This chapter comprises what astrologers call ‘an astrological cookbook’ – a brief, potted description of what happens when you put a planet in a sign or a planet in a house. It offers the most basic guideline possible – no one is all of the things described in the keywords and phrases in the cookbook. Rather, these are some of the main ways in which the planets, signs and houses are likely to express themselves – or be expressed, depending on how you want to see it.
And remember, how pure and close to the ‘textbook’ cookbook a planet will express itself depends on what else is happening to that planet in terms of the aspects it’s making to other planets.
Use the cookbook as a handy guide while you’re getting started on your astrological journey. Once you really start to feel and remember the planets, signs and houses, you’ll find that you no longer need to use it.
The Sun is where a person shines from; it’s their essential self, their real self. No matter which sign a person has on their ascendant, once you see where their Sun is, you know something about their core, about their Self. Their Sun shows you what they are on Earth to do. So, adding the ideas for the Sun to the ideas for the sign, you get the following:
For the Sun through the signs, please refer to the Meaning of the Signs section, which delineates all the signs and their feelings and meanings. The Sun in a sign expresses as per the descriptions offered there.
The Sun in the 1st house – you’re here to shine; to show the world who you really are. You dazzle.
The Sun in the 2nd house – you’re here to think about issues to do with cash, property and possessions, and values.
The Sun in the 3rd house – you’re a communicator; your life focus will be on mastering communication skills.
The Sun in the 4th house – your focus in this lifetime will be on family, your private life and what ‘home’ really means.
The Sun in the 5th house – you’re here to create and to have fun. Make ‘joyful self-expression’ your life motto.
The Sun in the 6th house – you’re all about service to others and doing your duty, plus health and fitness, and routines.
The Sun in the 7th house – all sorts of relationships (both personal and professional) are your focus in this lifetime.
The Sun in the 8th house – you’re not afraid to face life’s dark side and explore taboos. Sex and finances loom large for you.
The Sun in the 9th house – travel, study, adventure, the Great Cosmic Quest – all these are your focus in this lifetime.
The Sun in the 10th house – you’ll make your mark, shine your light, achieve, lead, and stand out. You have big ambitions.
The Sun in the 11th house – your friends and the groups, networks and clubs you belong to are your focus. You’re sociable.
The Sun in the 12th house – you get up to secret stuff, and are here to expand your consciousness. You’re sensitive and have longings.
This indicates a person’s needs. They need whatever is expressed by their Moon’s sign and house to get by. The sign their Moon is in tells you how they need it, and it also tells you about how they express their emotions. Or don’t express their emotions. It tells you how they deal with their emotions. Then take a look at the house the Moon is in. This shows you what they need. Remember, the Moon moves through each sign in about two and a bit days, so it’s a very personal placement. People born three days apart will likely have different Moon signs.
Please note the Moon through the signs section is longer than the other planetary descriptions, a) to fulfil a promise I made in my book Moonology and b) because the Moon is my special/favourite subject!
The Moon represents emotions and Aries is the sign that rushes ahead, so immediately you can start to guess at what Moon in Aries people are like. They race ahead emotionally – going at full pelt. They are also often quick to come to emotional conclusions. They need speed. They need you not to loiter – personally or professionally. Moon in Aries people are not to be trifled with if you have a great big wet and watery Water sign Moon like Cancer or Scorpio or Pisces. Aries Moon people are a little emotionally reckless at times. You need to thrive on that, rather than be terrified by it!
Taurus = steady, Moon = emotions. Taurus Moon people need Venusian things (because Taurus rules Venus), like love, romance and caring. Plus, they need people who are steady and reliable. They need sensual physical things, like high thread-count cotton sheets and great food. They may be good with money because they definitely want the material things money can buy, in the nicest possible way.
A person with Moon in Gemini needs to talk things through. They need to express, write, communicate. They need to get their message across. They are all about communication. They also want you to talk so they can fulfil their other need, to listen. They like ideas and they need ideas people around them, if possible. They also need books and magazines and communication and information delivery devices around them. They are not two-faced but they can be a tad flippant, emotionally. Somehow, to the right person, that’s super-seductive and charming.
This is a great Moon to have, if you incarnate with it. The reason being that Cancer is the home and family sign and the Moon is the home and family planet. It’s also the Goddess sign and planet. So if you have the Moon here (or any other planet), you’re in touch with the Divine Feminine, whether you’re in a female or a male body. Moon in Cancer people need nurturing and they need to nurture. They are often big eaters or feeders. They need security and they need you on the sofa next to them at night. Can be clingy.
These folk just want to be adored. If you find someone you fancy with the Moon in Leo, they are actually sort of a pushover. They just need you to worship them, pure and simple. They also need to be recognized for the wonderful warm and magnanimous person they are. They need glitz and glamour and they need a bit of the spotlight to themselves, at least sometimes, particularly if their Moon is in really good ‘condition’ – i.e. harmoniously aspecting other planets. Moon in Leo people need attention.
