Praise for the Pantheon series:
“Mr. Lovegrove is one of the best writers out there... Highly, highly recommended.”
– The Fantasy Book Critic on The Age of Ra
“Lovegrove’s bluntness about the gods’ Jerry Springer-like repugnance refreshingly reflects the myths as they must appear to modern eyes.”
– Strange Horizons Magazine on The Age of Ra
“One of the UK SF scene’s most interesting, challenging and adventurous authors.”
– Saxon Bullock, SFX on The Age of Ra
“A compulsive, breakneck read by a master of the craft, with stunning action sequences and acute character observations. This is the kind of complex, action-oriented SF Dan Brown would write if Dan Brown could write.”
– Eric Brown, The Guardian on The Age of Zeus
“The action is just unbelievably good.”
– The Fantasy Book Critic on The Age of Zeus
“The reader feels as if they are right there accomplishing something along with our heroes... You definitely feel like you got your money’s worth.”
– Sci-Fi & Fantasy Review on The Age of Zeus
“I can totally see why The Age of Odin made it onto the New York Times Bestseller’s List; in terms of entertainment value alone it certainly deserves to be up there and I wouldn’t be surprised if you saw it on the big screen in a few years from now.”
– Graeme’s Fantasy Book Review on The Age of Odin
“The action, along with some finely observed satire, keeps the pages turning until the end.”
– Total Sci-Fi Online on The Age of Odin
“Lovegrove is vigorously carving out a godpunk subgenre – rebellious underdog humans battling an outmoded belief system. Guns help a bit, but the real weapon is free will.”
– Pornokitsch on The Age of Odin
“5 out of 5. I finished it in less than three hours, yet have pondered the revelations found within for days afterwards and plan to reread it soon.”
– Geek Syndicate on Age of Aztec
“Higher on action and violence than Lovegrove’s previous books, the novel still manages to portray convincingly the psychology of its two antiheroes, and paint a vivid picture of Aztec lore.”
– The Guardian on Age of Aztec
“A thoroughly engrossing novel, with well-written chase sequences and some epic battle scenes. If you enjoy techno-thrillers with a twist, you’ll like this”
– SciFi Bulletin on Age of Aztec