Chapter 5


Wonder Week 12:
The World of Smooth

Note: This leap into the perceptual world of "smooth transitions" is age-linked and predictable. It sets in motion the development of a whole range of skills and activities. However, the age at which these skills and activities appear for the first time varies greatly and depends on your baby's preferences, experimentation and physical development. For example, the ability to perceive smooth transitions emerges at about 12 weeks, and is a necessary precondition for "trying to sit up while helped by an adult," but this skill normally appears anywhere from 3 to 8 months. Skills and activities are mentioned in this chapter at the earliest possible age they might appear so you can watch for and recognize them. (They may be rudimentary at first.) This way you can respond to and facilitate your baby's development.


Around 11 or 12 weeks, your baby will enter yet another new world as he undergoes the third major developmental leap since his birth. You may recall that one of the significant physical developments that occurred at 8 weeks was your baby's ability to swipe and kick at objects with his arms and legs. These early flailing movements often looked comically puppetlike. At 12 weeks, this jerky action is about to change. Like Pinocchio, your baby is ready to change from a puppet into a real boy.

Of course, this transformation will not happen overnight, and when it does it will entail more than just physical movement, although that's usually what parents notice most. It will also affect your baby's ability to perceive with his other senses the way things change around him—such as a voice shifting from one register to another, the cat slinking across the floor, and the light in a room becoming dimmer as the sun dips behind the clouds. Your baby's world is becoming a more organized place as he discovers the constant, flowing changes around him.

The realization of these subtleties will enable your baby to enjoy life in new ways. But it's not easy entering a world that's shifting beneath your feet. Overnight, your baby's world has changed. Nothing seems to stand still anymore.

Keep in mind that if your baby is suddenly more fussy, he's probably getting ready to master new skills. Watch him closely during this exciting time.

In this changing world, the one constant is you, his boat on the rolling seas. Is it any wonder he wants to hang on to you for dear life as he enters this next major developmental leap in his life? Fortunately, this fussy period will not last quite as long as the previous one. Some babies will behave normally again after just a day, while others may need a whole week before they feel themselves again.

When a change happens, all babies will cry more often and for longer periods, although some will cry more than others. Some babies will be inconsolable, while others may be fretful, cranky, moody, or listless. One baby may be especially difficult at night, while another may tend to get upset during the day. All babies will usually be a little less tearful if they are carried around or if they are just given extra attention or cuddles. But even under these circumstances, anybody who knows the baby well will suspect that he will cry or fret again at the least opportunity.

How You Know It's Time to Grow

Here are the major signs that your baby is about to make this developmental leap.

He May Demand More Attention

Just when you thought that your baby had learned to amuse himself, he doesn't seem to do so well anymore. He may seem to want you to play with him more and keep him entertained all the time. Just sitting with him may not be enough; he may want you to look at him and talk to him, too. This change in his behavior will be all the more obvious if he had already shown you that he could be independent after the last leap forward. If anything, you may think that he's suffered a setback. You may feel that if your baby previously took three steps forward, here come the two steps back.

"My son is so terribly dependent on me right now. He is happy only if I hold him close. If he had his way, I think I'd be dancing around with him, too."

Bob's mom, 12th week

He May Become Shy with Strangers

Some babies will be shy with everyone except their moms at this time. If your baby is shy, you will notice that he clings to you whenever you have company. He may start to cry when a stranger talks to him or even looks at him. Sometimes, he may refuse to sit on anyone's lap but yours. If he is safely snuggled up to you, he may give someone else a reluctant smile, but if he is particularly shy, he will quickly bury his head in your shoulder afterward.


He May Cling to You More Tightly

Your baby may cling to you so tightly when you carry him that it seems as if he is afraid of being dropped. Babies who do this may sometimes even pinch their mothers very hard in the process.

He May Lose His Appetite

At this time, your baby may drag out each feeding session. Breastfed babies who are allowed to decide for themselves when they want to nurse behave as if they want to eat all day long. Bottle-fed babies take longer to finish their bottles, if they manage to get that far. These fractious drinkers spend their time chewing and gnawing at the nipples without actually drinking. They do this as a form of comfort and so they hang on for dear life, afraid to let go. Often, they will drift off to sleep with the nipples still in their mouths. Your baby may try to hold on to you or grab your breast during nursing, even if he is being bottle-fed, as if he is afraid of relinquishing his only source of comfort.