These are the gentle folk. Remember the Moon is about what we need and our emotions, and Virgo is rather a mild-mannered energy, at least a lot of the time (not that Virgo doesn’t have a kinky side – notoriously, they do!) Moon in Virgo needs good food, served in a healthy way, at a routine and regular time, from a clean kitchen to a rustic table in a tidy cottage. They need things to be in order, on point, and preferably naturally scented. Moon in Virgo people need nature and the Earth, and they need to disconnect electronically to spend time breathing fresh air.
Earlier, I said that the reputation Libra has for being indecisive is unfair, and it is. But it must be said that when you’re talking Moon in Libra, there could be a bit of emotional see-sawing. Libra Moon doesn’t want to offend and needs things to be nice. Libra Moon needs art and beauty and harmony. And more than anything, it needs love and relationships. Libra Moon needs relationships. It needs them to the point that it will sometimes pretend everything is okay when it’s not, to avoid rocking the boat. Because it needs that relationship and it needs it to be balanced and harmonious.
This is a deep and intense one. The Moon absorbs and Scorpio is – in some ways – poison. We all have Scorpio somewhere in our chart, remember – by house cusp, planet or angle. Someone who incarnates with a Scorpio Moon has come here because they want to learn about the depths of their emotional range. Doing that is one of the secrets embedded, or even buried, in their astrological chart. They also need to be nice, and not take their emotional pain out on others. Also, they must detox from and express any negative emotional entanglements such as jealousy and revenge.
On the one hand this placement is a real blessing: the Moon is emotions and Sagittarius is the light-hearted comedy sign. The Moon in Sadge (as it is often called) is very breezy and surely that’s a good thing, because everyone wants to be light-hearted, yes? Or no. Sometimes the problem with Moon in Sadge is that it can be superficial and glides over emotional issues that would benefit from a bit more investigation. Sadge Moon people need Sagittarian things like adventure and travel and ethnic things. They need the chance to do some elegant and loquacious emoting. These people are not all that easy to pin down, but they aren’t emotional wet blankets or ‘cling-ons’.
These people need power and may, for example, dream of creating or heading up a big organization. Or they’re emotionally tough. They can feel hard done by when it comes to one parent or another. However, they are also incredibly emotionally resilient (in the long run) and they know how to control their emotions so they don’t get the better of them. Moon in Capricorn people need order in the way other people need air. They need structure in their personal and professional lives. They may come across as emotionally cold (depending on what else is in their chart), but in fact they have feelings like everyone else – they’re just better at keeping a straight emotional face. Remember, Capricorn is the sign associated with Saturn, the zodiac’s tough rule-maker.
These people tend to be able to detach emotionally, if and when they want to. Lucky them – at least they aren’t ruled by their emotions. Think of Aquarius and thus Moon in Aquarius people as star men and women from another planet, time, dimension, galaxy and so on. They don’t feel the way other people do. They are less obviously emotional, at the very least. They are emotionally pragmatic and probably have a love/hate relationship with technology, depending on how well they have or haven’t mastered it. These people need to move forwards, can be a tad too cerebral, and are awesome because they don’t dwell on things.
Think of a big fat romantic Full Moon shining over a secluded beach at midnight. There’s your Pisces Moon. These people obviously need water. They can also have issues with substance abuse as they are yearning for the Divine and seeking rapture, which they often can’t find by natural means in this modern world. They need music, and poetry often soothes them. They dream and they need to be allowed to do so. They may withdraw from time to time. Pisces Moon people love feeling all their emotions. If you don’t want ‘all the feels’, you won’t want to spend too much time with a Pisces Moon person!
The Moon in the 1st house – wears their heart on their sleeve; happy to let their feelings show.
The Moon in the 2nd house – needs to be secure financially to be secure emotionally, or is emotional about money.
The Moon in the 3rd house – needs to feel human connection and to communicate through whatever means.
The Moon in the 4th house – needs home and family and to feel settled; not a great roamer.
The Moon in the 5th house – needs to have fun and show off a bit: show the rest of us how to live/party.
The Moon in the 6th house – someone you can rely on; someone who needs routine; level-headed.
The Moon in the 7th house – needs relationships and partnerships; wants to relate with others and needs love.
The Moon in the 8th house – quite possibly a mysterious or even dark character; emotionally complex.
The Moon in the 9th house – needs to travel and see the world; needs space; a great idea exchanger.
The Moon in the 10th house – needs a career and to be allowed to be ambitious; can crave status.
The Moon in the 11th house – needs friends and networks, and to feel that he or she is definitely not alone.
The Moon in the 12th house – can be a hider of emotions or even emotionally repressed. Needs lots of TLC.
Below is a reminder of the salient points of each ascendant (Rising Sign); see also the descriptions in Chapter 6. You can take it further by thinking more about the characteristics of the zodiac signs. As you know, the Rising Sign is how a person comes across, and the sign of the zodiac it’s in flavours that.
