The Body as a Psychic Antenna (Physical Intuitive Type)
Physical intuition is the ability to receive energy information through the physical body, the sense of touch, the natural world, and objects and photographs. The physical body of someone with a high degree of physical intuition is a psychic antenna. Psychic energy information may be experienced as gut feelings, sensations of energy moving up and down the spine, or a tingling in the scalp or along the hair on the arms. Those with a high degree of physical intuition are often powerful and natural healers. When holding the personal object of another or a photograph of someone, a physical intuitive may be able to intuit information about that person.
Intuition as Vibes
Someone with a high degree of physical intuition may refer to their intuitive awareness as vibes. Grounded in the physical world, their intuition is more closely connected to the five physical senses. For this reason, a physical intuitive is not as likely to intuit energy as streaks of light or color or feel the presence of spirits, like a spiritual intuitive often does. Receiving intuitive feelings and emotions, like an emotional intuitive, or thought energy, like a mental intuitive, may also be less common. For the physical intuitive, vibes are usually felt in the body, in the gut or solar plexus, or as sensations of energy moving through the body. Vibes might also be experienced as feeling positive, empowered, and lighter or heavier, stuck, and unable to move forward.
Going into a room full of people and feeling good, positive vibes helps a physical intuitive to relax and feel comfortable and connected to others. However, if the vibe doesn’t feel right, they may turn around and leave, no questions asked. Physical intuitives feel vibes in all kinds of situations. For example, when first meeting someone they may experience a queasy sensation in their stomach. This may be a warning sign that tells them to be careful and cautious. When planning a trip and making a choice about the location, a physical intuitive might feel a positive, energizing vibe about one of the possible destinations and a heavier, uncomfortable sensation about another.
Being a Physical Psychic Sponge
Those with a high degree of physical intuition tend to unknowingly absorb others’ energy into their psychical body. For instance, in a stressful situation or in the company of angry or argumentative people, a physical intuitive may suddenly have a headache or back pain or feel lethargic. Then as quickly as they felt the pain or discomfort, it may dissipate once the situation is resolved. A physical intuitive may absorb and feel the pain of a coworker who complains of a physical problem or of a family member who has an ailment of some kind. However, they are usually unaware that their sudden aches and pains may be coming from others.
The ability to intuitively communicate through the physical body is evident in a physical intuitive’s sense of touch. Many physical therapists, bodyworkers of all kinds, hands-on healers, and physicians, especially homeopathic and alternative medical practitioners, have a high degree of physical intuition. The hands of a well-developed physical intuitive move with the grace and fluidity of a master craftsman. As health and wellness practitioners, their hands know where there is discomfort or pain and how to bring relief and balance to the physical body. Through their intuitive connection to plants and the natural world, a physical intuitive is also especially adept at helping and healing others with herbs and flower and plant essences and other natural remedies.
In addition to their strong connection to the physical body, physical intuitives are also attuned to the vibrations of the natural world in a more profound way than the other psychic types. Because they often unknowingly absorb the energy of the people and situations they come into contact with, a forest, seashore, mountains, lakes, and open deserts can be a haven of calm and tranquility. Many physical intuitives have the innate intuitive ability to communicate with animals, birds, plants, and other inhabitants of the natural world. Even when they are unaware of their innate intuitive abilities, they experience a sense of oneness and connectedness in nature.
Common Characteristics
of a Physical Intuitive
Those with a high degree of physical intuition tend to be down-to-earth and practical. They accept their intuitive gifts in a matter-of-fact kind of way and do not overthink what they sense or experience. Although they often trust the vibes that they receive and have an intuitive connection to the physical body and the natural world, their innate intuition often goes unacknowledged. Those with a high degree of physical intuition rarely view themselves as psychic or believe that they possess extrasensory capabilities. Because they are centered in the physical body and connected to the earth, the natural flow of energy that moves through them is organic and grounded. It does not feel ethereal, mystical, or out of reach. A physical intuitive has a core trust in and acceptance of their gut feelings and instincts and may view their intuitive awareness as common sense.
