Debussy as a young man in the early 1880s

Antoine Marmontel, Debussy’s first piano teacher at the Conservatoire

Ernest Guiraud, Debussy’s first composition teacher

At Luzancy (seated) with Jeanne Chausson, Ernest Chausson and Raymond Bonheur, 1893

Gaby Dupont

The day after the première of Pelléas et Mélisande, May 1902

Lilly Debussy in Paul Dukas’s library at Eragny, 1902

With his fox terrier, Boy, and collie, Xanto, 1907

With Erik Satie in 1910, taken by Igor Stravinsky

On the beach with Chouchou, Houlgate, 1911

At Saint-Jean-de-Luz, summer 1917