Gonna Reach Out and Grab Ya

Eric Cline




Eric Cline was born in Independence, Missouri, a city saturated with memories of and monuments to President Harry S. Truman. Eric’s parents met while working in the US Post Office, and he was their first special delivery.

It was in an Independence thrift store that Eric’s mom purchased him children’s science fiction books by “Paul French,” a.k.a. Isaac Asimov. Eric went on to devour all of the books in the Mid-Continent Public Library (yeah librarians!) by Asimov, Bradbury, Clarke (fulfilling his ABCs), as well as Heinlein, Del Rey, and yes, L. Ron Hubbard, among other Golden Age authors.

Eric holds bachelor’s and master’s degrees in English, and once considered teaching as a profession. He has waited tables at a total of three restaurants. He was at the last restaurant after he got his master’s degree, which gave him some indication of how well teaching would pay. He now works in an office and writes on evenings and weekends.

After a fitful original attempt to write, Eric turned his attention to reading, work and study, before returning to writing with a vengeance in 2007. He, his wife and his three dogs live in Maryland.


Born in 1982 in Denver, Colorado, Daniel Reneau is the fourth of eight children. Growing up in such a large household, he was constantly exposed to many new ideas and influences, which had a tremendous impact on him.

None of those influences left as indelible a mark as his very first comic book, which he received when he was seven. As he read through the pages adorned with fantastic imagery, Daniel knew exactly what he wanted to do with his life. With his purpose in mind, Daniel would constantly draw through the years, and eventually enroll in the Academy of Art University in San Francisco, where he is currently studying to obtain his bachelor’s in illustration.

Daniel enjoys science fiction, fantasy, horror, comic books and anime, and considers Gerald Brom, H.R. Giger, Jim Lee and Yukito Kishiro to have left a lasting impression on his artistic approach. He looks eagerly toward establishing an artistic legacy of his own, and hopes to inspire future artists with his work in the same way a certain comic book did for him all those years ago.

His website is redbubble.com/people.danielbdemented.