Amelia glanced at Ruby as they boarded the train at Bath station and took their seats. The younger woman looked happier than Amelia had ever seen her, and it seemed Amelia’s trepidation that Ruby might not welcome her return to the store had been unwarranted. In fact, Ruby had welcomed Amelia with open arms, embracing her input into the wedding display with gratitude and enthusiasm.
Something deep had changed in Ruby, but Amelia wouldn’t ask. After all, she knew more than most the sacred privilege of a person’s secrets remaining their own.
She pulled her notebook from her purse. ‘So, this is our first work trip to London, Ruby. How are you feeling?’
‘Wonderful.’ Ruby smiled, moving her gaze from the window and the bustling platform beyond. ‘I can’t believe Miss Pennington allowed us some time away just days before the big reveal. I suspect it was my talking about what Harrods might do if the window was theirs that inspired her.’
‘Or my non-stop chatter about RH Macy’s in New York,’ Amelia laughed. ‘I fear, between us, we are making Miss Pennington’s head spin.’
Ruby frowned, her blue eyes clouding with concern. ‘You don’t think I’m getting too big for my boots, do you? I would hate for Miss Pennington to think I have ideas above my station. I am the happiest I’ve ever been, and I’d hate to do anything that might jeopardise that or make Miss Pennington regret the opportunities she’s given me.’
Amelia patted her hand, understanding only too well the fear of losing confidence once it had been gained. ‘Miss Pennington’s mission is to scour new ideas from everyone around her. That’s what Pennington’s is all about. She works day and night to create ways to improve the store and the lives of her staff. Never resist being outspoken with her. She wants her staff to talk to her. Really.’
Ruby nodded, her shoulders relaxing. ‘I’m glad. You see…’ Her gaze turned hesitant. ‘Without my mother’s shadow cast over me day in, day out, I feel like a different person and, with that, my enthusiasm to do well at the store grows and grows.’
Amelia studied her young apprentice. Following a meeting with Mrs Woolden, Elizabeth had pulled Amelia to one side and asked that she keep an eye on Ruby, to watch for any maliciousness towards her by others in the store.
Hazel Price in particular.
Elizabeth hadn’t divulged the reason for her concern, so Amelia assumed it had come from Ruby leaving home with her brother. Either that, or the nature of Ruby’s relationship with Victoria Lark which Amelia suspected others at the store had been discussing and speculating about for months.
‘Well, long may your happiness last.’ Amelia smiled. ‘Now, I think we’ll visit Harrods and maybe Selfridge & Co, and then return to the store early this evening with a clear idea of any finishing touches we’d like to make to the window. I understand Esther is now moving to her husband’s country estate in Oxfordshire so, from now on, it’s you and me leading the way with the window designs.’ After opening her notebook, Amelia took out her pencil. ‘Let’s use this journey to start thinking a little further ahead, shall we? We’ll soon have the Autumn collections to consider and then it will be onto Christmas. Work in the design department is as non-stop as this train.’
Greenery gave way to new, modern buildings as they sped towards London and Amelia was careful to write down Ruby’s ideas, encouraging her to expand on them wherever possible, encouraging her to take ownership of who she was and her own unique talents.
Just as they were pulling out of Reading station, a figure appeared at the compartment door.
Amelia looked up and gasped. ‘Samuel.’
Her heart raced as she glanced at Ruby before turning to Samuel, noting his station uniform. Her cheeks warmed as she tried to gather her senses, shaken to see him working on the train. Ruby’s stare burned into her temple, yet Amelia couldn’t drag her gaze from Samuel’s. It felt like an age since she’d last seen him and her heart treacherously swelled with futile love for him. He had made it very clear he intended to return to New York. Something she could – or would – no longer do.
‘You’re working on the trains now?’
His sombre gaze bore into hers, the brilliant blue of his eyes as dazzling as ever. ‘Have been for a few days. It’s been too long, Amelia. I’ve missed you.’
The warmth at her cheeks grew hotter and she looked down at her notebook. Had Ruby turned invisible? ‘I hope you’re well.’
‘As can be expected.’
