We’re going to ease in by shoring up the fundamentals.
First, I’ll identify who needs to get their shit together and why, which includes a fun story about losing my entire net worth in a New England mall. Next, I’ll explain my philosophy on “winning at the Game of Life.” (It’s not the Charlie Sheen version. Not only did that guy give winning a bad name, he managed to get fired from the number-one-rated network sitcom while he was at it.) Then I’ll walk you through the first of many detailed examples of getting your shit together, and show you how life is like an adult coloring book. If you play your cards right, there may even be an ACTUAL COLORING EXERCISE in it for you.
Like I said, one-stop shop.
Finally, I’ll introduce you to a very important concept—The Power of Negative Thinking—and reveal how three little everyday tools can help you get your shit together.
You may be surprised to learn you’ve had them on you all along.