Remember, the Rising Sign is based on the time, date and place of birth. So two people born at the exact same time but more than a few miles apart will likely have different Rising Signs. This also means all their houses will be different, thus affecting their whole chart.
Rising Sign in Aries – charges right on in: doesn’t stop to think; suits anything red, from clothes to cars.
Rising Sign in Taurus – earthy, and possibly showing the shape that comes from loving food.
Rising Sign in Gemini – someone flighty or whimsical who breezes in and out of your company at parties. A talker.
Rising Sign in Cancer – a feeder/food lover; quite possibly large-chested if female; sentimental and emotional.
Rising Sign in Leo – can often be seen shaking and shimmying their tail feathers to their fans.
Rising Sign in Virgo – comes across as more timid than many but this can hide all sorts of things!
Rising Sign in Libra – exudes beauty, balance and harmony.
Rising Sign in Scorpio – secretive; may repress his or her feelings; hard to fathom; sexy.
Rising Sign in Sagittarius – likeable, funny, and good with a joke. May have a tendency to preach.
Rising Sign in Capricorn – appears grown-up and authoritative; gets taken seriously; avoids moaning.
Rising Sign in Aquarius – possibly wild-eyed; outside the norm; colourful, unusual and daring.
Rising Sign in Pisces – dreamy, romantic and spiritual, possibly enlightened; hippy and ethnic; gentle.
Mercury is the planet of the mind so the sign and house it’s in affects the way you communicate. Mercury is the mind planet. It zips around the chart quite fast, spending a few weeks in each sign. Remember too that Mercury goes backwards (retrogrades) up to four times a year, so it’s not that unusual to be born with Mercury retrograde in your chart. In that case, the interpretations are the same, although the energy may be less look-at-me and more turned inwards.
Mercury in Aries – quick-thinking and quick-tempered; speaks first and engages brain later. People with Mercury in Aries tend to be fiery and easily end up in arguments.
Mercury in Taurus – can be stubborn, but mentally very stable. Can be mentally sluggish, and slow to make decisions. Tends towards the conventional; good with practical matters.
Mercury in Gemini – quick-witted and funny. Can talk till the cows come home and then some. Asks endless questions; writes long e-mails; incessant chatterers. Can be superficial when living negatively.
Mercury in Cancer – speaks kindly and softly; sentimental, sharp, emotional and often homely. Worries way too much. Fusses. Good at singing kids to sleep. Soothing.
Mercury in Leo – Mercury is the communications planet and Leo is the sign of the actor and showbiz. Here’s someone who has our attention and keeps talking to retain the spotlight.
Mercury in Virgo – this Mercury has it all going on. Mercury = mind, Virgo = detail-loving to the point of pernicketyness. Can be a tad too no-nonsense. It’s not all about being smart.
Mercury in Libra – wants to think beautiful thoughts and hear and speak and write beautiful words. Amusing at parties. Slick. Very good at bringing peace and harmony where there was upset. Negotiators and charmers.
Mercury in Scorpio – wants to get to the bottom of things; needs to know; probing. Sexual mind. Strong and silent type. Loves mysteries. May wish to talk dirty; has a ‘dirty’ mind, in a good way.
Mercury in Sagittarius – upbeat, optimistic and ready to crack a joke and have a laugh. May become preachy. May need to pay a bit more attention. Reckless. Often needs to work on being responsible.
Mercury in Capricorn – serious-minded and with an authoritative voice that others find easy to take seriously. Loves history. Is logical. Is often all about the truth. Needs integrity.
Mercury in Aquarius – a free-thinker. Aquarius is the sign of technology. These people can think ahead of the curve. Sometimes brutishly frank, they need to work on being more sensitive.
Mercury in Pisces – visionary people who can see a very wide picture. Dreamy and poetic. Have a tendency to over-romanticize. Idealists. Film and/or music buffs. Usually have an artistic streak.
Mercury in the 1st house – will be seen as a thinker, a talker, or other Mercury-style person. Mercury people wear their Mercury on their sleeves.
Mercury in the 2nd house – always has one eye on finances. Thinks a lot about cash, property and possessions. Knows how to make money. Mathematical mind.
Mercury in the 3rd house – this person will be a talker/thinker/writer. It’s what they call a ‘double whammy’ – the communications planet in the communications house. Someone erudite.
Mercury in the 4th house – this person has their home and family front of mind. He or she likes to think about the past. Could be quite private, and inward-looking.
Mercury in the 5th house – the mind planet Mercury is centred on the Fun Zone of the chart. What does that tell you about this person? They’re fun to be around and playful. Often self-expressive/creative.
Mercury in the 6th house – focuses a lot on work and all the duties that need doing. Thinks a lot about how best to sort out everyday life. A busy person. Interested in health and alternative remedies and therapies.
Mercury in the 7th house – will think a lot about love over the course of his or her lifetime. Life may be all about thinking about other people. Can be all about romance. Talks or writes about love.
