
Numbers refer to pages in the print edition

Bold page numbers indicate definitions; italics indicate photos.

adzuki (azuki) beans, 13

ajwain, 7

amchoor. See mango powder

anchovy broth with noodles and kimchi, 182–83

arenga sugar. See palm sugar

arrowroot, 13

asafoetida, 7

Asian eggplants, spicy, 160

Asian radish. See daikon

Asian sweet basil, 7

asparagus, in twenty-first century salad, 58–59

avocado strips with salmon tempura and Japanese salsa verde, 94–95, 95

azuki beans, 13

bacon, Chinese, 26

bagadel cabe (beef croquettes), 132

bagoong. See shrimp paste

with smoked pork, 154–55
with wood ears, mushrooms and braised kaofu, 166–67, 167

banana blossoms, 13, 33

banana leaves, 13

basil, Asian sweet (Thai), 7

basil, Chinese/Japanese. See shiso

BBQ pork, Chinese, 148

BBQ pork lettuce wraps, 74–75, 75

BEAN CURD, 25. See also tofu
mushroom, carrot and celery wraps, 82–83
sheets, 25

azuki, 13
black, and ginger with chicken, 124
broad, with pickled cabbage, 162
Chinese long, 15
goa. See winged beans
green, in twenty-first century salad, 58–59
mung, 20
mung, pancakes, 87
soy, 22
winged, 24

bean sauce (bean paste), 25

bean sauce, chili, and kasu with salmon steaks, 111

bean sprouts, 14
on beef hor fan with prawns, 181
and mushrooms on vermicelli, 173

croquettes (bagadel cabe), 132
hor fan with prawns, 181
larb, 134, 135
pho’, 48–49
shank, five-spice 136–37
tenderloin with basil, 133

beet, in twenty-first century salad, 58–59

Beijing-style chicken tenders, 119

and curried chicken salad, 62
and tilapia and daikon soup, 43
in twenty-first century salad, 58–59

bitter melon (bitter gourd), 14, 14

black beans and ginger with chicken, 124

black bean sauce and dried olives with tilapia, 109

black olives, dried, 27

blue ginger. See galangal

bok choy, 15

bok choy, Shanghai, with lingcod in a ponzu and dashi broth, 110

bonito flakes, 25

braised five-spice beef shank, 136–37

braised kaofu with mushrooms, wood ears and bamboo shoots, 166–67, 167

braised pork belly, humba-style, 152, 153

bread, 26. See also buns

brined, smoked pork, 154–55

broad bean mash with pickled cabbage, 162

broccoli and milk fritters with scallops and chicken, 104–05

broccoli, Chinese. See gai lan

BROTH. See also soup
anchovy, with noodles and kimchi, 182–83
dashi, with Chinese cabbage, 163
ponzu and dashi, with lingcod and Shanghai bok choy, 110

bubble tea, “lovely lady,” 186

bun dough, steamed, 84

buns, 26

buns, steamed pork and cabbage, 84–85

burdock root, 15

Burmese-style pork curry, 151

Chinese, in dashi broth, 163
napa, 21
pickled, with broad bean mash, 162
and pork buns, 84–85
Taiwanese, 23

Cantonese won tons, 86

cardamom, 7

carom. See ajwain

bean curd, mushroom and celery wraps, 82–83
and Chinese celery with poached chicken salad, 65, 66–67
in twenty-first century salad, 58–59

cassia bark, 7

bean curd, mushroom and carrot wraps, 82–83
Chinese, and carrots with poached chicken salad, 65, 66–67
in twenty-first century salad, 58–59

century eggs. See pidan

century salad, 59

char siu (Chinese BBQ pork), 148

chawan mushi (egg custard) with shrimp and Dungeness crab, 70–71, 71

chervil, Japanese. See mitsuba

à la king, 123
choilaa (curried chicken salad), 62
and cloud ears in a clay pot, 125
and coconut milk soup, 46
grilled, with lemon grass, 127
kebabs, spicy, 120, 121
nuggets, Taiwanese five-spice, 118
rice, Hainanese, 170–71
salad, curried, with red and green bell peppers, 62
salad, minced, 64
salad with butter-braised carrots and Chinese celery, 65, 66–67
and scallops with broccoli and milk fritters, 104–05
spicy, with ginger and black beans, 124
tenders, Beijing-style, 119
and three mushrooms in a pouch, 122
and warm jellyfish salad, 63
in yin-yang salad, 61