"When I'm bottle-feeding my daughter, she sticks her tiny hand inside my blouse. We call it 'bosoming.'"

Emily's mom, 12th week

He May Sleep Poorly

Your baby will probably sleep less well now. Many babies wake several times a night demanding to be fed. Other babies wake up very early in the morning. Still other babies refuse to take naps during the day. For many families, the normal routine has turned into absolute chaos because the baby's regular feeding and sleeping patterns have changed so drastically.

He May Suck His Thumb More Often

Your infant may now discover his thumb for the first time, or he may suck his thumb longer and more regularly than before. Like sucking at the breast or bottle, this is a comfort and can avert another crying session. Some mothers introduce a pacifier to help soothe the baby at this time.

He May Be Listless

Your baby may be quieter or seem less lively than usual. He may also lie still for quite some time, gazing around or just staring in front of him. This is only a temporary event. His previous sounds and movements will soon be replaced by new ones.

"The only thing my baby likes doing right now is cuddling up close to me in her sling. She's very quiet and no trouble at all—she doesn't do much except sleep. To be honest, though, I'd much rather see her full of life."

Nina's mom, 12th week

How This Leap May Affect You

Obviously, your baby will not be the only one affected by the changes occurring within him. His whole family suffers too, especially his mother. Here are some of the feelings you may experience during this turbulent time.

imageMy Diary

Signs My Baby Is Growing Again

Between 11 and 12 weeks, you may notice your baby showing any of the following behaviors. They are probably signs that she is ready to make the next leap, into the world of smooth transitions. Check off the signs your baby shows.


You May Feel Worried

It's normal to feel anxious when you notice that your once-lively infant has become more fussy, is crying more often, is sleeping poorly, or is not nursing well. You may be worried because it seems that your baby has suffered a setback in producing sounds and movements or seems to have lost the independence that he had so recently acquired. Mothers usually expect to see progress, and if this doesn't seem to be happening, even for just a short while, they get concerned. They feel insecure, and they wonder what's the matter. "Is something wrong with the baby? Can he be ill? Could he be abnormal after all?" are the most common worries. Most often, none of these is the case. (When in doubt, always consult your family doctor.) On the contrary, your baby is showing signs of progress. A whole new world is there for him to discover, but when this world reveals itself, the baby will first have to deal with the upheaval it brings. It is not easy for him, and he will need your support. You can do this by showing that you understand that he is going through a difficult time.

"When my baby is crying incessantly and wants to be carried around all the time, I feel pressured. I can't seem to accomplish even the simplest things. It makes me feel insecure, and it saps all my energy."

Juliette's mom, 12th week

"I'm trying to find out why my baby cries so much. I want to know what's troubling her so that I can fix it. Then I'll have some peace of mind again."

Laura's mom, 12th week

"There's no way I can cope with my son's crying. I just can't take it any more. I'd even prefer getting out of bed four times a night to deal with a baby who is not crying than twice a night to deal with a tiny screamer."

Paul's mom, 11th week

You May Become Irritated

During this period, many mothers grow annoyed with their babies' irregular eating and sleeping routines. They find it impossible to plan ahead. Their entire schedule is thrown off balance. They often feel under pressure from family or friends, too. The mothers' instincts tell them to focus all their attention on their unhappy infants, but other people often seem to disapprove of too much babying. Mother may feel trapped in the middle.

"I get irritated every time my son starts fretting, because he can't seem to amuse himself for even just a short while. He wants me to keep him occupied all day long. Of course, everybody loves giving me advice on how to deal with him, especially my husband."

Kevin's mom, 12th week

"I seem to cope better with my baby's erratic behavior if I don't make plans in advance. In the past, when my plans went completely haywire, I felt irritated. So I've changed my attitude. And would you believe it —I sometimes find I even have a few hours to spare!"

Laura's mom, 12th week

You May Reach Your Wit's End

Sometimes mothers are unable, or unwilling, to suppress their anger any longer, and they let their demanding little creatures know they're fed up.