Mercury in the 8th house – thinks a lot about sex. Or money. Or both! The mind is focused on the darker side of life, sometimes. Talks about the things others consider taboo.
Mercury in the 9th house – this is a great placement, in theory (depending on what other planets Mercury connects to in the chart). This is the mind planet in the Wide Open Zone of the chart. Travel and study loom large.
Mercury in the 10th house – the focus is on career and profession. Could be a very good strategic planner. Thinks about the consequences and makes plans. Transits to Mercury will often trigger career events.
Mercury in the 11th house – loves to be with friends. Social and connected. Likes to brings groups together or go to large events and listen. Understands the concept of the Law of Attraction and wishes.
Mercury in the 12th house – could be quite psychic. Must be encouraged not to focus on his or her fears. Someone with this placement will double-benefit from meditation. Needs time alone. Retreats work well.
Since Venus relates to love and money, many students are keen to discover this quickly! The sign and house Venus is in, plus which aspects Venus makes to other planets in your chart, affect the way you love and relate, as well as how easily you can draw abundance to you. Once you know a person’s Venus, you know what they love, what makes them feel loved and how to show them that you love them.
Venus in Aries – Aries is a very impetuous energy so when the romance and riches planet turns up too, you can see there’s an impetuous lover around. The Venus force is strong in this one. Often very attractive.
Venus in Taurus – pheromones ahoy! Beautiful and elegant, yet earthy. Loves the sensual touch. Good in the kitchen. May be an amazing cook or chef. In males, has a good idea of what women want.
Venus in Gemini – loves words, and people who use words well. May be fickle in love. Short attention span when it comes to money; can make money through self-expression. Flirtatious.
Venus in Cancer – homely and caring and makes you feel welcome, probably with some food. Good at cuddling, and making a house feel like a home. Is very protective of his or her cubs.
Venus in Leo – wants to razzle-dazzle you and probably will, well into old age. Also wants beautiful arm candy – and beautiful everything. Venus in Leo is a princess used to the best.
Venus in Virgo – loves details. Loves to look after you and be of service. May ask rather a lot of you and criticize you (if you matter to them). Likes his or her lovers to be literally very clean, preferably smelling of soap. Can be quite kinky behind closed doors.
Venus in Libra – Venus is arguably at her best here. Sweet and gentle, and with impeccable manners. The men may kiss your hand. The main caution: they love to love and it has to be lovely love. Die-hard romantics. Good relaters.
Venus in Scorpio – now here is a dark and seductive Venus. She certainly won’t reveal all of herself to you. Men and women with this placement tend towards the smouldering. May be jealous. Intense.
Venus in Sagittarius – a flighty lover who can be here today and gone tomorrow, and then back the next day. Not afraid to show you that he/she cares. Free and easy, and won’t cling on (dislike clingers themselves).
Venus in Capricorn – this is a toughie because these people often fear or even feel they are not loved enough. They tend to be very straight-up lovers who won’t let you down, unless they’re threatened.
Venus in Aquarius – he/she is coolly seeking an unconventional lover. One of the non-clingy types. Can be too mental and not heart enough. Tends to be very elegant and fashion-forward. Has lots of friends. An idealist.
Venus in Pisces – dreamy and kind; may be a little too soft and sentimental for the modern world. Loves beauty and imagination. Affectionate, and attracts people with warmth. Wears rose-coloured glasses.
Venus in the 1st house – these people are upfront about love matters. Usually look good and have a great sense of style.
Venus in the 2nd house – these people have a strong appreciation of what really matters. Appreciate quality.
Venus in the 3rd house – they are sociable, and very good at heartfelt and pleasant-to-receive communication.
Venus in the 4th house – can make home a wonderful place to be. Devoted to the family. Cosy.
Venus in the 5th house – he or she is charming, and devil-may-care when it comes to love. Charismatic.
Venus in the 6th house – will do everything possible to make work a more beautiful place to be.
Venus in the 7th house – this person is all about love and relationships, and makes a good partner.
Venus in the 8th house – can size up people and things. Makes a deep and mysterious lover. Sexual.
Venus in 9th house – a person with a love of travel or study, or the exotic, or education or religion.
Venus in the 10th house – brings professional success. This person is popular at work and a good money-earner.
Venus in the 11th house – loves their friends and their friends love them. A sociable person. Artistic friends. Strong female network.
Venus in the 12th house – may be scared of showing feelings or even of relationships. Hides beauty and artistic talent. Secret love affairs.
Mars is the planet of sex and drive and determination, and pushing to get what you want. The sign and house Mars is in affects the way we chase things in life. Mars is also the way people fight, and the kinds of thing they fight about. For example, Mars in Gemini will talk you to death! Mars in Libra doesn’t want to fight but will fight for justice, and so on. Remember that Mars takes around two years to go around the skies.
Mars in Aries – goes after what he or she wants. Filled with desires. You may need to get out of the way!