chili bean sauce and kasu with salmon steaks, 111

chili sauce, 26. See also sambal

chili, Thai, 12

Chinese bacon, 26

Chinese basil. See shiso

Chinese BBQ pork (char siu), 148

Chinese broccoli. See gai lan

Chinese cabbage, 15. See also napa cabbage

Chinese cabbage in dashi broth (hakusai nibitashi), 163

Chinese celery, 15

Chinese celery and carrots with poached chicken salad, 65, 66–67

Chinese chives. See garlic chives

Chinese cinnamon. See cassia bark

Chinese dried olives and black bean sauce with tilapia, 109

Chinese ears, 15

Chinese ham, 26

Chinese ham–stuffed scallops, 101, 102–03

Chinese leeks, 15

Chinese long beans, 15, 161

Chinese mustard, 15

Chinese okra, 16

Chinese onions, 16

Chinese parsley. See cilantro

Chinese preserved pork. See Chinese bacon

Chinese rock sugar, 32

Chinese sausages, 27, 27

Chinese watercress. See water spinach

Chinese wine kasu and chili bean sauce with salmon steaks, 111

chives, Chinese. See garlic chives

choy sum, 16

cilantro, 7. See also coriander seeds

cinnamon, 8

cinnamon, Chinese. See cassia bark

claypot chicken and cloud ears, 125

claypot rice with preserved sausage, 172

cloud ears, 17

cloud ears and chicken in a clay pot, 125

cloves, 8

curry, prawns in, 99
milk and chicken soup, 46
sugar. See palm sugar
-taro sauce with pork and smoked scads, 146

congee, pork, dried scallop and pidan, 52

coriander seeds, 8. See also cilantro

and shrimp chawan mushi (egg custard), 70–71, 71
Singapore chili, 100
in spicy seafood hot pot, 114–15
and tofu pockets, 78
and watermelon soup, 44, 45

crêpes, Tokyo-style, 90

crispy milk fritters, 104

crispy-skin pork, 156–57

croquettes, beef, 132

crust, moon cake, 194

cubed beef tenderloin with basil, 133

cumin seeds, 8

curried chicken salad with red and green bell peppers (chicken choilaa), 62

coconut, with prawns, 99
duck, 128–29, 129
lamb jalfrezi, 143
leaves, 8, 168
mango pepper potatoes, 165
Nepalese goat, 138, 139
pork, Burmese-style, 151

custard (chawan mushi) with shrimp and Dungeness crab, 70–71, 71

custard dumplings, 192–93, 193

DAIKON, 17, 107
scallion and potato pancakes, 88, 89
tilapia and pepper soup, 43
in twenty-first century salad, 58–59
-watercress salad with sea urchin and scallop mousse, 106–07

dal, 17. See also lentils; mung beans

dasheen. See taro root

dashi and ponzu broth with lingcod and Shanghai bok choy, 110

dashi broth with Chinese cabbage, 163

date, Indian. See tamarind

dau gok. See Chinese long beans

deep-fried sesame balls with red bean paste, 187

dhal, 17

dong gua. See winter melon

dough, moon cake crust, 194

dough, steamed bun, 84

dressing, sesame, 58

dried black olives, 27

dried lily buds, 17, 17

dried scallop, pork and pidan congee, 52

duck, red curry, 128–29, 129

duck, in yin-yang salad, 61

dumplings, custard, 192–93, 193

and shrimp chawan mushi (egg custard), 70–71, 71
Singapore chili, 100
in spicy seafood hot pot, 114–15
and watermelon soup, 44, 45

eels, steamed, and turnip in silver sauce, 112

eggplants, 18, 160

eggplants, spicy Asian, 160

custard (chawan mushi) with shrimp and Dungeness crab, 70–71, 71
hard-boiled, and toast with smoky tea sauce, 80
pidan, 31
salty. See hamm dan

enoki, 18

enoki, in no-fin shark fin soup, 42

fennel seeds, 8

fenugreek, 8

balls, in spicy seafood hot pot, 114–15
lingcod in a ponzu and dashi broth, 110
sablefish, in spicy seafood hot pot, 114–15
salmon steaks with chili bean sauce and kasu, 111
sauce, 27
scads, smoked, and pork in a spicy taro-coconut sauce, 146
tilapia with dried olives and black bean sauce, 109
tilapia, daikon and pepper soup, 43

