Chapter 13

Joanne sat in a small cubicle crammed with technology. In addition to three monitors and a laptop, every surface was covered with papers, folders, and books of all topics. Most were open or had a bookmark sticking out. "I don't rate one of those fancy labs you just came from, but this place actually works quite well for me," she said while moving papers and books from the only chair in the cubicle. "So I understand you are hitting some walls."

Natalie explained the frustrations she ran into while researching the Remedcon vaccine project. "From what we witnessed earlier, I know they are hiding something that could be ruinous if it hit the press."

Natalie watched as Joanne worked her computer. She was reminded of how Aaron hit the keys in an attempt to seduce information out of the system. Joanne felt that she could dig deeper than Natalie had done, yet she ran into the same walls, as Natalie had. "They are good and have it hidden well, but I have more resources then they do, so I'll find the answer. That's why Shaun pays me the big bucks," she said laughing at her own joke.

Joanne went to university for computer engineering. While there she realized she had a skill for the network side of technology. One of her friends suggested she look into working for one of the new police divisions specializing in cyber crimes. "Ten years ago, the job was more like who hacked into the college grading system." On one project, she bumped into a much more sinister crime and sought out additional help. Her boss put her in touch with Shaun, "And the rest is history. I've been here for about three years digging into lots of different criminal situations. People think they can hide what they did, but we have ways of finding their secrets."

Joanne and Natalie worked for over an hour. The vaccine project was pivotal in the development of nasal spray delivery systems, but it didn't work well with this particular vaccine. Joanne found reference to severe complications that one test subject developed during the vaccine trials. The information on that case was limited. "Give me a little time to dig into this. You don't need to sit here while I curse at the system," said Joanne in her dry humor. "I'll call you as soon as I have something."

Natalie rejoined Aaron in the tech center on the second floor. "Find anything?" she asked as she leaned on the edge of the desk.

"Yeah we did," said Aaron leaning back in his chair. "It appears that I was right about the car. The same car that drove along Taylor's street, slowed down in front of the Fachan house. And they agree with my thoughts about a remote control setting off the bombs," he said, pointing to the others in the room.

"Any identifying pictures of the people in the cars?" asked Natalie in a frustrated voice.

"No. They wore hats that covered their faces and never looked up, so the cameras only caught the top of their heads."

Their conversation was interrupted by an agent entering the room. "There is a carryall sitting in the middle of the Remedcon lobby. No one is claiming ownership."

"How the hell did someone get a carryall into the building?" asked Aaron.


"Did you evacuate the building?" asked Natalie.

"The police are there right now doing just that," he said as he ushered Aaron and Natalie out the door. "Keep your badges and use them to get past the police lines," he said as they ran to the stairs.

Aaron called Akerheart in route to Natalie's car. "Where are you and Robins? Have you heard about the carryall in the lobby?"

"I'm at the loading dock. Robins is at the door to the lobby along with police and several MI5 agents. The security people evacuated the building before we could tell them to detain anyone. Everyone is scattering as fast as they can," said Akerheart.

"We're on the way. Find Tanni and hold him no matter how hard he resists," said Aaron as Natalie sped through the crowded London streets. "I want access to every camera in that building."

The scene on the street in front of the Remedcon headquarters looked like a movie set. Television trucks lined side streets, reporters and cameramen were vying for better shots of the building from police lines set up across the street. People gathered in clusters, looked at the building waiting for something to happen. A bomb squad truck sat about a hundred feet from the front door. Three people dressed in heavy protective armour slowly walked into the building. One of the bomb squad held a remote control in his hand directing a high tech robot past the door.

Aaron and Natalie approached the police line holding their Andrews and MI5 IDs in front of them. A young cop lifted the police tape and pointed to an older man near the bomb truck. "He's in charge."

Aaron introduced Natalie and himself to the officer and asked for an update, which was nothing more than they already knew.

Adjacent to the truck was a monitor showing what the robot camera saw. As the robot approached the carryall, the operator directed arms from within the machine to hold an X-ray unit in front of the bag. One arm held the receiver plate behind the bag while another held the transmitter in front. When activated, the X-ray showed a canister, wires, and what looked like some type of control unit.

Without warning, the control unit hummed. The bomb squad operators ran from the building shouting to everyone to get back. Heavy smoke filled the lobby and escaped from the open front doors. People close to the doors fell to the ground gasping for breath and holding their chests.

