Once again, I am indebted to an amazing team of creative people, without whom this book would simply not be. In Gotham City, you will find my editor Kara Sargent, who guides and protects me, my brilliant copyeditor Christine Ma, publicist extraordinaire Kristina Pisciotta, and many more people, all an important part of the effort, listed here in no particular order: Mara Lander, Véronique Lefèvre Sweet, Lindsay Walter-Greaney, Christina Quintero, Ronnie Ambrose, Dani Valladares, and Victoria Stapleton.
And on the other coast, in La La Land, you will find the other half of the team, the geniuses behind the Ever After High brand, who provide me with fun new characters and the freedom to play around in their hilarious universe. Thank you to Ryan Ferguson, Debra Mostow Zakarin, Nicole Corse, Charnita Belcher, Stuart Smith, Sammie Suchland, Karen Painter, Kristine Lombardi, Robert Rudman, Talia Rodgers, Eric Vexelman, Lara Dalian, Audu Paden, Gary Leynes, and Izzy Garr.
Michael Bourret, I hope to continue this writing journey together forever after. And to Isabelle, Walker, and Bob, you are the wind beneath my fairy wings.