About the Naked Author

Once Upon a Time…

Harlan Cohen is a New York Times bestselling author of five books, a professional speaker, and syndicated advice columnist.

Harlan’s writing career began at Indiana University’s school newspaper, the Indiana Daily Student. He shifted his path toward advice after interning at The Tonight Show with Jay Leno in the summer of 1995. Harlan was inspired to begin writing his column after meeting a writer who had penned a similar column while in college. When he returned to campus, Harlan immediately launched his Help Me, Harlan! advice column. At first, he wrote questions and answers to himself. When he started to help himself, he knew he was good. Then real letters started rolling in. Harlan’s balance of honest advice, helpful resources, and sharp humor turned the column into an instant success on and off campus. As the column spread, Harlan began writing books, speaking on college campuses, launching his websites, and creating original music to bring the topics addressed in his writing to life.

Harlan is the bestselling author of the books The Naked Roommate: And 107 Other Issues You Might Run Into in College (Sourcebooks), The Naked Roommate: For Parents Only (Sourcebooks), The Naked Roommate’s First Year Survival Workbook (Sourcebooks), Getting Naked: Five Steps to Finding The Love of Your Life (While Fully Clothed and Totally Sober) (St. Martin’s Press), Dad’s Expecting Too! (Sourcebooks), and Campus Life Exposed: Advice from the Inside (Peterson’s). Harlan’s writing has been featured in the New York Times, Wall Street Journal Classroom Edition, Real Simple, Details magazine, Seventeen magazine, Psychology Today, and hundreds of other newspapers and publications. King Features Syndicate distributes Harlan’s Help Me, Harlan! advice column worldwide. He has been a guest on hundreds of radio and television programs, including the Today Show. Harlan is a professional speaker who has visited over 400 college campuses. He is an expert who addresses teen issues, college life, parenting, pregnancy, dating, relationships, consent, sex, no sex, rejection, risk-taking, leadership, women’s issues, and a variety of other topics.

Harlan is the founder of the websites www.NakedRoommate.com and www.HarlanCohen.com. He is the producer and singer/songwriter on his album Fortunate Accidents.

He lives in Chicago, Illinois, with his wife (his lifelong naked roommate), three young children, and dog.

In his spare time he thinks about how little spare time he has (and then his spare time is over, leaving him thinking about how he squandered his spare time, eating up more spare time…). Hey, thanks for spending your time (spare or not) reading this book and this bio.

Psssssssssst, there’s more. Check out The Naked Suite of products at the end of the book for more Nakedness.