Leap alarm

mother sent us this letter:

Dear Frans and Hetty,

... I always noticed that my baby was difficult for a few days before I realized that he was making a leap. I was irritated for a few days, but kept the feeling to myself until the proverbial straw broke the camel’s back. At that point, I became very angry with him sometimes, and my own reaction scared me. When this had happened three times, I wrote down all the leaps in my calendar. That way, I can read the next chapter in time for the next leap. It may seem crazy, but I think I can handle his difficult periods much better now. I know what will happen before it does. I won’t be surprised any more.

Sincerely, Maribel

To us, this was a very special letter. Maribel described what many mothers feel—their baby’s leaps can be overwhelming!

This is why we developed the Leap Alarm. Using it is easy. Just enter your data (due date, not birth date!) at www.thewonderweeks.com. Each email will feature a short description of your baby’s imminent leap in mental development. And of course, this service is completely free!