Track 46

“Wicked Game”

Four Years Ago

“Retired Senator in Curbside Scuffle”

The Capitol Hill Courier

Staff Writer

In extraordinary scenes outside the Capitol Building today, Secret Service agents were forced to shield Senator Lewis Blake III (R - CO) from a lone activist, who claimed he’d been “brainwashed” by the senator.

Witnesses say the activist, a man described as being in his fifties, approached retired Senator Blake.

“The guy was polite at first,” said an onlooker. “But then he snapped and pulled out a bunch of papers and started shouting about aliens and UFOs and black-ops cover-ups.”

The man allegedly pushed a Secret Service agent into the senator before absconding down Maryland Avenue on foot. The senator ordered the agents not to give chase. However, the onlooker observed a car from the senator’s convoy quietly leaving in the direction of the activist.

Senator Blake appeared to dismiss the man’s actions, declaring loudly that he was “harmless” and “exercising his democratic rights.” The senator was swiftly escorted into a waiting limousine.

Senator Blake is known for running a tightly controlled office and for his hardline stance against immigration intake. In 2002, he introduced a controversial bill designed to curtail freedom of information laws, which was voted down after weeks of heated debate.

Calls to Senator Blake’s office were not answered. It’s understood the senator is traveling to his home state of Colorado for long-planned meetings with constituents.