
1942: Members of the US Signal Corps at the Taj Mahal in protective bamboo scaffolding

Agra, Uttar Pradesh, India
(Unknown / Library of Congress)

During the Second World War, the Taj Mahal was covered in a layer of bamboo scaffolding in an attempt to disguise it from Japanese and other Axis power fighter and bomber aircraft.

Signal Corps member Private First Class John C. Byrom Jr. of Waco, Texas, appears to be trying to catch a goldfish in the marble-lined pool while Corporal Anthony J. Scopelliti and Private First Class Ray Cherry look on.


‘The generals, the colonels, all the officers depend upon the Signal Corps to “get the message through”. If we fall down, the general can’t control his division. We are always working directly for the top people. Don’t waste your time while you are here. The American Army is depending on the Signal Corps to deliver the goods.’

‘Why You Are Here: A Message for the Signal Corps Soldier’, 1943