


Since the night was balmy, James did not bother with a jacket. He stretched in the moonlight and adjusted the holster across his shoulders. He touched the handgun it contained, and ensured it was in no danger of falling out. For a full five minutes, he remained as still as a statue, absorbing the sounds and smells of the night. When he was satisfied all was well, he walked to the rear of the Renault.

Popping the trunk and easing it open, he was greeted by the sight of a naked body. They had already taken the precaution of stripping the cadaver, a foresight for which he was grateful. Relieving a corpse of its clothing was always a troublesome and time-consuming task. He did not want the additional complication tonight, as he urgently needed to get the job done and head back before yet more trouble began brewing.

Rigor was already setting in, although he had taken the precaution of bending the cadaver at the waist in order to create a more user friendly hoisting angle. Congratulating himself on his forethought, James dragged the corpse from the trunk and eased it over his shoulder, fireman style.

He stood for a moment and allowed the weight to settle. He made a small adjustment to his burden, then began to make his way up the hill, walking slowly and steadily so as not to create noise in the still of the night. He smelled the pigs before he saw them, and smiled with satisfaction.

It was not a pretty smile. A much-maligned animal, the pig. Perhaps one day soon he would have a home of his own, and be in a position to purchase a couple. They would make unusual pets.

Needless to say, any offspring would have to be sent to market, or he would risk the old homestead being overrun with bovines. James resisted the urge to whistle as he made his way towards the farm.