Because physical intuition goes directly into the body, it often bypasses thought and emotion and conscious awareness. A highly sensitive physical intuitive may become overly energized and excited or depleted and tired and experience tightness and tension for no known reason. In order to release and calm the parade of energy that moves through their body, they might become physically active and enjoy all kinds of exercise, such as running or biking, or discover a special passion for extreme sports. Some go in the opposite direction and may overeat and become physically lethargic in an attempt to quiet the physical sensations they continually experience. Many psychics and mediums in past generations were overweight, possibly for these reasons. Those with a high degree of physical intuition might also experience extremes with sleep, either having insomnia or needing a lot of sleep. A child with a high degree of physical intuition can experience challenges in school and with learning. They can become agitated and fidgety when expected to sit quietly all day at their desk, as they often need to touch things and be physically active to learn and thrive.
Once those with a high degree of physical intuition become aware of their innate intuitive tendencies, they can find healthy ways to become physically balanced and centered. With this awareness, they can use their intuition in positive ways and become physically healthier in the process.
A natural way to begin developing physical intuition is by becoming aware of the vibes that you spontaneously experience. Even if you do not have a high degree of physical intuition, you most likely have experienced intuitive vibes. A form of clairsentience, vibes are physical sensations that may be subtle or more discernible.
Clairsentience is the ability to receive energy information through the sense of feeling. For the emotional intuitive, clairsentience is emotional and heart-centered. For the physical intuitive, clairsentience is a more tangible and concrete feeling and sensation. Common clairsentient signs include vibes, gut feelings, a tingling energy up and down the spine, the hair on the arms or the scalp standing up, and body aches and pains.
Pay attention to the intuitive cues that your body sends you, as these signals tend to surface in everyday situations. For example, when meeting someone for the first time, feel what is happening in your body. When entering a room full of people or at the beginning of a new activity, job, or relationship or when making plans, tune in to the intuitive information that your body is sending you.
Because clairsentient sensations are so common, we often unconsciously tune them out. Make it a habit to check in with yourself when you feel the slightest little nudge. Just focusing and putting more effort into feeling and becoming aware of when your body is sending you a message will increase and strengthen your intuitive receptivity. Sometimes intuitive sensations and vibes are subtle. You may feel a twinge in your solar plexus or a slight tingling wave of energy move up your spine or arms or in your head. The sensations can also be more dramatic, like a tightening in your throat, a pounding in your head, or an upset stomach.
Listen to and Communicate with the Vibes
Once you become aware that you are receiving a psychic message through clairsentience, you can then begin to develop the ability to communicate with the vibe or sensation and interpret its meaning.
When you experience a feeling or sensation in your body that you think may be an intuitive vibe or message, listen and fully experience it. If the sensation is uncomfortable, like a headache or a tightening in your chest, there is likely a negative or stressful situation that you need to pay attention to. If the vibe is positive and energizing, such as feeling a burst of energy or feeling powerful and lighthearted, this indicates a beneficial situation, circumstance, or connection with another.
If the vibe or sensation is subtle and not easily identified as either positive or negative, or if you want to receive more information, you can dialogue with it. Psychic energy information is responsive to our requests, and when you interact with it, more information will come forward. Although it may feel silly to ask questions of energy, give it a try. Simply ask something like What is the message behind this feeling or sensation? Keep the questions simple and ask them one at a time. Then pause in between each one and listen. You might not receive the answer as soon as you would like, especially when you first start to communicate in this way. So be patient. Talking with energy and asking questions prompts the body, mind, and spirit to begin to work together and send information to the conscious self in a way that you can understand.
For instance, I recently had three contractors give me estimates on work that needed to be done on my house. All three of the bids were close in price. There were no obvious reasons to pick one company over another. They all had good reviews and the work that I needed done was not highly technical. However, I received clairsentient messages about each contractor that helped me make the decision.
