Zande: One of the Ubangi (q.v.) dialects.
Zapotec: A family of Central American Indian languages, consisting of Zapotec proper, Chatino, Papabuko and Soltec, spoken in southern Mexico.
Zenaga: A language, of the Berber group of the Hamitic sub-family of the Semito-Hamitic family of languages, spoken in Mauritania.
Zend: An alternative name for Avestan (q.v.).
Zenete: A group of Berber dialects spoken in North and North-East Africa.
zero: This word is used to express lack or absence of. (E.g., zero tonality, zero ending, etc.)
zero ending: In morphology, the bare stem of a word when used as such in discourse is said to have zero ending.
zeugma: A construction in which one word is made to serve a double purpose in the same sentence, by relating to two different words—to one of these expressly, to the other one in a supplementary sense.
Zulu: An African Negro language, spoken in Zululand, Natal, Cape Colony and the South-East African Coast; a member of the Bantu family of languages.
Zyrien: A language, also called Syryen, member of the Permian branch of the Finno-Ugric (or Uralic) sub-family of the Ural-Altaic family of languages; the native tongue of about 260,000 persons in Asiatic Russia.