beef shank, 136–37
chicken nuggets, 118
powder, 9. See also ngu vi huong

fried rice, seafood and tobiko, 169

fried vermicelli with mushrooms and bean sprouts, 173

fritters, crispy milk, 104

FUNGUS. See also mushrooms
Chinese ears, 15
cloud ears, 17
cloud ears and chicken in a clay pot, 125
silver ears, 21, 22
tree ears, 23
wood ears, mushrooms and bamboo shoots with braised kaofu, 166–67, 167

gabi. See taro leaves

gai lan, 18

galangal, 9

gao-li choy. See Taiwanese cabbage

garam masala, 9

gari. See pickled ginger

garlic chives, 18

gelatin, Japanese, 28

geung. See ginger

GINGER, 9, 33
and black beans with chicken, 124
pickled, 31
yellow. See turmeric

ginkgo nuts, 18, 19

gluten. See kaofu

goa beans. See winged beans

goat curry, 138, 139

gobo (burdock root), 15

golden kabocha with walnuts and honey, 188, 189

golden needles, 17, 17

gomae (spinach salad), 57

gou choy. See Chinese leeks

green beans, in twenty-first century salad, 58–59

green beans, spicy, 161

green onion, daikon and potato pancakes, 88, 89

green papaya salad (som tom), 56

green tea tiramisu, 190–91

grilled chicken with lemon grass, 127

Hainanese chicken rice, 170–71

hairy melon, 19

hakusai. See Chinese cabbage

hakusai nibitashi (Chinese cabbage in dashi broth), 163

ham, Chinese, 26

hamm dan, 28

ham-stuffed scallops, 101, 102–03

hard-boiled eggs and toast with smoky tea sauce, 80

hasu. See lotus root

hoisin sauce, 28

hollow vegetable. See water spinach

honey and walnuts on kabocha, 188, 189

honeywort. See mitsuba

hor fan, beef, with prawns, bean sprouts and XO sauce, 180, 181

horseradish, Japanese. See wasabi

hot pot, chicken and cloud ear, 125

hot pot, Vietnamese seafood, 113, 114–15

huadiu. See Shaoxing wine

humba-style braised pork belly, 152, 153

hundred-year eggs. See pidan

ice wine moon cakes, 194–95

ichimi, 9

imli. See tamarind

Indian date. See tamarind

Indonesian spicy pork, 144

jalfrezi, lamb, 143

Japanese basil. See shiso

Japanese chervil. See mitsuba

Japanese gelatin, 28

Japanese horseradish. See wasabi

Japanese salsa verde with salmon tempura and avocado strips, 94–95, 95

jellyfish and chicken salad, 63

jiang. See ginger

jiang yu. See soy sauce

jicama, 19

ji chai, 19

jit gua. See hairy melon

kabocha with walnuts and honey, 188, 189

kaffir limes, 19

kanten. See Japanese gelatin

kaofu, 28

kaofu with mushrooms, wood ears and bamboo shoots, 166–67, 167

kasu and chili bean sauce with salmon steaks, 111

kebabs, spicy chicken, 120, 121

kecap manis, 28. See also sambal

casserole soup, 50
and noodles in dried anchovy broth, 182–83

king onions. See Chinese onions

kinome, 9

kombu (konbu), 29

Korean-style BBQ pork lettuce wraps, 74–75, 75

kun choy. See Chinese celery

laab gai (Thai minced chicken salad), 64

chops, lemon grass, 140–41
chops, marinated, 140–41
chops, minted, 142
jalfrezi, 143

laos. See galangal

lap chong. See Chinese sausages

lap yok. See Chinese bacon

larb beef, 134, 135

lau Thai (spicy Vietnamese seafood hot pot), 113, 114–15

LEMON GRASS, 10, 127
with grilled chicken, 127
lamb chops, 140–41
marinade, 140

lentils, 20. See also dal, mung beans

lettuce wraps, BBQ pork, 74–75, 75

lily buds, dried, 17, 17

limes, kaffir, 19

lingcod in a ponzu and dashi broth with Shanghai bok choy, 110

lo bok. See daikon

leaves, 20
root, 20, 59
root, in twenty-first century salad, 58–59
seed paste, in ice wine filling, 194–195
seeds, 20