While talking to the representative of one company, I felt like I needed to sit down. Just being in his presence made my stomach do a few flip-flops. I asked myself why I felt this way, and the insight came to me that this company would likely have hidden costs. The physical stress I felt was a sign to steer clear of this option. With the representative of another one of the companies, I experienced a calming sensation. My stomach, which is where most of my physical intuitive signals occur, was surprisingly relaxed. When I asked myself if this sensation had to do with the bid I’d received, I sensed a yes response. While talking to the third contractor, I felt restless and spacey. I couldn’t focus on what he was saying and I was anxious to end the conversation. I was not sure if these feelings were related to my low blood sugar or were intuitive signs. I sat quietly for a moment and asked what these sensations were connected to. I received the immediate intuitive awareness that the sensations were coming from the third company. Because these feelings made me uncomfortable, I went with the second company and this was the right choice. The work went quickly and there were no hidden costs.
If you experience a spontaneous clairsentient sensation and are not sure why it is surfacing and what it may be related to, become aware of any current or pressing issues or concerns.
Take a moment to ask yourself if the sensation or feeling you are experiencing has to do with your current situation. If there are several different areas where you are experiencing concerns or questions, go through them one at a time. Once you ask a question, take a few minutes to feel and listen for any physical sensations and gut feelings.
The answer may come as a quick awareness, or the clairsentient sensation may increase in intensity. If you feel a stronger surge of energy, this is usually a yes sign. You may want to listen further for any other intuitive information or guidance. If you ask a question and then feel no increase in energy or a dull or flat response, this is a no sign.
If you would like to receive further insight and you are feeling more confident in your ability to discern and tune in to clairsentient sensations, ask the following question: If these bodily sensations or feelings had a voice, what would they be saying?
Then be patient. You might not get an immediate answer, but you will get one. Sometimes the intuitive information surfaces when you are not focusing on it.
Even when you follow these suggestions, there will be times when you experience clairsentient sensations but cannot discern their message or meaning. This is normal. Try not to rush the process, and let go of your expectations. Develop an open-minded, casual attitude that fosters intuitive awareness. If we assume that our intuition will surface in a particular way, we might unknowingly miss and disregard important information and intuitive insights that do not fit our expectations.
It is important to remember that physical intuition does not always provide the kind of understandable messages and explanations that you might receive with mental and emotional intuition. While you may recognize a physical intuitive signal, you may not always know what it is trying to tell you. However, physical intuition in the form of vibes and physical sensations is always significant and should be listened to. Unlike mental, emotional, and at times spiritual intuition, physical intuition bypasses the conscious self.
It takes observation and practice to become more familiar with the meaning and message behind the specific physical intuitive signals that you receive. There is a consistency and a pattern to your vibes, so give yourself some time to notice and fully understand them. Keep a journal of the intuitive vibes, feelings, and sensations that you receive. Document your interpretation and the actions or choices or changes that occurred as a result of the message. This will help you to further trust and develop a reliable dialogue with physical intuitive messages.
Clairsentient Aches and Pains
Some of the more puzzling physical intuitive sensations that we may experience come in the form of physical symptoms that appear to be connected to our health.
While it may be energizing to take on the positive and healthy vibes of another, absorbing unhealthy and problematic physical energy is confusing and potentially unhealthy. Those with a high degree of physical intuition are susceptible to absorbing the physical energy of coworkers, family members, friends, and even those they encounter on a daily basis. Although we are more likely to absorb the aches and pains of those we are emotionally and/or physically close to, it is possible to pick up the energy of another while riding the subway or during a meeting at work.
If you find yourself suddenly experiencing a headache, back pain, an upset stomach, unexplained pain, or some other form of physical discomfort, you may be experiencing another’s physical issues. Not all unexplained and sudden aches and pains come from others. However, if your health suddenly changes after being with someone who is ill or in pain or if a physical symptom feels off, you may need to further investigate the source of these feelings.
Exercise: Understanding
Clairsentient Sensations
To intuitively tune in to the source of your physical pain or unexplained symptoms, sit quietly and listen within. Take a few relaxing breaths and draw your attention to the area where you are experiencing pain or discomfort. Dialogue with this area, then pause and listen.
Here are a couple questions you may want to ask:
Does this physical discomfort originate from within? Did I absorb it from another?
It is important to take time to listen and be patient. At times there will be a quick, direct intuitive response, and other times the message will take longer to understand. Keep in mind that your body may also communicate to you through your dreams or through synchronicities. Simply paying attention and listening to your physical intuitive sensations increases the free flow of intuitive communication with your body.
