Health, Home & Lifestyle

Alright, don’t get too excited about retirement just yet. First we need to get you there in one piece and with most of your organs in good working order. This section covers a range of diet and exercise tips that you may decide to ignore, but for what it’s worth, I’ll be taking some of my own advice and getting started on a long-procrastinated fitness regimen. Other things you could ignore include: the dirty dishes in your sink, the scum in your bathtub, and the fine patina of apathy on your floors. But if you feel like spending a bunch of time and energy cleaning your house, I’ll explain how to maintain it—a trick you should probably master before attempting a large-scale home improvement project, which I’ll also touch on. (Renovating the basement as a metaphor for renovating your life!) And finally, I will drop some knowledge with regard to being selfish—without being an asshole or an insufferable prick—on your way to winning at life.