“lovely lady” special bubble tea, 186

mace, 10

Malaysian spicy pan mee noodles, 176–77, 177

mango pepper potatoes, 165

mango powder, 10

marinated lamb chops, 140–41

marinated spinach salad (gomae), 57

matsutake, 20

meat. See chicken; beef; duck; goat; lamb; pork

mei gui lu cooking wine, 29

bitter, 14, 14
and Dungeness crab soup, 44, 45
hairy, 19
winter, 24
in yin-yang salad, 61

milk fritters, crispy, 104

minced chicken salad, 64

mini ice wine moon cakes, 194–95

mint, 10

minted lamb chops, 142

mirin, 29

miso, 29

mitsuba, 10, 10

mizuna, 20

mo gua. See hairy melon

moon cakes, ice wine, 194–95

mung bean pancakes, 87

mung beans, 21. See also dal; lentils

MUSHROOM(S). See also fungus
and bean curd, carrot and celery wraps, 82–83
and bean sprouts on vermicelli, 173
and chicken in a pouch, 122
enoki, 18
enoki, in no-fin shark fin soup, 42
matsutake (pine), 20
pine, and shrimp soup, 47
shiitake, 21
straw, 23

mussels, in spicy seafood hot pot, 114–15

Chinese, 15
seeds, 11
spinach. See tatsoi

nam pla. See fish sauce

nam prik (nam phrik), 29

napa cabbage, 21. See also Chinese cabbage

Nepalese goat curry, 138, 139

ngu vi huong, 11. See also five-spice powder

no-fin shark fin soup, 42

beef hor fan with prawns, 181
beef pho’, 48–49
Chinese, 29
Japanese, 30
with kimchi in dried anchovy broth, 182–83
pad Thai, 178
pan mee, 176–77, 177
in spicy seafood hot pot, 114–15
tan tan, 179
vermicelli, wok-fried, with mushrooms and bean sprouts, 173

nori, 30

nuoc mam. See fish sauce

nutmeg, 11

nuts, in ice wine filling, 194–95

olives, dried, and preserved black bean sauce with steamed tilapia, 109

olives, dried black, 27

ong choy. See water spinach

onions, Chinese, 16

onions, Welsh, in twenty-first century salad, 58–59

orange peel, 11

original Shanghai tan tan noodles, 179

oven-roasted pork toro, 149

oyster sauce, 30

pad Thai, 178

palm sugar, 30

daikon, scallion and potato, 88, 89
mung bean, 87
shrimp cakes, 91
Tokyo-style crêpes, 90

pandan leaves, 21

paneer and spinach soup, 53

paneer (panir), 30

pan-grilled salmon steaks with chili bean sauce and Chinese wine kasu, 111

panko, 30

pan mee noodles, 176–77, 177

papaya salad, 56

parsley, Chinese. See cilantro

pea shoots, 21

peas, snow, 22

peppercorns, 11, 33

peppers and curried chicken salad, 62

pepper, tilapia and daikon soup, 43

pho’, beef, 48–49

pickled cabbage and broad bean mash, 162

pickled ginger, 31

pidan, 31

pidan, pork and dried scallop congee, 52

pine mushroom. See matsutake

pine mushroom and shrimp soup, 47

plum sauce, 31

poached chicken salad with butter-braised carrots and Chinese celery, 65, 66–67

Pondicherry minted lamb chops, 142

ponzu and dashi broth with lingcod and Shanghai bok choy, 110

ponzu sauce, 31

BBQ, lettuce wraps, 74–75, 75
belly, humba-style braised, 152, 15
and cabbage filling for buns, 84–85
Chinese BBQ, 148
curry, Burmese-style, 151
dried scallop and pidan congee, 52
ham-stuffed scallops, 101, 102–03
Indonesian spicy, 144
laing with smoked scads, 146
ribs with blanched spinach, 147
roasted crispy-skin, 156–57
smoked, with fresh bamboo shoots, 154–55
in a spicy taro-coconut sauce (pork laing) with smoked scads, 146
toro, oven-roasted, 149
won tons, Cantonese, 86