The clipped tone of his voice did nothing to lessen her embarrassment. Surely he understood that she couldn’t speak freely with Ruby sitting next to her?
Ruby rose from her seat. ‘Um, Miss Wakefield, I think I might take a walk along the train. The views will be so much lovelier from one of the corridor windows.’
Ruby left the compartment and Samuel slid the door closed behind her.
He immediately sank into the seat next to Amelia. ‘I only have a minute or two to talk.’ His gaze travelled over her face making her heart beat a little faster. ‘I’ve wanted to come into the store so many times, but I’ve been running around all over the place. If I’m not working, I’m helping Ma or Fiona…’
She slumped her shoulders, her care for him overriding every inch of her good sense. She’d missed him so, so much. ‘And you? Are you all right?’
He sighed and gave a wry smile. ‘It turns out the big brother in me had no need to worry about one of my sisters, at least.’
‘Katherine has managed to get a job by her own doing and didn’t need any interference from me. Now I just have Ma and Fiona to sort out.’
Amelia smiled, pleased that his sister had proven herself capable. ‘So, does this mean you’re beginning to understand you are not solely responsible for your family? That they are more than competent to contribute to the house and their own wellbeing?’
‘With Katherine, yes, but Fiona continues to be a different problem entirely. As for Ma, she’ll be all right. Eventually.’
Amelia stared at his mouth, his eyes and hair, her attraction and love towards him as strong as ever, despite the time they’d been apart. Maybe there was a chance he’d decide to stay in England, after all. ‘Samuel—’
‘I still plan to go back to New York. Back to Grand Central.’
She froze as a sharp pain hitched across her heart.
‘I think about New York every day, regardless of my commitments here. I just can’t shake the feeling I’m not where I’m supposed to be.’
The urge to ask him to stay, for them to try to build a life in Bath, battled on her tongue and Amelia quickly looked to the window, lest he see her distress. ‘I see.’
Sickness coated her throat as her heart broke. Once Samuel left, she would never see him again; she truly believed she’d never love again. How would she ever find a man to measure up to him? To be brave enough, kind enough, strong enough to shoulder all that Samuel knew her to be?
‘I really thought I could stay here, work on the railway and look after my family, but I feel like every day is a wasted opportunity. Amelia?’ He touched her shoulder. ‘Won’t you look at me?’
She closed her eyes, gathered her strength and faced him. ‘You should go. To New York.’
Hurt flashed in his eyes before he nodded, his gaze steadfastly on hers. ‘You really think that?’
‘Yes.’ She lifted her chin, despising the painful ache around her heart. ‘I always encouraged you to follow your dreams and you were happy in America. You didn’t leave New York for you, you left for your family and, deep inside, you know they are capable of looking after themselves. It would be wrong for you not to pursue the life you want.’
‘And what about you?’
She swallowed and fought to draw as much authority into her words as possible. ‘My place is here. Working at Pennington’s.’
With each silent second, the more bitter the nausea coating Amelia’s throat became. Go, Samuel. I’m not strong enough for you to look at me that way. Don’t you see you’re the only man I’ve ever trusted? The only man I’ve ever loved?
Slowly, he stood, and when he looked down at his ticket holder, Amelia noticed his fingers ever so slightly trembled. ‘You know, when we were in New York I had every intention of being with you for the rest of my life.’
Tears burned the back of her eyes. ‘What?’ she whispered.
‘I mean it, Amelia. I wanted to be with you forever, but now I see we’re never going to be on the same page at the same time. Never going to be ready to reach for our destinies, to fight for what we want and have those two things come together for us at the right time.’ His gaze was soft with care and sadness. ‘Take care of yourself, won’t you?’
He strode to the door and Amelia stood, not sure what to do or say, but not wanting him to leave.
She rushed into the narrow corridor, heedless to Ruby standing a short distance away. ‘Samuel!’
He immediately stopped, his back to her as he tilted his gaze to the ceiling.
Holding on to the bars beside her, she walked along the jolting train and placed her hand on his back. Slowly, he turned, his eyes glinting with defeat beneath the electric lights.
She touched his face. ‘Don’t leave. Stay in Bath. With me. I love you.’