Communicating Further with Your Body
Pain that does not abate even when you are no longer in an environment where others may be ill or in pain or that does not seem to be related to another is likely coming from within yourself. Seek medical attention and continue to communicate intuitively with your body.
If you feel that the physical pain or symptoms you are experiencing are related to your personal health, talk to your body. Discomfort or pain is one of the ways that the body communicates with us and sends us messages. If you have physical symptoms or pain that you would like to better understand and begin to heal, here are a few questions to begin the dialogue:
What can I do to heal? What is this pain trying to tell me? What thought, belief, or emotion is connected to this pain or discomfort?
Ask one question at a time, then pause and listen within. Be patient and keep in mind that the answer or response may come at a later time. Sometimes when we are overly focused on receiving intuitive information, we block it from naturally surfacing. Try to stay in a relaxed, curious, and receptive mode.
Amie’s story is a good example of intuitive listening. A few months after the first session of one of my year-long intuitive development classes, she began to experience headaches. At first she didn’t think too much of them, but when they continued to persist off and on for several weeks, she went to her doctor. After the exam and tests, her doctor was unable to find out what was causing her headaches. Over the course of the next few months, they continued to occur off and on with varying degrees of intensity. She went to another doctor and then another, and still she did not get a diagnosis or relief from the pain. Then during one of my classes she had the intuitive realization that the headaches were connected to her attempt to develop her intuition and psychic and clairvoyant abilities.
I encouraged her to communicate with and ask questions of the headache. As she did this, images of her father surfaced. He was a conservative religious man who believed that psychic awareness was connected to the devil and temptation. Brought up in a household and church that feared and discouraged anything that had to do with intuition and psychic energy, Amie found that her attempts to develop her innate abilities were being met with inner resistance. As she continued to dialogue with her pain, the tension began to dissipate. She listened to her unconscious resistance and sent compassion to her fearful inner self that wasn’t sure that developing intuition was the right thing to do. By the end of the class, her headaches began to dissipate and she was soon pain-free.
Common Signs of Absorbed Energy
If you feel that the physical symptoms you are experiencing are coming from another or from a situation, you can take steps to free yourself and feel better. Here are some common intuitive signs that the physical sensations you are experiencing have been intuitively absorbed from an outer source:
• The pain, discomfort, and other symptoms mimic the symptoms of another whom you are close to or spend time with.
• The physical symptoms come and go and intensify when in the company of certain individuals or in a specific environment.
• You are unable to heal the condition.
• You receive intuitive insight, gut feelings, etc., that the symptoms come from an outer source.
Exercise: Releasing Intuited
Physical Symptoms
If the pain and discomfort that you are experiencing has been absorbed from another or from a situation, you can intuitively communicate with the energy to release it and help the person in the process.
To communicate with and let go of energy that you have intuitively absorbed into your body from another, try this.
Find a comfortable and quiet place where you will not be disturbed. Take a deep, relaxing breath and let go of any stress or tension. Continue to breathe and relax.
Draw your attention to the physical discomfort or pain, and send compassion and love to this energy. Imagine the sensation, headache, pain, etc., surrounded by high-vibration white light.
Take a deep breath, then visualize a white-light ball of love energy and compassion and imagine sending it to the person or situation that generated this discomfort. You do not need to know precisely where or whom it came from. Just ask that this sensation go back to its source as positive energy.
Protecting Yourself from Absorbing
Others’ Energy into Your Body
If you are absorbing others’ physical energy, it is important to recognize this vulnerability and take steps to protect yourself. Those who habitually take on others’ aches and pains tend to be compassionate and caring people and innate healers. They may not recognize their gifts and unconsciously try to alleviate others’ pain, and in the process end up absorbing it into their body.
If you have a high degree of physical intuition, it is a good practice to visualize and imagine that you are surrounded by divine white-light energy, especially when you are in public or in the company of individuals who are ill or physically challenged. Intend that only positive energy that is in your highest good be allowed to enter into this bubble of light. If you notice any uncomfortable sensations or begin to feel tired or heavy around someone or in a situation, imagine that there is a white-light bubble protecting you. You can also surround those who are ill or in pain with white light.
