My life is possible because of God and the people in it. The people I acknowledge here are not in any particular order—except, of course, my life partner, Guy, will be first. Smile. I thank all here and all not named for their unconditional support over the years.

Guy, you have been my rock. You have my heart. No one could have done better by me during my low points. You never missed a day visiting me at the hospital even though it was a 45-minute drive one way. And outside the hospital, you have inspired me to have strength.

Thank you, Jan Black, my spiritual healing therapist, for the many hours you spend with me and for placing my manuscript in the hands of Mike Fitzpatrick, who actually read it and then passed it on to Hazelden editor Sid Farrar, who too read it. Many thanks to Sid, April Ebb, and the Hazelden staff for working with me to create the best book possible. The serendipitous nature of all this has been truly amazing.

Thanks to Jon Valk, who designed the cover.

Bob and Marty Christopher have been pseudo parents and have always kept me in their prayers.

Christy Strauch has been in my life for fifteen years. She has listened to me read to her over the telephone countless times. Her suggestions are good ones, and I truly appreciate all the time she gives me.

Poet and dear friend Francie Noyes, you rock, as does Dot DiRienzi. Both of you inspire me. I hold you in my heart.

Pat Bates has been my longest writing friend. She was convinced I would someday publish. She has gained my respect for her psychic abilities over the years.

Cathy Capozzoli, another poet friend, inspires me with her own writing and sense of spirituality.

Writer Kriste Peoples read portions of the manuscript when it was still a long poem. She, too, encouraged me to continue.

I remember when I first saw Sandy Desjardins, writer and professor. She adds magic to any room she walks into. After ten years of silence, I began writing again under her tutelage.

Sheila Taube, writer and spiritual counselor, and Bonnie Vatz literally saved my life when I was at my lowest. They were light that made its way through the cracks of my darkness. I also thank Victor Taube, who has always been a stabilizing influence.

Norman Dubie, poet and professor, you are a wonderment. Thank you for being the chairperson on my committee at Arizona State University. And thank you for singing Buddha songs to me over the phone. I find you very healing, and you helped me through the grief over my grandmother’s death.

Cynthia Hogue, poet and professor, thank you for the time you spent with me and my writing. You said this manuscript would be my masterpiece. And thank you for sharing your experiences with love.

Alberto Rios, poet and professor and another member of my writing committee at ASU, thank you for your support.

Thank you, Saashley, Paula, and Susie. Thank you, Art Awakenings, for providing me with a place to go to outside of my bedroom, where I had been trapped by my own mind.

Thank you, Dr. Frankie Moorehead and Kathy Hernandez, for being a great psychiatric team. You did great by me.

Many thanks to the staff at Thunderbird Banner Hospital’s mental health unit for always taking good care of me when I was psychotic or unable to get along in the common reality.

Thanks to Trish Scanlan for being such a good cheerleader.

My family members, Barbara and Jack Morgan, Stephanie Doller and James Loper, thank you for your love and support.

My life feels like not mine, which is good. It allows me to know that I am not the only one in the city. I am here as a result of a collaborative effort. With little daily things, sometimes simply a smile, I hope to give back a bit of what I have so freely been given. Life is fabulous, and thanks to these and so many other people, I can show up for it.