Mars in Taurus – sheer will can push Mars in Taurus people to success. Practical. Highly sexed.
Mars in Gemini – fights with words; enthusiastic; needs freedom. Words are a turn-on.
Mars in Cancer – very protective of its own; strives to create a fortress. Not the easiest placement.
Mars in Leo – has high energy and vitality; quick to act; will happily go at the head of any pack/group.
Mars in Virgo – all about discipline and duty; may be physically gifted; very strategic.
Mars in Libra – may be argumentative in relationships. Would be better off pouring energies into peace.
Mars in Scorpio – can be dark. Highly sexed, and passion incarnate. Drawn to high drama and passionate situations.
Mars in Sagittarius – boundless energy and a spirit of adventure: a ‘don’t fence me in’ person.
Mars in Capricorn – has fire in the belly. Ambitious, and must avoid a tendency towards ruthlessness.
Mars in Aquarius – can be rather jangly with nerves: needs to unplug. Dynamic. Fights for humanity.
Mars in Pisces – has lots of feelings, and is not always sure how best to expend them. Yoga/Tai chi can help.
Mars in the 1st house – can come across as direct, or even overly assertive. Needs to work through aggression.
Mars in the 2nd house – can be in a hurry to accumulate wealth and is ready to do ‘what it takes’ to get it.
Mars in the 3rd house – these people can hardly stop themselves from saying what they think.
Mars in the 4th house – has a drive for family, and to create a home. May need to simmer down at home.
Mars in the 5th house – a bundle of energy. Someone who wants to go out and have fun, and does so! Sporty.
Mars in the 6th house – very driven at work, and willing to work hard for others. Can be a very healthy and health-conscious person.
Mars in the 7th house – can be a provocateur; a forceful partner; needs to learn not to pick fights!
Mars in the 8th house – keen to go deeper in life. Needs to develop patience regarding sex and money.
Mars in the 9th house – can become a crusader for a belief. A motivated traveller and student.
Mars in the 10th house – determined to succeed; hungry for recognition and willing to chase after it.
Mars in the 11th house – can be aggressive with friends, or motivated to have a lot of them.
Mars in the 12th house – may repress anger. Spiritual exercises such as Tai chi are recommended.
What about your Jupiter, the planet of good luck? Arguably, Jupiter simply amplifies the characteristics of the sign it’s in. The only caution with Jupiter is excess – overdoing it – and complacency. Wherever you have Jupiter in your chart, of course, things are likely to flow more easily for you. Jupiter takes around a year to move through all the signs.
Jupiter in Aries – full of joie de vivre; excited; in the mood to have fun and party a lot of the time; wilful!
Jupiter in Taurus – can do well financially. Pleasure-loving; indulgent; jealous. Connected to the Divine Feminine.
Jupiter in Gemini – very talkative, open-minded and smart; a big flirt and a traveller. Attracts or creates change.
Jupiter in Cancer – homely and caring. Food is an adventure. Family-oriented. Sympathetic, and very emotional.
Jupiter in Leo – razzle-dazzle and showmanship. Magnanimous. Can be quite flash. Life-affirming.
Jupiter in Virgo – pays a lot of attention to detail. Critical. Terribly practical and down-to-earth; matter-of-fact.
Jupiter in Libra – elegant, artistic and sociable. Loves to love and will probably love a lot. Often popular and attractive.
Jupiter in Scorpio – sexy, unfathomable and mysterious. Has a hidden agenda and lots of secrets. Dignified.
Jupiter in Sagittarius – an adventurer, risk-taker and traveller. High-spirited and devil-may-care.
Jupiter in Capricorn – pragmatic, conscientious and functional. Self-controlled. Makes big plans; enjoys work.
Jupiter in Aquarius – owns lots of gadgets, enjoys progress and technology. Humane, and makes a contribution.
Jupiter in Pisces – lots of psychic ability/intuition. Enjoys reveries. Easy-going, and runs on feelings.
Jupiter in the 1st house – cheery, has a jolly disposition. Prone to weight gain. Seen to fare well in life.
Jupiter in the 2nd house – a great placement for having lots of cash, but must watch excess spending.
Jupiter in the 3rd house – a big talker; chatty. Open-minded and adventure-loving. A big reader and/or writer.
Jupiter in the 4th house – enjoys home and family life. Has very protective tendencies. Enjoys big families.
Jupiter in the 5th house – takes centre-stage. Takes big risks; gambles. Flirtatious, sexy, and sexually adventurous.
Jupiter in the 6th house – enjoys routine and timetables. Has a lively daily life. A pleasure to have as a co-worker.
Jupiter in the 7th house – has lots of partners, and possibly lots of marriages. Or lots of yearning for love.
Jupiter in the 8th house – delves into the dark side of life, the mysterious and occult. Sexual. A good placement for finances.
Jupiter in the 9th house – suits publishing, travelling, seeing the world, philosophy; this is a big-picture person.
