
Recommended reading

Below is a list of my favourite astrology books suitable for beginners. All are highly regarded in the field. When it comes to astrology, it’s good to know you’re reading a title that’s considered reputable, so you’re not picking up bad habits or strange ideas. All of these books more than pass muster, and they build on what you’ve learned in this book, in one way or another.

Aspects in Astrology, Sue Tompkins (Destiny Books)

Chart Interpretation Handbook, Stephen Arroyo (CRCS Publications)

Healing Pluto Problems, Donna Cunningham (Red Wheel/Weiser Books)

Key Words for Astrology, Anna Haebler and Hajo Banzhaf (Weiser Books)

Making the Gods Work for You, Caroline W. Casey (Harmony)

Planets In Transit, Robert Hand (Whitford Press)

Predictive Astrology, The Eagle and the Lark, Bernadette Brady, (Weiser Books)

Spiritual Astrology: A Path to Divine Awakening, Jan Spiller (Touchstone)

Star Crossed, Kim Farnell (

The Astrology Sourcebook, Shirley Soffer (Shirley I. Soffer)

The Changing Sky, Steven Forrest (Seven Paws Press)

The Gods of Change, Howard Sasportas (Penguin Books)

The Inner Sky, Steven Forrest (Seven Paws Press)

The Principles of Astrology, C.E.O. Carter (American Federation of Astrologers)

The Rulership Book, Rex E. Bills (American Federation of Astrologers)

The Twelve Houses, Howard Sasportas (LSA/Flare)

Also see for lots more resources to help you on your astrological journey.