"My boy was so fretful. I kept worrying about what the neighbors would think of the noise. Sunday afternoon was the last straw. I'd tried everything to make him settle, but nothing helped. At first I felt helpless, but then I became furious because I just couldn't cope, so I left him in his room. I had a good cry myself, which calmed me down a bit."

Bob's mom, 12th week

"We had company, and my son was being terribly trying. Everyone gave me their 2 cents' worth of advice, which always makes me really upset. When I went upstairs to put him to bed, I lost my self-control, grabbed him, and gave him a good shake."

Matt's mom, 11th week

imageBaby Care

Shaking Can Be Harmful

While it is normal to feel frustrated and angry with your baby at times, never shake a baby. Shaking a young child can easily cause internal bleeding just below the skull, which can result in brain damage that may lead to learning difficulties later on —or even death.

You May Feel Tremendous Pressure

If a mother worries too much about her noisy little grump, and if she is not given enough support from family and friends, she may become exhausted. If she is suffering from lack of sleep as well, she may easily lose control of the situation, both mentally and physically.

Unwelcome advice, on top of panic and exhaustion, could make any mother feel even more irritable and snappish—and her partner often becomes the target. At times, however, her distressed infant will bear the brunt of a mother's pent-up frustration, and she may be a little rougher with him than necessary. When a mother admits to having slapped her baby, this nearly always occurs during one of these fussy periods. It's certainly not because she dislikes the poor infant, but simply because she longs to see him happy, and she feels threatened by other people's criticism. She feels that she has no one to turn to with her problems; she feels alone. However understandable these feeling of frustration may be, one should never act on them. Slapping, and any other form of hurting, is not acceptable.

"Every time my baby stopped crying, I felt as if a load had been lifted from my shoulders. I hadn't noticed how tense I was until then."

Emily's mom, 11th week

"After my husband's coworkers told him that he and our son look like two peas in a pod, he stopped criticizing the amount of attention I give his grumpy mirror image. In fact, my husband wouldn't have it any other way now, whereas he used to feel that I was overreacting and spoiling the baby. Things are running a lot smoother now, and I'm not as tense as I used to be when the baby gets upset, and he seems to sense that, too. I feel a lot more comfortable now."

Matt's mom, 12th week

When it all gets to be too much, just remember: It can only get better. At this stage, some mothers fear that these dreadful crying fits may never stop. This is a logical assumption because until now the fussy periods followed each other in rapid succession with only 2 to 3 weeks in between. This barely left enough time for mothers to catch their breath. But don't despair—from now on, the intervals between the fussy periods will be longer. The fussy periods themselves will also seem less intense.

How Your Baby's New Skills Emerge

When your baby is upset, you will usually want to keep an extra close watch on him because you want to know what's wrong. In doing so, you may suddenly notice that your baby has actually mastered new skills or is trying to do so. In fact, you'll discover that your baby is making his next big leap—into the world of smooth transitions.

At approximately 12 weeks, your baby will be able to perceive the many subtle ways that things change around him, not abruptly but smoothly and gradually. He will be ready to experiment with making such smooth transitions himself.

Your baby will make many new discoveries in this new world. He will select the things that appeal to him and that he is ready physically and mentally to attempt. You should, as always, be careful not to push him but help him do what he shows he is ready for. In many ways, however, he will still rely on your help. He will need you to show him things in his world, to put his toys where he can see and reach for them, and to respond to his increasing attempts at communication.

imageBrain Changes

At approximately 10 to 11 weeks, the head circumference of babies dramatically increases.

As she enters the world of smooth transitions, for the first time your baby is able to recognize continuous changes in sights, sounds, tastes, smells, and touch. For example, she may now notice how a voice shifts from one tone to the next or how a body shifts from one position to another. Not only can she register these smooth transitions in the outside world, your infant is now able to learn to make them herself. This will enable your baby to work on several important skills.