Jupiter in the 10th house – can achieve success professionally; very good in worldly affairs; recognized or famous.
Jupiter in the 11th house – popular and has big hopes and wishes. Keen to help the world; philanthropic.
Jupiter in the 12th house – there’s lots of mystery about this person. A water baby; a dreamer. Soulful and very poetic.
And what about your Saturn, the planet of hard work and fear? When you’re looking at Saturn, remember that it stays in each sign for around two years, so looking at Saturn through the signs says a lot about all the people born within a two-year (or so) period. It will talk about how they work and their relationship with other Saturnian qualities and characteristics, such as learning and teaching and going the long haul in your relationships and commitments.
As you’ve learned, there are positive and negative traits with all planets, but Saturn focuses on the less light-hearted ones. Of course, not everyone will express these traits, and the aspects that the other planets are making to Saturn will affect how they play out. A Venus trine will sweeten things, for example, whereas a Mars (Fire) square would add fire to the fuel (Saturn).
Saturn in Aries – military-like discipline, organized and determined: if these are wisely channelled, a Saturn in Aries person can be a high achiever.
Saturn in Taurus – has a fear of money; shows strength of purpose; can be hard to budge; sometimes selfish.
Saturn in Gemini – a negative thinker: may focus on fear. Has an organized mind and an authoritative tone.
Saturn in Cancer – caring (or a carer); fearful; a worrier; has a strong family life. Often a very strong character.
Saturn in Leo – the autocrat who struggles to shine his or her light. Stunted expression; hides light.
Saturn in Virgo – takes care in all matters; can be too critical; frets over the details. Needs to lighten up.
Saturn in Libra – serious, and often seriously charming. Has balanced judgement. ‘Good’ at long-term relationships.
Saturn in Scorpio – has deep dark secrets, and embraces the dark side. Strong willpower; a formidable opponent.
Saturn in Sagittarius – dignified; can concretize ideas; tempers fun with work; serious about religion.
Saturn in Capricorn – calculating; potential for serious professional success; a workhorse.
Saturn in Aquarius – shows common sense; works for progress; scientific; exact; good with computers.
Saturn in Pisces – can dwell on the negative; works with music, the occult or in spiritual fields; relaxed; serious.
Saturn in the 1st house – serious, and someone that others take seriously; should avoid being dour. People see Saturn when he/she walks into a room. Should avoid taking themselves too seriously. Contrariwise, often has great comic timing.
Saturn in the 2nd house – organized with cash, and may express this as a fear of money. If so, deal with that by financially planning and strategizing long-term. It will really help. A solid saver.
Saturn in the 3rd house – a tendency to look on the negative side. Needs to train the brain to notice the positive too. Living positively, a rigorous thinker; living negatively, a rigid thinker. Serious communications.
Saturn in the 4th house – builds a very solid personal life and home base. Family issues are possible. Needs to sort out private life dramas by being mature and smart. Has karmic relationships with family members, with lots of ‘past life’ issues to resolve.
Saturn in the 5th house – needs to schedule in fun, or they might forget to let their hair down. Lessons in life come from romance and kids. Seriously creative. Needs to avoid being a killjoy; and needs to express themselves.
Saturn in the 6th house – a great place to have Saturn. Good at living in rhythm, with routines and timetables; a conscientious and helpful worker. The workaday planet in the workaday house. But don’t work too hard!
Saturn in the 7th house – learns the most important life lessons via relationships: the ‘true’ lover. Needs to love more lightly! This can be a tricky placement if lovers are not chosen wisely. Otherwise, great for relationship longevity.
Saturn in the 8th house – good at making long-term money plans. Needs to choose financial partners wisely! With good choices, solid finances beckon. Poor choices could lead to hardship. Needs to work through fears.
Saturn in the 9th house – this person loves to study, and is serious about knowledge; good for working in publishing, travel or education. May need help to see the bigger picture. Travels for work. Honourable.
Saturn in the 10th house – seriously ambitious and works like a dog: fears professional failure. This is a make-or-break placement. There are not many corners to be cut. Authoritarian, and likes to instruct.
Saturn in the 11th house – important life lessons from friends; needs to work on believing that he or she is loved by pals. Humane. Choosy about who he/she befriends, and thus has enduring friendships.
Saturn in the 12th house – may be reclusive; potentially very spiritual, and disciplined about carrying out spiritual practices. Expressed negatively, can breed sorrows. Daily meditation will really help.
And what about the maverick planet of chaos, Uranus? Uranus takes around 84 years to go around the zodiac, which means it stays in each sign for about seven years. Wherever Uranus goes, disruption and progress follow. Because Uranus stays in each sign for such a long time, lots of people born within a seven-year range will have Uranus in the same sign. Thus, whole clusters of people seek to do the Uranian thing and upturn convention and move things forwards.
