Dear Reader,
I love writing complicated love stories—ones with twisted, gnarled attachments and entanglements—and that’s exactly what you’ll find with Trace and Delainey. Difficult choices, painful pasts, and yet the heart wants what the heart wants, right? That’s how I felt about these two lovers, both strong and stubborn at the same time, neither willing to admit that they were wrong, but the love they share refuses to die. How romantic!
But this story isn’t only about two lovers, it’s about the sphere of influence surrounding them as they struggle through the complicated mess that is their life, which includes family, friends and career. Life isn’t always pretty, but the joy is that much sweeter when you search for it.
I hope you enjoy Trace and Delainey’s love story; I certainly enjoyed writing it.
Hearing from readers is a special joy. Please feel free to drop me a line via email through my website, at, or through snail mail, at Kimberly Van Meter, P.O. Box 2210, Oakdale, CA 95361.
Kimberly Van Meter