You will see that now your baby's movements become much smoother, more flowing, and more like an adult's. This new control applies to her whole body as well as to the parts that she can move consciously—her hands, feet, head, eyes, and even her vocal cords. You will probably notice that when she stretches out toward a toy, the movement is smoother than it was just a few weeks ago. When she bends her knees to sit or pulls herself to stand, the whole exercise looks more deliberate and mature.

Her head movements also become smoother, and she can now vary their speed. She can look around the room in the way that older children do and follow a continuous movement. Her eyes are able to focus more sharply on what they see, and her vision will soon be as good as an adult's.

When your baby was first born, she came ready equipped with a reflex that moved her gaze in the direction of any new sound. This disappeared somewhere between 4 and 8 weeks after birth, but now she can do the same thing consciously, and the response will be quicker. She will be able to follow something or somebody with her eyes in a controlled, well-coordinated manner. She may even begin to do this without turning her head. She will be able to follow people or objects approaching her or moving away. In fact, she will become capable of surveying the whole room. You may feel for the first time that she is really a part of the family as she notices everybody's comings and goings.

imageMy Diary

How My Baby Explores the New World of Smooth Transitions

Check off the boxes below as you notice your baby changing.







This new responsiveness is enhanced by new vocal possibilities as she begins to recognize changes in pitch and in volume of sounds and to experiment with these by gurgling and shrieking. Her improved coordination even helps her to swallow more smoothly.

Although some remarkable developments have occurred in your baby's mind and body, what she cannot do is cope with quick changes in succession. Don't expect her to be able to follow an object that is moving up and down as well as from left to right or a toy that rapidly reverses its direction of movement. And when she moves her own hand, there will be a noticeable pause before any change of direction, almost like a tiny conductor waving a baton.

Parents are generally less concerned if their babies show a reluctance to amuse themselves at this stage. They are too proud of their babies' achievements and efforts in so many directions. There are so many new discoveries to be made and so many new things to be learned and practiced, and for the moment that is what matters the most.

Your Baby's Choices: A Key to Her Personality

If you watch your baby closely, you will be able to determine where her interests lie. As you mark off the things that she is showing you that she can do in this world, be aware of the uniqueness of your child.

Some babies are very aware of the world around them, and they prefer looking, listening, and experiencing sensations to being physically active themselves. Most of the time, professionals, as well as friends and family, assess a baby's development by looking at the physical milestones, such as grasping, rolling over, crawling, sitting, standing, and walking. This can give a one-sided view of progress as it makes the "watch-listen-feel" baby seem slower. These babies usually take longer to begin grasping objects, but once they start, they will examine them very closely. Given a new item, a watch-listen-feel baby will turn it around, look at it, listen to it, rub it, and even smell it. These babies actually are doing something very complicated that will give them a broad base for their later learning skills.

In contrast, babies who are more physically active often become engrossed in the action of grabbing itself, and once they have attained possession of the object, they quickly lose interest and drop it in favor of looking for another challenge. Babies love anything new, and it is important that you respond when you notice any new skills or interests. Your baby will enjoy it if you share these new discoveries, and her learning will progress more quickly.

The more your baby plays or experiments with a new skill, the more adept he will become. Practice makes perfect as far as babies are concerned, too. Your baby may want to try out a new skill over and over again. Although he will play and practice on his own, your participation and encouragement are vital. As well as cheering him on when he does well, you can help when the going gets tough and he feels like giving up. At this point, you can make the task easier for him—usually by rearranging the world so that it is a bit more accommodating. This might mean turning a toy around so that it's easier to grab, propping him up so that he can see the cat through the window, or maybe imitating the sounds he is trying to make.

You can also help to make an activity more complex or vary it a bit so that he stays with it longer and is challenged just a little more. Be careful to watch for signs that your baby has had enough. Remember that he will go at his own pace.

Just as babies are all different, so are their mothers. Some mothers have more imagination than others in certain areas. It may be a particular challenge for you if your baby is the physical type but you prefer talking, singing, and storytelling. Gather new ideas from books, your friends, and family members. The baby's father and older siblings can help—most children will be able to go on long after the baby's desire for repetition has exhausted you. But whatever type of baby you have and whatever type of mother you are, your child will always benefit from some help from you.