Therefore, we say that Uranus is generational, in that it affects large numbers of people in the same ways. For example, most people born between 1968 and 1975 have Uranus (change) in Libra (relationships). In the West, this is the generation that moved relationships forwards to the existing, more modern set-up. Note also that Uranus is the planet of liberation and Libra is the sign ruled by Venus, the planet of the feminine, and we had women’s liberation during this time. Uranus is shocking – think of how shocked polite society was when women started metaphorically burning their bras.
For another example, most people born between 1988 and 1995 have Uranus in Capricorn. These are the people who will stir up and create changes to (Uranus) business and society’s working business models (Capricorn). Online (Uranus) enterprises (Capricorn) are revolutionizing (Uranus) business (Capricorn).
Visit for a list of when Uranus went in and out of the signs in the last 100 or so years.
Uranus in Aries – rebellious, impossible to tether, and doesn’t mind at all who knows it. A bit wild.
Uranus in Taurus – surprisingly romantic and romantically surprising; needs to avoid selfishness and stubbornness.
Uranus in Gemini – free-thinking; modern ideas; chaotic communications; original ways of thinking; inventive.
Uranus in Cancer – may have a rather chaotic home/family life, or be part of a very modern family; unconventional lifestyles; eccentric.
Uranus in Leo – rebels; can be a bit hysterical. These people are game-changers, creatives, and love to move forwards. Unique self-expression.
Uranus in Virgo – progress in alternative health/vibrational medicine; changes to feminine status quo; clever.
Uranus in Libra – changes to the way we ‘do’ relationships; maverick romantics; different partnership norms.
Uranus in Scorpio – sexually progressive; upturns fixed ideas; needs to avoid vengefulness, often has highly charged emotions.
Uranus in Sagittarius – no-holds-barred; progress at all costs; reckless; unorthodox; nervous.
Uranus in Capricorn – unconventional in career matters; restless; professional one-offs; innovative.
Uranus in Aquarius – scientific; humane; dragging the world into the future; digital talents; inventions; freedom.
Uranus in Pisces – idealism; new ideas related to mysticism; modernization of music and art; changeable.
Uranus in the 1st house – someone who comes across as different: a maverick, liberated, does their own thing.
Uranus in the 2nd house – changeable finances; unusual ways to make money; works well solo; changing values.
Uranus in the 3rd house – a true freethinker; lives outside the box; original; mentally undisciplined; genius.
Uranus in the 4th house – unconventional family life with many different homes; technology at home; leaves roots.
Uranus in the 5th house – chaotic love life; free-love free-sex attitudes; untethered creativity; digital talents.
Uranus in the 6th house – works digitally; self-employed; unusual working life; chaotic routines; daily changes.
Uranus in the 7th house – unusual partners; commitment issues; marital freedom; unconventional, romantically.
Uranus in the 8th house – sexually explorative and nontraditional; roller-coaster finances; may bring unexpected legacies.
Uranus in the 9th house – a rebellious mind; a seeker of cosmic truths; unusual travel and study; erratic education.
Uranus in the 10th house – a professional maverick; changes jobs; works well solo/digitally; unpredictable work.
Uranus in the 11th house – changes groups of friends; drawn to unusual people; wishes for unusual things.
Uranus in the 12th house – has visions of the future; hides peccadillos; may feel very different to other people.
Now we come to the planet of dreams and soulmates. Again this is a very slow-moving planet and therefore is considered ‘generational’. Neptune takes about 165 years to go through all 12 signs, staying in each one for approximately 14 years. Note that the downside of Neptune is confusion and disappointment. So wherever Neptune is found in your chart, or goes by transit, disappointment or confusion can follow.
However, Neptune is also about idealism, inspiration and connection to the Divine. As per my stated purpose to uplift people via astrology, I’ve mainly focused on those positive qualities for Neptune in the descriptions below. But if you want to apply the ideas of deception, disappointment, confusion and sacrifice to the sign or house where Neptune is, go right ahead. Both are possible, neither is obligatory.
Note that since 1900, Neptune has only been in Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces. However, descriptions for all the sign placements are given below.
Neptune in Aries – a great drive to discover the secrets of the unknown; subversive; idealistic.
Neptune in Taurus – musical, loving and artistic; visionary; charming; makes money through art or spirituality.
Neptune in Gemini – the daydreamer. Fanciful – a writer of fantasies; has a great imagination; a worrier.
Neptune in Cancer – dreamy: with a dream home and a dream family; appealing; emotional; lazy; very sympathetic.
Neptune in Leo – show-business and smoke and mirrors; has possibly unrealistic ideas of their own fabulousness; creative.
Neptune in Virgo – confused; critical; not sure of what it really wants; idealist about health and service.
Neptune in Libra – dreams up things of beauty, art, fashion; may experience legal confusion; romantic, visionary; a dream lover.
Neptune in Scorpio – sexual fantasies; may be sexually duplicitous; secretive; sarcastic; attracted to the occult.
Neptune in Sagittarius – dreams of travel; idealistic; seeks to merge with life through travel and study; utopian.