I recently gave a medical intuition reading to Amanda. Her story is a good example of what can happen when we absorb the physical energy of another. As I intuitively scanned her body, I was drawn to her liver. It was full of toxins, and I was initially perplexed by the cause. She ate well and was generally healthy, and the source of the toxins was not apparent. As I continued to intuit the source of this energy, I saw an image of a man whom I could feel was a long-time drinker. I suddenly realized that this was Amanda’s husband and that she was absorbing this toxic energy from him.
For over twenty-five years, Amanda had been in a codependent relationship with her alcoholic husband. Throughout the marriage, she tried to do all she could to help and heal him. Unfortunately this included absorbing his toxic physical energy.
I shared my intuitive impressions with Amanda, and she was not surprised at my findings. Over the years, her stamina and health seemed to decline as her husband’s drinking increased. Although she had visited many doctors and tried different diets and supplements, nothing seemed to help. We talked about ways that she could both protect herself from her husband’s toxicity and send him healing. Amanda seemed relieved that she could protect herself this way and wanted to stay in the marriage while practicing these techniques.
As she continued to shield herself from absorbing her husband’s toxic drinking, she began to take better care of herself. Slowly she came to the realization and acceptance that her husband’s drinking was destroying their marriage. In a tearful conversation, she told him that she wanted a separation. Not knowing what to expect, Amanda was surprised by her husband’s reply. He told her that he had recently started going to an afternoon AA meeting near his work and knew that it was time for him to admit that he had a problem and get help. They are still together and working on improving their marriage.
Vibrational Sensitivity
Physical intuition surfaces from the mysterious divine mastery and intelligence of the physical self. It is no surprise that many bodyworkers, healers, and medical professionals possess a high degree of physical intuition. The body and particularly the hands of many physical intuitives are finely tuned intuitive sensors and transmitters. Many possess an innate sensitivity to the energy vibrations of the physical body.
Vibrational sensitivity can be used to sense and detect illness, disease, and discomfort in the physical body. A healthy physical body possesses a balanced and unrestricted flow of vital life force energy. The energy flow of someone suffering from an illness, disease, or pain is sluggish, heavy, and low-vibration and may feel dense and blocked. Through vibrational sensitivity, the hands can sense and tune in to the body’s energy flow and intuit the areas of low vibration that are in need of healing and balancing.
You can practice this psychic sensitivity by tuning in to your own or someone else’s body, or you can tune in to a pet or even something in nature.
Exercise: Detecting
Energy Health in the Body
This exercise will enable you to begin to sense and experience energy vibes in a more physical way. It opens up the psychic channels in the body and helps you to become more aware of different vibrational frequencies. Every living being has a unique vibrational imprint. As you become more sensitive to and familiar with vibes, you will be able to better intuit the energy information contained within them.
Place your palms on a part of your body that is strong, healthy, and problem-free. Breathe and relax while keeping your hands on this part of your body. You may want to close your eyes to better focus.
Feel the energy flow and vibration. At first it may feel subtle or barely discernible. Be patient and allow your hands to sense the flow of energy.
When you get a feel for the energy vibration flowing through you, move your hands to a part of your body that may be sore or tight or where you have pain or discomfort. Breathe and relax. Focus your awareness on the palms of your hands, and get a feel for the energy flow in this area.
You can switch back and forth, from a healthy and strong area of the body to an area of discomfort or tension.
You can use the same process with a friend or family member or with a pet. If you try this technique with something in nature, place your palms first on a healthy tree, flower, or bush, and then on a different tree, flower, or bush that appears to be weak or dying.
When you begin to feel more confident in discerning a healthy flow of energy through the body, you can practice on another. Without first being told which areas of the person’s body feel weak or painful and which ones feel strong and healthy, allow your hands to intuitively guide you.