and daikon and scallion pancakes, 88, 89
mango pepper, 165
in twenty-first century salad, 58–59

poultry. See chicken; duck

PRAWNS. See also shrimp
and beef hor fan, 181
in coconut curry, 99
ground, in stuffed tomatoes, 72–73
in pad Thai, 178
in spicy seafood hot pot, 113, 114–15
Westview’s spicy, 98
in won tons, Cantonese, 86

preserved black bean sauce and dried olives with tilapia, 109

preserved sausage sandpot rice, 172

rakkyo. See Chinese onions

red bean paste in deep-fried sesame balls, 187

red curry duck, 128–29, 129

renkon. See lotus root

ribs with blanched spinach, 147

RICE, 3132
Hainanese chicken, 170–71
paper wrappers, 32
preserved sausage sandpot, 172
tomato, 168
vinegar, Chinese, 32
vinegar, Japanese, 32

roasted crispy-skin pork, 156–57

rock sugar, Chinese, 32, 33

sablefish, in spicy seafood hot pot, 114–15

sago, 32

sake, 34

curried chicken, with red and green bell peppers, 62
daikon-watercress, 106–07
dressing, sesame, 58
green papaya, 56
jellyfish and chicken, 63
marinated spinach, 57
poached chicken, with butter-braised carrots and Chinese celery, 65, 66–67
traditional Thai minced chicken, 64
twenty-first century, 58–59, 60
watercress-daikon, 106–07
yin-yang, 61

salmon steaks with chili bean sauce and kasu, 111

salmon tempura with avocado strips and Japanese salsa verde, 94–95, 95

salsa verde, Japanese, with salmon tempura and avocado strips, 94–95, 95

salty eggs. See hamm dan

sambal, 34. See also chili sauce

sandpot rice with preserved sausage, 172

bean, 25
fish, 27
hoisin, 28
oyster, 30
plum, 31
ponzu, 31
sesame paste, 34
shrimp paste, 34
soy, 34
XO, 35

sausage sandpot rice, 172

sausages, Chinese, 27, 27

sautéed beef hor fan with prawns, bean sprouts and XO sauce, 180, 181

sautéed scallops and chicken with broccoli and crispy milk fritters, 104–05

scads, smoked, and pork in a spicy taro-coconut sauce, 146

scallion, daikon and potato pancakes, 88, 89

and chicken with broccoli and milk fritters, 104–05
and pork and pidan congee, 52
and sea urchin mousse, 106–07
stuffed with Chinese ham, 101, 102–03

screwpine leaves. See pandan leaves

sea urchin and scallop mousse with umami jelly and watercress-daikon salad, 106–07

SEAFOOD. See also fish; shellfish
hot pot, Vietnamese, 113, 114–15
and tobiko fried rice, 169

seared lingcod in a ponzu and dashi broth with Shanghai bok choy, 110

seitan. See kaofu

balls with red bean paste, 187
paste, 34
salad dressing, 58

shallots, 21

shami (spicy chicken) kebabs, 120, 121

Shanghai bok choy with lingcod in a ponzu and dashi broth, 110

Shanghai tan tan noodles, 179

Shaoxing wine, 34

shark fin soup, no-fin, 42

crab and watermelon soup, 44, 45
crabmeat and tofu pockets, 78
crab, Singapore chili, 100
dried scallop, pork and pidan congee, 52
jellyfish and chicken salad, 63
prawns and beef hor fan, 181
prawns in coconut curry, 99
prawns, in pad Thai, 178
prawns, Westview’s spicy, 98
scallop and sea urchin mousse, 106–07
scallops stuffed with Chinese ham, 101, 102–03
sea urchin and scallop mousse, 106–07
shrimp and Dungeness crab chawan mushi (egg custard), 70–71, 71
shrimp and pine mushroom soup, 47
shrimp cakes, 91
shrimp paste, 34
in spicy seafood hot pot, 114–15

