It’s my name on the cover, and my words you’ve just read, but a whole team of people are involved in getting those words into the best order possible and presenting them to you in book form. If I try to name everyone, I’ll undoubtedly forget (and thus insult) someone. I owe a debt of gratitude to everyone who’s had anything to do with this book, from my first commissioning editor, all the way through to the legions of booksellers hand-selling my books in shops across the country and on to you readers, without whom I’d have to raise cattle for a living.
I am especially grateful to all the team at Michael Joseph. This is our thirteenth book together and each one has been a joy. A big shout-out to Joel Richardson for his wise editorial input (and breakfast), to Beatrix McIntyre and Mark Handsley for making sure my more idiotic continuity errors and typos never made it to the final product. Thanks too to Laura Nicol, Beth Cockeram and all the other people who have worked to make these books a great success. I’d name you all, but the list is so long.
Huge thanks to Kenneth Stephen. It’s been five years since you first got me on the telly, Kenny, and still you manage to interest the media in my antics. Long may that continue!
A special thank you to the crime writing community. I may be a Fantasy hack at heart, but you all welcomed me in with open arms. Those at the scene of the crime are a special bunch. A nicer bunch you’d never want to drink with.
Of course none of this would have happened without my agent, the indefatigable Juliet Mushens, aided by the supremely organised Nathalie Hallam at Caskie Mushens. I am very lucky indeed to have such talented people at my back.
And last but by no means least, my thanks to Barbara, who keeps the ship from crashing into the rocks while I’m gazing off into the distance.