Help Your Baby Explore the New World through Sound

If your baby has a special love for sound, encourage him to use his voice. He may now begin to shriek, gurgle, or make vowel-like sounds himself. These may range from high- to low-pitched sounds and from soft to loud ones. If he also starts to blow saliva bubbles, don't discourage him. By doing these things, he is playing with "smooth transitions" and in the process he is exercising the muscles of his vocal cords, lips, tongue, and palate as well. Your baby may often practice when he is alone, sounding like somebody who is chattering away just for fun. He does this because the range of notes with all the high and low vowel sounds and little shrieks in between sound a lot like talking. Sometimes a baby will even chuckle at his own sounds.

The Gender Gap

Baby boys seem to take up more of their mothers' time than baby girls do during the first months. This probably happens because boys cry more and don't sleep as well as girls.

Also, mothers of baby girls are much quicker to respond to the sounds produced by their daughters than are mothers of baby boys. Mothers also tend to "chat" more to their babies if they are girls

Most babies love to have cozy chats with their mommies. Of course, a baby has to be in the mood to do this. The best time to chat is when he attracts your attention with his voice. You will probably find yourself speaking in a slightly higher-pitched tone than usual, which is just right for your baby's ear. It is very important that you stick to the rules of conversation—your baby says something, then you say something back. Make sure you let him finish. Because if you don't give him time to reply, he will feel that you aren't listening to him, and he won't learn the rhythm of conversation. If that happens—if you do not give him enough time to reply—he may become despondent or confused that you are not listening to him. The subjects of your conversation don't matter very much at this age, but it is better to stick to familiar territory and shared experiences. Occasionally, try imitating the sounds he is making. Some babies find this so funny that they will break into laughter. This is all-important groundwork for later language skills.

It is very important to talk to your baby frequently. Voices on the radio or television, or people talking in the same room, are no substitute for a one-on-one conversation. Your baby is prompted to talk because there is someone who listens and responds to him. Your enthusiasm will play an important role here.


"I always talk back whenever my son makes sounds. Then he waits a little, realizes it's his turn, and replies with a smile or by wriggling around. If he's in the right mood, he'll gurgle back at me again. If I reply once more, he gets so excited that he waves his arms and legs all over the place and sometimes shrieks with laughter as well. When he's had enough, he turns away and looks at something else."

John's mom, 13th week

Your baby may use one of his latest sounds when he wants something. This is often a special "attention!" shriek. If he does this, always answer him. This is important since it will give him the sense that you understand what he is trying to communicate, even if you don't have time to stop and play with him at that moment. He will begin to use his voice to attract your attention. That's a significant step toward language.

When he's happy, a baby will often use a special "cry for joy" sound. He will use it when he notices something he finds amusing. It's natural to respond to these cries for joy with a kiss, a cuddle, or words of encouragement. The more you are able to do this, the better. It shows your baby that you share his pleasure and that you understand him.

"When my son saw that I was about to feed him, he shrieked with excitement and grabbed my breast, while my blouse was still only half undone."

Matt's mom, 13th week

Help Your Baby Explore the New World through Touch

As your baby now lives in the world of smooth transitions, you may notice that he stretches out toward a toy more smoothly. Help him. He just entered this new world and reaching is still very difficult. Hold a toy within easy reach of your baby's hands and watch him to see if he is able to reach out for it. Hold the object right in front of him, keeping in mind that at this age he is only able to make a controlled movement with his arm in one direction at a time. Now pay close attention to what he does. If he is only just starting to master this skill, he will probably react something like this baby.

When Your Baby Laughs, She's on Top of the World

When you make your baby laugh, you have struck the right chord with her. You have stimulated her in exactly the right way. Don't overdo it because you may intimidate her. On the other hand, half-hearted attempts on your part could lead to boredom on hers. You must find the comfortable middle ground for your baby.

"My son is really starting to reach out to grab things! He reached for a toy dangling in front of him with both hands. He put out his right hand on one side of the toy and his left hand on the other side of the toy. Then, when both hands were just in front of the toy, he clasped them together. . . and missed! He'd tried really hard, so it wasn't at all surprising that he got very upset when he found himself empty-handed."