Be aware that while your hands are receiving the energy vibration, you may recognize it through another intuitive modality. For instance, if you have a high degree of emotional intuition, you may become aware of the vibration through feeling it emotionally. If you have a high degree of mental intuition, you may just know the flow of the energy vibes. If your spiritual intuition is predominant, you may see an image of the flow of energy.
For more information on communicating intuitively with your health and well-being, check out my book Discover Your Medical Intuition.
The Healing Abilities of Physical Intuition
Those with a high degree of physical intuition are often naturally adept at hands-on healing. Just as it is possible to innately receive and absorb the energy vibrations of others, it is also possible to absorb the vibrations of divine healing energy. As a natural conduit of energy, a physical intuitive may unknowingly transmit healing energy to others. Many massage therapists, acupuncturists, and other bodyworkers heal their clients this way. As they go about the business of touching the sore spots and practicing their craft, stress, tension, and aches and pains fall away. Even though they may not advertise and know the full extent of their healing ability, you will know the healing capacity of a health care worker by how busy and popular they are.
Everyone to varying degrees can channel healing energy. The simple intent and request for divine healing energy to flow through you activates vital life force energy. This high-vibration energy of love and healing is everywhere and always available. If you would like to increase your ability to channel healing energy, sit quietly, open your heart, and ask for healing energy to flow through you and for the ability to assist others in their healing. Practice placing the palms of your hands on your pets, children, loved ones, and even trees and plants while asking for healing energy to flow through you.
Practices such as Reiki, Healing Touch, and other energy healing modalities are rooted in the same principle of transmitting high-vibration energy healing to others.
This healing exercise is a simple and effective method that incorporates physical intuition and hands-on healing. You can practice this form of hands-on healing on your own aches and pains or with a friend, family member, or pet.
Begin by breathing long, deep, cleansing breaths and exhale any stress or tension. Continue to breathe and relax. Imagine breathing white light down through the top of your head and sending this energy through your body. As you breathe white-light energy through your body, ask a for a higher power, divine presence, or whatever higher source of pure healing energy you believe in to move through you. Continue to take long, deep breaths, sending the healing energy through your entire body.
As you continue to breathe, imagine a white-light bubble of energy completely surrounding you. With each breath, this bubble becomes more vibrant and flows with white-light energy. Imagine a constant stream of divine white-light energy flowing into the bubble and then into you. Breathe this energy into your physical body. You may begin to feel tingling or a heightened vibration in your hands, heart, and solar plexus.
When you are ready, place your hands on a part of your body that feels sore or tense or is painful. Imagine that white light flows through your hands to any discomfort or imbalance.
If you are working with another, allow your hands to guide you to the part of their body that needs healing. Place your hands where they are led, and imagine divine white light moving from your hands to any place in the person’s body where healing is needed.
You can also place your hands on the top of your head or on the top of the head of the person you are working with. Imagine that white-light healing energy flows through your hands and then down through their entire body.
At this point there is an additional intuitive step that you can add to better tune in to the physical body. Once you become comfortable with allowing your hands to guide you to specific areas in the body that may need healing, you can begin to receive intuitive energy information and guidance.
The body is wise and communicative and ready to work with you to heal and improve health. With your hands placed on an area of pain, tension, or imbalance, intuitively tune in, listen, and be patient. If you do not receive any impressions, feelings, thoughts, or images, move your hands to another part of the body.
If you do receive some intuitive information, take note of it and continue to send healing. When you have received all that you can, move your hands to another part of the body, tune in, and send energy healing.
When you feel the energy flow begin to dissipate, remove your hands and come back to normal consciousness. Imagine a white-light bubble completely surrounding you and separate from the person you are working with.
If you have received any intuitive impressions or images, share them with the person you have been working with or write them down to reflect on later if the messages are for you.
One of the more interesting psychic abilities is psychometry. An innate physical intuitive skill, it springs from the ability to intuit energy information through receiving vibes. Psychometry is the ability to hold a personal object of another or look at or hold another’s photo and receive intuitive information about the person through it.
Items and objects such as watches, keys, jewelry, and clothing absorb our energy vibration. This is also true of photos. They are imprinted with our personal energy vibration. Through psychometry, it is possible to receive a broad range of intuitive information about the person whose photo or personal item is being read.
