Samuel led Amelia along the Carpathia’s deck, passing crew and survivors gathered to catch the first glimpse of the Statue of Liberty. His heart raced and his hands were clammy with anticipation – or maybe trepidation – of what awaited them once they docked. Maybe Amelia was right to be afraid to look too far into the future, to think that they might not have the right to make plans or pursue dreams.
Yet, he could not lessen the certainty that his destiny lay in the great lands of America.
Whether or not she felt the first stirrings of what Samuel believed to be something special between them, he wanted Amelia to understand just how amazing a person she was, how much potential she had to make a difference in this world. His decision to explore the opportunities New York had to offer didn’t have to come with the proviso that she shared them with him; he wanted her to throw herself into the adventure by her own choosing.
A loud, collective gasp broke his thoughts, followed by a burst of cheering and clapping. The faces surrounding him that had been so nondescript, so paralysed with shock and grief, now grew euphoric with relief and joy.
‘Quickly.’ He grinned and tightened his hold on Amelia, as he pulled her to the railing. ‘They must see the statue.’
They gripped the railing and, through the thin mist that hovered around her, the Statue of Liberty stood, her torch held high and the spikes of her golden head piece glinting in the hazy sunshine.
‘My God, there she is.’ He turned to Amelia. ‘Can you see her?’
Amelia stared in the direction of the Statue, her face expressionless before she smiled, her mouth stretching wider and wider. She looked at him and the happiness in her eyes took his breath away. Words lodged in Samuel’s throat as hope rose in his chest.
‘She’s beautiful, Samuel. Truly beautiful.’
So are you. ‘Isn’t she just?’ He dragged his gaze away from her to stare across the water, his heart pounding. Did she feel it now? Feel the opportunity? The intensity of their God-given gift to live on? To do more? See more? Love more…
‘What does she represent?’ Amelia asked. ‘I should probably know, but I don’t.’
‘Freedom.’ He turned, pride swelling inside him. ‘The abolition of slavery. Opportunity. New beginnings.’ He hesitated and then leapt into the fire and touched her face. ‘What is possible… for us.’
She looked deep into his eyes. ‘Samuel…’
He slowly dipped his lips towards hers, giving her ample opportunity to lean back and reject his kiss. Instead, she came forward. Her mouth touched his, tentatively at first, and then she pressed her body closer and he moved his hand from her face to cradle the back of her head. He deepened their kiss and she responded, a soft murmur escaping from somewhere deep inside of her.
After all too brief a time, he reluctantly pulled back, not wanting to push his luck. Her eyes were glazed, but also filled with passion and fire. He slipped his hand into hers. ‘So? What do you think?’
She smiled. ‘About the kiss? Or the Statue of Liberty?’
‘Either.’ He laughed and brushed a fallen curl from her brow.
Her gaze lingered on his mouth before she stared towards the Statue. ‘I think you’re right. I was foolish to believe I could continue with my work in New York as I intended. Everything has changed. Possibly forever.’ She faced him. ‘We survived and, as you said, for some reason, God put our lives above others. We owe it to Him and them to do all we can to uncover the reasons why.’
Relief powered through him making it impossible to resist kissing her again. This time, she pulled him close, kissing him until he thought he might lose the ability to breathe.
When she stepped back, her eyes glittered with hope. ‘I’m no longer saying no to you about staying in New York, but I’m not making any promises either. I have little money and means. Elizabeth will most likely be good enough to send me sufficient money for the two weeks I am supposed to be here, but after that—’
‘I have money at home. We will find somewhere to stay and I’ll ask my mother to send me some of the money I have put by. She might not like it, but she knows that money is my earnings, not hers. I will see you are all right, Amelia. I promise.’
Slowly her smile dissolved. ‘It’s that sentiment that worries me.’
Confused, he touched his finger to her chin, lifting her eyes to his. ‘That I want to take care of you?’
‘But why? We are both stepping into the unknown. If my caring for you bothers you, don’t consider it as me looking after you, but sharing something with you.’
‘But don’t you see? If I let you look after me this way, you are pursuing the same life as you did in England. Nothing would have changed for you. Once more, you are financially responsible for someone else. I don’t want that for you and I’m sure, once you’re thinking clearly, you won’t want it for yourself.’
‘I have never thought more clearly in my life.’ He took her hand and held it to his chest, praying that she heard him. ‘My mother and sisters weren’t my responsibility by choice, they became my responsibility when Dad passed. This, us, is entirely different. I want to look after you. I want to share in this adventure with you, however long it lasts. I’m not asking that you pledge your life to me. Just step into the arena with me. After that, destiny will take over, but I really believe we have to at least try for the lives we’ve always dreamed of.’ Tears pricked his eyes. ‘God knows I owe Archie that much, at least.’
She squeezed his hand. ‘I know you do, and I’d never stand in your way, but…’ She studied him, uncertainty alight in her dark brown eyes. Then she curtly nodded, her gaze dark with determination. ‘I will stay two weeks and think of adventure and opportunity but, after that time, if I want to return to Pennington’s, that is what I will do.’
Disappointment threatened, but he wouldn’t push her. Wouldn’t risk her being beside him out of obligation rather than desire. ‘Of course.’
‘You promise me that when the end of the two weeks grows close, you’ll respect my decision? Whether that be to stay or go?’
‘Yes.’ He swallowed, his heart a panicked beat that there was every chance in fourteen days, he’d never lay eyes on this woman again. ‘I promise.’