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Image Missing


AF      Atkinson Family
AP      Abergavenny Papers, Eridge Park
BA      Baring Archive, London
BC       Boston College, Chestnut Hill
BL       British Library, London
BLO      Bodleian Library, Oxford
CAE       Cambridgeshire Archives, Ely
CAK      Cumbria Archives, Kendal
CL      Caird Library, National Maritime Museum, Greenwich
CUL       Cambridge University Library, Cambridge
DM      Devonshire Manuscripts, Chatsworth
DUL      Durham University Library, Durham
EUL      Edinburgh University Library, Edinburgh
GM      Gentleman’s Magazine
HA       Hertfordshire Archives, Hertford
HL      Huntington Library, San Marino
HRO      Hampshire Record Office, Winchester
ICWS      Institute of Commonwealth Studies, London
JA      Jamaica Archives, Spanish Town
KA       Kent Archives, Maidstone
KCUP      Kislak Center, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia
LSF      Library of the Society of Friends, London
NA      National Archives, Kew
NAM      National Army Museum, London
NAW      Northumberland Archives, Woodhorn
NHSN      Natural History Society of Northumbria, Newcastle
NJHS      New Jersey Historical Society, Newark
NJSA      New Jersey State Archives, Trenton
NLS      National Library of Scotland, Edinburgh
NLW      National Library of Wales, Aberystwyth
NRS      National Records of Scotland, Edinburgh
NYHS      New-York Historical Society, New York
RGDJ      Registrar-General’s Department, Jamaica
RM      Ringwood Manor, New Jersey
SA      Staffordshire Archives, Stafford
SRO      Suffolk Record Office, Lowestoft
SV      Slave Voyages (see Digital Resources)
TWA      Tyne & Wear Archives, Newcastle
UNA      University of Nottingham Archives, Nottingham
WL      Wellcome Library, London
YUL      Yale University Library, New Haven


The Burney Collection


The vast newspaper collection of the Rev. Charles Burney, now digitized and searchable online. A tip for researchers: bear in mind that during the eighteenth century a letter resembling ‘f’ was used for an ‘s’ at the start or in the middle of a word, so a word search for ‘Atkinfon’ (for example) will yield many more results than one for ‘Atkinson’.

Founders Online (

The correspondence and other writings of six founding fathers of the United States – George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, Alexander Hamilton and James Madison – searchable by date, author and recipient.

Legacies of British Slave-ownership (

A centre for the study of colonial slavery and its legacy in modern-day Britain. Its database identifies all the slave owners in the British West Indies, the Cape and Mauritius who claimed compensation following the abolition of slavery in 1833; it also includes the ownership histories of thousands of estates.

National Library of Scotland: Maps of Jamaica


James Robertson’s map of Jamaica, published in 1804, is the most detailed survey of the island at the height of its prosperity, showing the location of more than eight hundred sugar plantations. Now georeferenced, it can be viewed as a zoomable overlay on a modern Google map – an invaluable resource for those tracking down old estates.

The Papers of George Washington: Digital Edition


The letters and diaries of the first President of the United States, searchable within the text as well as by date, author and recipient.

Slave Voyages (

A comprehensive database of the transatlantic slave trade, drawing on British, Dutch, French, Portuguese and Spanish-language archives around the Atlantic world. It shines light on more than 36,000 slave-trading voyages, giving details of itineraries, dates, nationalities, names of ships, captains and shipowners, embarkation numbers and mortality rates.


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