For example, years ago during a psychometry exercise in a psychic development class, everyone put a personal item in a bowl. We then passed the bowl around the room and each student took an item. After holding the object and meditating on it, we went around the room to share the intuited information.
When we got to Kari, a woman in her late twenties, she was a little hesitant to share what she had experienced. After some encouragement, she told the group that when she held the ring that she had picked out, she saw gray clouds and felt confused and disoriented. There was no one in the class who seemed to fit the energy that she had intuitively received, so she questioned her psychic abilities and didn’t want to appear foolish.
However, Jake, the man who had placed the ring in the bowl, assured Kari that her intuitive impressions were on target. Jake explained that he had been in possession of the ring for only a few weeks. The ring was his grandfather’s, and he had worn it for over sixty years. When he died of Alzheimer’s a few months earlier, Jake had inherited the ring.
Because the ring still held the grandfather’s vibrational imprint, Kari had correctly intuited Jake’s grandfather’s energy.
Exercise: Using Psychometry
to Read the Vibes
To develop psychometry skills, hold a personal item or a photo of someone you do not know very well. It is easier to trust the intuitive impressions you receive when you do not know much about the person whose item you are intuiting.
If you are having trouble finding another’s items or photos to practice with, you can ask a friend to share something from one of their family members, or you can use a photo of someone unknown to you that you find on the internet or in a newspaper or magazine. If you use a public photo of another, make sure not to read anything about the person until you are finished with the exercise. You can also use items from a used clothing store or yard sale.
As an alternative psychometry exercise, you can also hold something from the natural world. Rocks, stones, crystals, and feathers work well, or you can place your hands on the trunk of a tree.
To begin, take a few deep cleansing breaths and exhale any stress or tension. As you breathe, imagine a white-light bubble completely surrounding you. This white-light bubble of protection allows only what is in your highest good to come close. When you are relaxed, hold an item or photo in your hands and continue to breathe and relax.
Be alert to any feelings, thoughts, or images that surface. They may be subtle, and what you receive may not always appear to be meaningful or significant. Do not dismiss anything that you feel, see, or sense or any impressions that surface. Write them down and continue to focus on the item or photo you are holding and breathe and relax.
When you feel that you have received all that you can, place the item or photo a few feet away from you. Continue to breathe and imagine a white-light cleansing shower of energy above your head. Imagine that this energy shower washes away and clears any energy that you may have absorbed from the object or photo.
If you used a public photo of someone from the internet or a publication, you may be able to read and discover more about the person. If the photo or item came from a friend, you can share what you received with them. Keep in mind that if you choose a public photo or an item of someone you do not know, you may not be able to verify your impressions. Remember to focus on the impressions, images, feelings, and other energy information that you receive, even if you’re not able to obtain feedback and verification of accuracy.
If you are using a natural object like a rock or crystal, the energy information you receive may come in the form of surprising and unique physical sensations and awareness. Instead of intuiting another’s characteristics or personality or some other identifying information, you may experience a sense of stillness or expansion. Feel how your body feels. For instance, when holding a rock, you may feel grounded, peaceful, and connected to all of life. Crystals can be particularly helpful with psychometry, as each one is an individual and usually has a story to tell and can express a wide range of information.
In generations past, it was common practice for a psychic to hold the hands of the person they were giving a reading to. This is a form of physical intuition that enables them to better tune in to and receive personal energy information. Some modern-day psychics still like to hold the hands of their clients, and many mediums ask for photos of loved ones who have passed over to better communicate with them. I am not a strong physical intuitive, so looking at a photo or holding a personal object is not as effective for me as it is for others.
Even if you do not naturally possess a high degree of physical intuition, developing the psychic abilities of physical intuition will support and enhance your overall psychic ability. Because physical intuition tunes in to the energy information contained within the material and physical, it can bring balance to the other psychic types. For those with a high degree of spiritual intuition, physical intuition can help to stabilize their naturally elusive and at times intangible connection to energy information. Physical intuition can decrease the mind chatter that can plague a mental intuitive and help those with a high degree of emotional intuition to transform and let go of intuited toxic emotions.