

As you can now see, astrology is a highly intricate system, and you should be aware that there’s still a lot more to learn if you’re to become a fully fledged astrologer! There are literally thousands of years of teachings to take in: ancient astrology; Egyptian astrology; Hermetic astrology; Renaissance astrology…

You can learn techniques such as vibration-based astrology, known as harmonics, timing methods such as fidaria and profections, and other forecasting methods such as Solar Returns (a chart set for the moment of your birthday when the Sun is back to the same degree and minute it was when you were born), and so much more. However, you now have a good grounding in the basics of the subject – which is all you need to get started.

Now, please read the book again! I’m serious. There is so much to take in. Read it again, alongside your own birth chart and those of your friends and family members. I find that every year I learn something new in astrology, and I revisit birth charts I’ve seen dozens of times before with fresh ideas.

And if you’ve skipped great sections of this book and jumped to the Cookbook section, say, I strongly advise you to go back to the beginning and, every time you don’t understand something, read it again and then again!

Astrology really builds on itself: you need to fully grasp one concept before you can understand the next. So be patient with yourself and the subject! Also remember that astrology is all about keywords. Learn the keywords and the main ideas of the planets, signs, houses and aspects. With those under your belt, you’ll be able to move forwards, deeper and deeper into your studies. Eventually, you may wish to sign up for one of the growing number of workshops, lectures, and even degree courses out there. Or you may prefer to work with one or more mentors.

I would also recommend you sign up for some kind of astrology conference (they are held all over the world) and get yourself as many astrology pals as you can, to share information and ideas (we astrologers are very easily found on the internet!). Fellow newbie astrology students as well as veterans will help you in different ways.

As my first teacher once said to me, quite soon ‘you’ll see if this is a short-term interest or if it becomes a lifelong passion’. I believe that for me, astrology has been an across-the-lifetimes affair. Maybe it’s that for you too?

A final thought: use all the astrological information you discover wisely! It’s powerful. Always use it for good. Use it to build people up and make them feel better about themselves. Use it to help people understand their challenges, yes, but also make sure you point out their gifts and advantages as well.

If and when you decide you’re ready to give readings, paid or not, you have a massive responsibility to yourself, the person you’re reading for and to the subject of astrology itself. Astrology is a tool for self-development and self-empowerment. Use it to know yourself and to help others know themselves.

If you work with predictions, never make anyone feel scared. If you see a big challenge looming on their horizon, explain it in the most uplifting terms that you can. Remind them that lessons usually leave us better off than we were before. Help them to understand what their soul is going through. Remember, we incarnate with the charts that we do for a reason – because our soul wants to learn the lessons of this lifetime, all of which can be found in the birth chart. And we want to go higher. Use astrology to help yourself and other people to feel good. It’s a most powerful tool and you need to use it wisely to heal, plan, teach, soothe, explain and assist.

I’m wishing you all the best on your astrological journey!

Stay in touch!

I would love to hear from you and also help you out if you have any queries about this book or if you’re struggling with any of the exercises. Here’s how to find me:

Decoding Louise Hay’s chart

Read this once you have read the rest of the book!

You saw the chart for Hay House founder, Louise Hay. Take another look at the chart and see how the info below matches what you see… and if you can, give yourself a big pat on the back!

The three closest aspects in Ms Hay’s chart are:

  1. Mercury conjunct the IC
  2. Mars in the 10th square Jupiter in the 7th
  3. Sun in the 3rd square Pluto in the 12th