Books by David VanDyke


Plague Wars: Decade One

The Eden Plague

Reaper’s Run

Skull’s Shadows

Eden’s Exodus

Apocalypse Austin

Nearest Night


Plague Wars: Alien Invasion

The Demon Plagues

The Reaper Plague

The Orion Plague

Cyborg Strike

Comes The Destroyer

Forge and Steel


Plague Wars: Stellar Conquest

Starship Conquest

Desolator: Conquest

Tactics of Conquest

Conquest of Earth

Conquest and Empire


Books by D.D. VanDyke

D. D. VanDyke is the Mysteries pen name for fiction author David VanDyke.

California Corwin P.I. Mystery Series

Loose Ends - Book 1

(Includes Off The Leash short story)

In a Bind - Book 2

Slipknot - Book 3

The Girl In The Morgue - Book 4


For more information visit


Cover by Jun Ares