As you know, a big part of getting my shit together the last few years was quitting my job to work for myself. But YOU might be as happy as the proverbial clam in your current gig—so happy, in fact, that you just want to get a raise or get promoted, not give it all up for a bag of coconuts and a pet spider. That’s awesome and I support you. (More coconuts for me.) This section is about not merely maintaining, but improving your work life—from elevating your spot in the pecking order to learning how to enjoy a hard-earned vacation. First stop on that train: Delegation Station! I’ll also show you how the money you’re working so hard for now can serve you even better in the long run, because compound interest makes you rich. Or at least makes it so you don’t have to keep drawing a paycheck well into your eighties, which is a goal most people can get all aboard with.