18. Staying Safe While Using Public Transportation
At some point, especially if you routinely travel, using public transportation will probably become inevitable. From public trains and buses to taxicabs and other modes of public transport, you need to protect yourself from the dangers associated with this form of transportation.
Traveling on any type public transportation can be risky, especially if you are unfamiliar with the area, traveling alone, or traveling through dangerous neighborhoods. Staying alert while traveling on buses, trains, subways, and inside taxicabs is one of the best things you can do to reduce your risk of becoming injured or becoming a victim of theft or assault.
- Always stay on guard. Watch your surroundings and the people around you, and be wary of anything that looks out of the ordinary.
- Avoid distractions. Stay off your cell phone, avoid playing with electronic gadgets, and don’t wear headphones or listen to music that will limit your ability to hear what’s going on around you.
- Avoid looking like you’re carrying valuables. Keep all valuables out of sight. Avoid playing with expensive smartphones, electronic gadgets, or wearing anything that looks valuable.
- Always stay awake. One of the worst things you can do while taking public transportation is allowing yourself to fall asleep. Stay awake; criminals are looking for vulnerable targets and you need to stay on guard.
- If possible, never travel alone. One of the best ways to ensure your safety when traveling is to have an extra set of eyes. This not only helps you keep an eye out for potential problems, but it makes you a less desirable target for criminals who are looking for easy victims.
- When waiting for a train or subway, try to wait in an area that’s occupied by other people.
- On the platform, stand well away from the tracks, preferably with a wall behind you.
- Upon entering, immediately make a quick scan of the train. Make a mental note of what kind of people are on the train, where the exits are, and how many seats you are from the exit.
- Try to choose a seat in a car that is either near the train operator or near official personnel.
- Keep a clear view of your surroundings. Avoid choosing seats that obstruct your view of what’s going on.
- Try to blend in. Looking like a tourist makes you an immediate target to those looking to take advantage of vulnerable visitors.
- Know what neighborhoods are on your route before getting on the bus.
- Avoid getting off at isolated bus stops.
- When waiting for the bus, try your best to wait in well-lit areas occupied by other people.
- One of the best places you can sit is near an exit, preferably near the driver.
- Stay awake; criminals are looking for vulnerable targets and you need to stay on guard.
- Make sure it’s a real taxi. Take a careful look for the taxi’s licensing documents, the official markings, and make sure the company is legitimate.
- Ask for driver ID before getting into the cab.
- Avoid being too flashy. Even in a taxi, you should avoid taking out any valuables or looking like you have a lot of money.
- Confirm where you are going. Before stepping foot inside the taxi, make sure the driver knows where you need him to go and confirm the route.
- When traveling alone, sit directly behind the driver. This will give you a good view of what he’s doing through the rearview mirror while at the same time limiting his view of you.
I am a big proponent of always traveling with your firearm; if you carry one back at home, there’s no reason not to carry one while traveling. I would argue you probably have more of a reason to carry.
That being said, lawmakers are making it more difficult by the day for law-abiding citizens to exercise their right to defend themselves. So before taking anything that can be considered a weapon, including firearms, knives, and even things like pepper spray, you need to thoroughly study the local laws of anywhere you’ll be traveling.
Know Your Rights
The U.S. Department of Justice issued a written opinion that people who travel on airlines with guns are protected under the “Safe Passage” provision in the Firearm Owners’ Protection Act. This means that if you follow their regulations, you should be able to bring your guns with you on most trips inside the United States.
Check-in Only
Attempting to bring a firearm, ammunition, or any other weapon on a plane in your carry-on luggage or on your person can and will land you right in jail. You must check all firearms.
The regulations have a number of stipulations that you should be aware of:
- You must be traveling to and from a location in which you may legally have a firearm.
- When driving to the airport your firearm must be unloaded and unreachable from the passenger section of the vehicle.
- The firearm must be transported directly to the check-in desk unloaded and in a locked hard-sided container. (Your case must be completely secure and should not be able to be pulled open when locked.)
- Guns need to be declared at check-in.
- The person transporting the firearm needs to go directly from his vehicle to the check-in desk.
- Ammunition must be secured in a fiber (cardboard), wood, or metal box specifically designed to carry ammunition.
- Keep in mind that some airlines have their own rules and regulations concerning traveling with firearms. It’s always a good idea to ask the airline for their policy before planning your trip.
I should also point out that because gun laws are constantly changing and can vary from state to state, double check with the TSA and local law enforcement in any area you plan on traveling. Not checking the local gun laws has landed a number of people in jail who are now facing serious time in prison, so please don’t take the need to do your own checking lightly.