
Firstly, I need to acknowledge all of the women and men I worked with in clubs over the course of five years. This is your story almost as much as it is mine. Though this book is written so as to protect the identities of my co-workers and the customers, my experiences with each of you contributed to who I am in my professional, adult life.

Secondly, acknowledgment and thanks go to Tim Ward, my mentor and friend, and author/publisher at Changemakers Books. Tim and I cooked up the idea for this book years ago after I divulged my previous career in sex work. After hearing some of my stories, Tim urged me to begin writing them down.

Thirdly, I am so deeply grateful for my parents and partner. My parents always support me, even when I make choices that make them nervous. My mother spent long hours editing this book for submission and my father and I strategized marketing, design, and philosophy for almost as long. Greg is my magical, wonderful, smart, talented, beautiful partner in life—he always sees the very best in me and holds me to the very highest standard.

I’d be remiss not to give a special shoutout to Robert Linder for his photography skills. Thank you for making me look good!

Finally, a lot of people at Changemakers Books provided invaluable editing, feedback, marketing, insight, and advice. I received rigorous support throughout the publication process. Made the first book seem easy! I am lucky and appreciative.