Aaron and Natalie, along with the bomb squad officers, and other uniformed police retreated far enough from the building that the fumes didn't affect them. Two EMTs wearing oxygen masks got to the four people who had been overcome from the fumes. Each was pulled to safety and given oxygen. One by one, they opened their eyes, coughed and sputtered as they regained consciousness.

"What is that gas?" asked Aaron as he watched the scene unfold in front of him.

"Not sure," said one of the bomb squad officers, "but it smelled like freshly cut grass or hay," as he looked in horror at his boss.

The building ventilation system was shut off as soon as the bomb squad arrived so the fumes didn't infiltrate the space above the lobby. Huge fans were put into the building to vent the remaining fumes. Two hours later the bomb squad re-entered the building donned in their protective gear following their trusted robot.

The carryall was lifted by the robot arms and placed into a container, which was then placed into the bomb truck. Once that was competed, the lead bomb squad officer approached the officer in charge. "We found this in the satchel," he said handing an evidence pouch to his boss.

The officer looked at the evidence pouch and then turned it so Aaron and Natalie could see it. It contained a piece of paper with one line of type that read We are all around you - You can no longer hide!

Aaron used his mobile to take several pictures of the note and the scene in front of the building. He handed the officer his card and said, "Please keep me informed." Turning to Natalie he said, "Let's find Akerheart and Robins. Hopefully they have detained Tanni."

Aaron and Natalie found Akerheart and Robins at the loading dock holding a shouting Tanni. "You have no right to detain me. When Mr. Taylor finds out what you are doing, he will have you arrested."

Aaron was in no mood for his tantrums. His face inches from Tanni's, he said, "I just left Taylor in a holding cell. You want to join him?"

Tanni stopped fighting, looked from Akerheart to Aaron and said, "No. I am just doing my job. Why is Mr. Taylor being held?"

"For withholding evidence in a criminal investigation," said Aaron not moving from his position in front of the now frightened man.

"What do you want?"

"We can't get back inside today, so I want you to tell me how to access all the monitors in the building including all the labs. And don't tell me there aren't any, I've already found your security room feeds."

Tanni's eyes, wide with fear said, "That is private information. I'd be fired if Mr. Taylor found out."

"Okay then," said Aaron. "I guess you can explain that to Taylor from a jail cell." Turning to Akerheart he said, "Take him to Shaun's man out front and tell him this man is withholding information. And ask him to put Tanni in the same cell as Claire Fachan. I bet she'll have a field day with him."

Before Aaron could move, Tanni yelled, "No, I am not withholding anything. I am just doing my job."

"It's your choice, but I'd hate to be in a room with that lady right now. Can you imagine what she'll do to you when I tell her that you and Taylor are responsible for the fire that destroyed her home?"

Defeat took hold of Tanni's body. His shoulders slumped and his eyes looked down. In a whisper he said, "What do you want from me?"

"Bring him to Andrews. He is going to show me how to gain full access to all of the Remedcon security feeds."

Akerheart and Robins kept a tight hold of the man as they walked to their van. Natalie looked at Aaron and said, "Wow, I said you needed to open up, but I think I released a monster in you. You going with them or me?"

"You. I want him to know the fear that sitting next to Robins will instill. That man even scares me at times! Let's go. We have a lot to do before Taylor finds out that we have Tanni."

On the way to Andrews, Natalie's mobile rang. Joanne had found some interesting details about the vaccine trials and wanted to review them with her. "I'll be at my desk in about twenty five minutes. Can I call you back?"

Aaron was deep in thought for most of the trip to Andrews. He wanted more responsibility, but this was way more than he anticipated. His personal life had taken a surprising turn. His relationship with Natalie and the others at Andrews was different, too. Was this the life he wanted?

"Penny for your thoughts?" said Natalie as they approached the Andrews facility.

Aaron looked straight ahead as he said, "I'm not sure you want to hear my thoughts right now. But I'll give you this." Taking a minute to compose his reply, he said, "I'm not sure I want all of this, but I know I don't want what I had last week either. We'll talk more when this is over."

He walked into conference room B to find Tanni sitting between Akerheart and Robins. He didn't make eye contact, nor did he say anything when Aaron sat down at the keyboard. "Tell me how to access the security system and you can leave."