Paul's mom, 12th week

If your child reaches for objects and misses, encourage him to try again, or make the game a little easier for him so that he gets a taste of success. At this age, he is not yet able to make an accurate estimate of the distance between his hands and the plaything he is trying to grab. He will not be able to learn this properly until he is between 23 and 26 weeks old.

As your baby becomes more adept at grabbing objects, he will want to play the "grabbing game" more often. Because he can turn his head smoothly and look around the room, he can choose what he wants from the entire world of things that is now waiting for him to grab, feel, and touch. After the last developmental leap, most babies spent about one-third of their waking hours playing and experimenting with their hands. After about 12 weeks, this suddenly doubles to two-thirds of their waking hours.

If you notice that your baby enjoys stroking things with his hands, encourage this activity as much as you can. Not only the stroking movement involves a "smooth transition," but also the feeling in his hand caused by the moving contact with the object. Carry your baby around the house and garden, letting him feel all kinds of objects and experience their properties —hard, soft, rough, smooth, sticky, firm, flexible, prickly, cold, wet, and warm. Tell him what the items are, and describe the sensations. Help to get your meaning across by using your tone of voice to express the feeling an object or surface arouses. He really will be able to understand more than he is able to tell you.

imageTop Games for This Wonder Week

Here are some games and activities that work for babies at this point in their development. At this age, your baby will particularly enjoy games where you move her whole body around. Try to do this gently, with slow and even movements, remembering that these are the only kind that your baby can properly understand. It is better to play several different games in a row, rather than continue the same game for too long.


Lift your baby up slowly, while making a sound that increases in volume or changes from a low-pitched to a high-pitched sound. She will stretch out her body automatically as you raise her above your head. Then start the descent, making the appropriate airplane sounds. When she is in line with your face, welcome her by burying your face in her neck and giving her a nibble with your lips. You will soon notice that your baby expects you to do this and will open her mouth and nibble back. You will also see your baby opening her mouth again, as if anticipating the nibble, when she wants you to repeat this flying game.


Sit down on the floor or a sofa, lean back, and make your body as straight as possible. Place your baby as high up on your chest as you can and let her slide gently down to the floor, while you make the appropriate sliding sound.


Place the baby on your knees so that she is facing you and slowly sway her from side to side. Try to make all kinds of clock sounds, such as a high-pitched, fast tick-tock, or a low-pitched, slow bong-bong. Try to make sounds that range from high to low and from fast to slow, or whatever clock sound you notice that your baby enjoys the most. Make sure that you hold her firmly and that her head and neck muscles are strong enough to move with the rhythm


Place the baby on your knees so that she is facing you and make stepping movements with your legs, so your baby sways up and down as if she were sitting on a horse. You can also make the accompanying clip-clop noises or "schlupping" sounds that babies love at this age.


Sit in front of your baby and make sure that she is looking at you. Move your face slowly toward her tummy or nose. Meanwhile, make a drawn-out sound, increasing in volume, or changing in tone, for instance "chooooomp" or "aaaaaah-boom" or sounds similar to those the baby makes herself.


Here's a way to play and get chores done! Fold your laundry with your baby nearby, and let her feel different types of fabrics, such as wool, cotton, terry cloth, or nylon. Run her hand over the fabrics to allow her to feel the different textures, too. Babies like touching materials with their fingers and mouths. Try something unusual such as chamois, leather, or felt.


A physically active baby loves repeating the same flowing movements over and over again when she is on your lap. Let her stand up and sit down again at her own pace. She will want to repeat this "stand up, sit down, stand up, sit down" game endlessly. It will probably make her laugh, too, but, again, hold her tightly and watch her head.

"I washed my baby's hands under running water, which made her laugh out loud. She couldn't seem to get enough of it."

Jenny's mom, 15th week

Many babies like to examine their mothers' faces. As your little one runs his hands over your face, he may linger slightly longer by your eyes, nose, and mouth. He might tug on your hair or pull at your nose, simply because they are easy to grasp. Items of clothing are interesting as well. Babies like to stroke and feel fabrics. Watch out for your earrings, too!