Neptune in Capricorn – calculating; inspires business ideas; dissolves old ways of working; a professional idealist.
Neptune in Aquarius – a desire to help humanity; charitable; digital connections; dreams of freedom.
Neptune in Pisces – spiritual awakening; gentle; no boundaries; immersed in dreams; romantic to a fault.
Neptune in the 1st house – comes across as dreamy and romantic, possible confused; an idealist.
Neptune in the 2nd house – confusion regarding cash; needs to earn money in an inspiring way; values dreams.
Neptune in the 3rd house – ideas that uplift and inspire; intuitive; visionary; easily confused.
Neptune in the 4th house – ideal family life; uplifted by home life; inspired by family values; lives by the sea.
Neptune in the 5th house – loves to lose self while having fun, including via drugs and alcohol; a dreamy flirt.
Neptune in the 6th house – dreams of being of service; finds routines hard; works with life’s mysteries.
Neptune in the 7th house – seeks and often finds a soulmate; may be inspired by a partner.
Neptune in the 8th house – tantric sex and Divine sexual union; financial rewards for performing uplifting work.
Neptune in the 9th house – a great mind that can see far and wide; has visions; understands mysteries; a seeker.
Neptune in the 10th house – career confusion possible; inspirational work leads to success and career dreams.
Neptune in the 11th house – inspires friends and finds inspiring friends; a social idealist and a humanitarian dreamer.
Neptune in the 12th house – great connection to the cosmos; uncertain fears; psychic ability; deep meditations
And finally we have the planet of power and passion. Pluto takes approximately 248 years to go through all 12 signs, staying in each sign for between 14 and 30 years. The keywords for Pluto are magic, passion, power, breaking things down, transformation, death, rebirth and taboos. Note that because Pluto is so slow, there are quite a few signs that Pluto hasn’t been in recently. For example, Pluto was last in Aries between 1822 and 1853 and won’t return until 2068. Even so, all the Pluto qualities you can expect to find are listed here, as are the last and most recent dates that the planet was in each sign, or the most recent and next dates.
The descriptions here are a mix between what we saw as a result of the transit of Pluto through the various signs and what we can expect from the children born when Pluto was in the different signs.
Pluto in Aries (1822–1853; 2068–2098): brash, and determined to get ahead. Full firepower. Not afraid to change the way things are done.
Pluto in Taurus (1853–1884; 2098–2129): changing the way the world economy works; makes changes slowly but surely.
Pluto in Gemini (1882–1914; 2132–2159): blasts away old ways of thinking; revolutionary; ideas; communications.
Pluto in Cancer (1914–1937): transforms the ideal of the family unit, ideal home, ideal country, ideal ethnicity; powerful emotions.
Pluto in Leo (1937–1956): the ‘baby boomers’. Powerful leaders who transformed pleasure and entertainment; a confident generation.
Pluto in Virgo (1956–1971): the people who changed the idea of duty and service and transformed alternative health.
Pluto in Libra (1971–1982): Generation X. Transforming relationships and our ideas about art; obsessed with appearances.
Pluto in Scorpio (1982–1995): deep transformation to the areas of sex, death and all things taboo. Genetic engineering. Dark.
Pluto in Sagittarius (1746–1762; 1995–2008): changing the way we are educated; social media; changes to the internet; spirituality vs religion; truth is all.
Pluto in Capricorn (1762–1778; 2008–2024): trimming the fat from business; transforming corporations; undermining governments.
Pluto in Aquarius (1778–1798; 2024–2044): transforming the way we belong to networks, and our relationship with technology; humanitarian matters.
Pluto in Pisces (1797–1823; 2044–2068) – profound changes in our connection to the Divine and our psychic abilities; opening up new channels.
Pluto in the 1st house – can come across as powerful and passionate, or rather controlling and manipulative.
Pluto in the 2nd house – a passion for wealth that will materialize if Pluto is in good condition; values depth.
Pluto in the 3rd house – a powerful communicator who breaks down barriers and leads to new thinking; a magical person.
Pluto in the 4th house – life at home can be explosive; family will change this person’s life; inner tension.
Pluto in the 5th house – intense love life; obsessions; children will change this person’s life; profound creativity.
Pluto in the 6th house – intense daily life; highly absorbing work; deep need to be of service; a healer.
Pluto in the 7th house – a passionate lover who must avoid controlling partners or attempting to control partners.
Pluto in the 8th house – a yearning to explore the darker, deeper realms of life; passionate sex and changing finances.
Pluto in the 9th house – seeks cosmic knowledge and to expand own horizons and knowledge base; metaphysical.
Pluto in the 10th house – desire to succeed/leave a mark; a powerful professional player; a conflict with authority.
Pluto in the 11th house – has powerful friends, hidden alliances, intense friendships; a powerful manifestor and a leader.
Pluto in the 12th house – needs time alone; a magician; powerful dreams; karmic life; breaks down fears.