
Dr. James H. Graham, MD, master of dermatopathology and dermatology, who taught me most of what I know.

Ronald J. Barr

Dr. Ronald Barr, Dr. Scott Binder, my dermatopathology colleagues at Yale (Dr. Jennifer McNiff, Dr. Earl Glusac, Dr. Rossitza Lazova, Dr. Shawn Cowper, Dr. Antonio Subtil, Dr. Anjela Galan, Dr. Marcus Bosenberg, and Dr. Peggy Myung), Dr. Jean Bolognia – their insights over the years have been invaluable. We also acknowledge the residents at Yale, those in Thailand, and Hadas Skupsky, who rotated with Dr. Barr; all of whom gave constructive feedback on how to improve the atlas for this edition. Thanks are also due to the team at Wiley Blackwell for all their efforts to improve the atlas.

Christine J. Ko