Some babies are interested in their mothers' hands. They will study, touch, and stroke them. If your baby enjoys playing with your hands, help him to do this. Slowly turn your hand over, and show him the palm and back of your hand. Let him watch while you move your hand or pick up a toy. Try not to make your movements too fast or to change direction too quickly, or you will lose his attention. Simple movements are all he can cope with in this world. Your baby won't be able to deal with more complicated movements until after another big change in his nervous system, which is the start of the next developmental leap.


Help Your Baby Explore the New World through Body Movement

At this age, all babies are getting livelier. They are playing with smooth transitions felt inside their bodies, while they kick and wave their arms about. Some babies perform acrobatics; for example, they might stuff their toes in their mouths and almost spin around on their backs in the process. Obviously, some babies are much livelier and stronger than others. Some babies are not really interested in gymnastic feats, while others will be frustrated if their physical strengths are not yet up to the task.

"My son moves his body, arms, and legs around like mad, grunting and groaning in the process. He's obviously trying to do something, but whatever it is he's not succeeding because he usually ends up having an angry screaming fit."

Frankie's mom, 14th week

Whatever your baby's temperament, he will benefit from a little time spent without his clothes in a warm environment. You may already have noticed that he is lively when you are changing him, enjoying the opportunity to move freely without being hampered by diaper and clothes. It's easier to bend the little limbs, to wave, kick, and roll over naked. Success comes more easily, and the baby will get to know his body better and control it more precisely.

Some babies attempt to roll over at this age, but nearly all of them will need a bit of help in doing so. If your little squirmer tries to roll over, let him hold on to one of your fingers as he practices. A very persistent baby who is also physically strong may manage to roll from tummy to back. Some can do it the other way around and go from back to tummy. However persistent the infant, he won't manage it unless his physical development is far enough along. So give help and support, but also be ready to help your baby deal with his frustration if he just can't manage something that he would clearly like to do.

imageTop Toys for This Wonder Week

Here are some toys and things that babies like best as they explore the world of smooth transitions:


Many babies love pushing themselves up with their legs. If your baby enjoys doing this, he will practice pushing off in his playpen, in his bouncing chair, on his changing table (watch out for this one!), or while sitting on your lap. You need to hold on tight to an active squirmer. If your baby is able to do these push-ups unaided, give him lots of opportunities to practice.

If your baby is physically strong, he may also try to pull himself up into a sitting position when he is on your lap. If he likes to do this, you can help him by making a game out of it.

Between 12 and 13 weeks, another period of comparative calm settles in. Parents, family, and friends will notice what a cheerful little person your baby has become and admire the wonderful progress she has made. You may find your baby much smarter now. When she is carried around or sits on your lap, she acts like a little person. She turns her head immediately in the direction of something she wants to see or hear. She laughs at everyone, and answers them when she is talked to. She shifts her position to get a better look at something she wants to see, and she keeps an eye on everything going on around her. She is cheerful and active. It may strike you that other family members show a lot more interest in her as a person now. It appears that she has gained her own place in the family. She belongs!

"My daughter is developing an interest in a whole variety of things now. She talks or shrieks at different objects, and when we watch her more closely, we think, 'My goodness, can you do that already?' Or 'Aren't you clever noticing all of those things?'"

Jenny's mom, 13th week

"My little one is definitely wiser. She's all eyes these days. She responds to everything and immediately turns her little head in response to sounds. She's suddenly gained her own little place in the family."

Hannah's mom, 14th week

"It's wonderful watching my baby enjoying herself so much and chatting affectionately to her cuddly toys and to people."

Juliette's mom, 14th week

"We have a lot more interaction with my child now because she responds to everything. After I've played a game with her, I can tell when she's waiting for me to play again. She also 'replies' a lot more now."

Ashley's mom, 13th week

"My daughter used to be so easygoing and quiet, but she's turned into a real little chatterbox now. She laughs and gurgles a lot more often. I really enjoy getting her out of bed to see what she'll do next."

Eve's mom, 14th week

"My son is much more interesting to watch now because the progress he's made is so obvious. He responds immediately with a smile or a gurgle, and he can turn his head in the right direction, too. I love giving him a good cuddle because he's so soft and chubby now."

Frankie's mom, 14th week