 Draw the Eye Guidelines

Right above the nose, sketch two horizontal lines. You will be drawing your character’s eye inside these lines.

STEP 4: Draw the Eyelashes and Ears

Draw the eyelashes within the two horizontal lines in the shown shape. Make sure that they are not too close to the edge of the face. Sketch the ear behind the vertical line drawn in step 1.

STEP 5: Draw the Mouth and Eye

By using the nose/jaw shape as an outline, draw the face profile of your female character. Pay attention to where you place the mouth; it must always be lower than the ears. Draw the eye’s pupil and iris at a tilted angle. In some cases, the iris is very narrow to give a better feel for where the character is looking.

STEP 6: Draw the Hair

Sketch the character’s hair, following the initial guidelines you set when drawing the head. The hair shouldn’t go beyond that circle (except for the length) or the character will look out of proportion. In some cases, you may need to readjust it, as you will see in the next demo.

STEP 7: Erase Guidelines

Once you are done with your sketch, erase the guidelines. Then ink and color your drawing.