Shepherd’s purse. See ji chai

shichimi togarashi, 12

shiitake mushrooms, 21, 83

shiso, 11

shoga. See ginger

shoyu. See soy sauce

SHRIMP. See also prawns
cakes (tod mun goong), 91
and Dungeness crab chawan mushi (egg custard), 70–71, 71
paste, 34
and pine mushroom soup, 47

si gua. See Chinese okra

silver ears, 21, 22

silver sauce with steamed eels and turnip, 112

Singapore chili Dungeness crab, 100

siu choy. See Chinese cabbage

sizzling chicken and cloud ears in a clay pot, 125

smoked pork with fresh bamboo shoots, 154–55

smoked scads and pork in a spicy taro-coconut sauce, 146

smoky tea sauce with hard-boiled eggs and toast, 80

snow ears. See silver ears

snow peas, 22

sockeye salmon tempura with avocado strips and Japanese salsa verde, 94–95, 95

som tom (green papaya salad), 56

SOUP. See also broth
beef pho’, 48–49
no-fin shark fin, 42
pine mushroom and shrimp, 47
pork, dried scallop and pidan congee, 52

spiced kimchi casserole, 50

spinach and paneer, 53

Thai chicken and coconut milk, 46

tilapia, daikon and pepper, 43

watermelon and Dungeness crab, 44, 45

soy beans, 22

soy sauce, 34

soya beans. See soy beans

spiced kimchi casserole soup, 50

spice sachet, for five-spice beef shank, 136

spice sachet, for Vietnamese seafood hot pot, 114

spicy Asian eggplants, 160

spicy chicken kebabs, 120, 121

spicy chicken with ginger and black beans, 124

spicy green beans, 161

spicy pan mee noodles, 176–77, 177

spicy pork, Indonesian, 144

spicy prawns, Westview’s 98

spicy taro-coconut sauce with pork and smoked scads, 146

spicy Vietnamese seafood hot pot (lau Thai), 113, 114–15

mustard. See tatsoi
paneer soup, 53
salad, marinated, 57
Wuxi ribs with, 147

spring roll wrappers. See won ton skins

sprouts. See bean sprouts

squash, kabocha, with walnuts and honey, 188, 189

squid, in spicy seafood hot pot, 113, 114–15

star anise, 12, 33

steamed bun dough, 84

steamed eels and turnip in silver sauce, 112

steamed pork and cabbage buns, 84–85

steamed tilapia with Chinese dried olives and preserved black bean sauce, 109

stir-fried smoked pork with fresh bamboo shoots, 154–55

straw mushrooms, 23

stuffed tomatoes with ground prawns, 72–73

sugar, Chinese rock, 32

sugar, palm, 30

sushi ginger. See pickled ginger

Taiwanese cabbage, 23

Taiwanese five-spice chicken nuggets, 118

tamarind, 12

tan tan noodles, 179

tapioca, 35

-coconut sauce with pork and smoked scads, 146
leaves, 23
root, 23

tatsoi, 23

bubble, 186
green, tiramisu, 190–91
sauce with hard-boiled eggs and toast, 80
-smoked pork, 154–55

tempeh, 35

tempura, salmon, 94–95

terasi. See shrimp paste

Thai basil. See Asian sweet basil

Thai chicken and coconut milk soup, 46

Thai chili, 12

Thai minced chicken salad, 64

thousand-year eggs. See pidan

three mushrooms and chicken in a pouch, 122

tiger lily buds, 17, 17

tilapia, daikon and pepper soup, 43

tilapia with dried olives and black bean sauce, 109

tiramisu, green tea, 190–91

toast and hard-boiled eggs with smoky tea sauce, 80

tobiko and seafood fried rice, 169

TOFU, 25. See also bean curd
and crabmeat pockets, 78
in twenty-first century salad, 58–59

togarashi. See ichimi; shichimi togarashi

Tokyo-style crêpes, 90

rice, 168
stuffed, with ground prawns, 72–73
in twenty-first century salad, 58–59

traditional Thai minced chicken salad (laab gai), 64

tree ears, 23

turmeric, 12

turnip and steamed eels in silver sauce, 112

twenty-first century salad, 58–59, 60

umami jelly with scallop and sea urchin mousse, 106–07

vermicelli with mushrooms and bean sprouts, 173

Vietnamese grilled chicken with lemon grass, 127

Vietnamese rice paper. See rice paper wrappers

Vietnamese seafood hot pot, 113, 114–15

wakame, 35

walnuts and honey on kabocha, 188, 189

warm jellyfish and chicken salad, 63

wasabi, 35

water chestnuts, 24

Chinese. See water spinach
-daikon salad with sea urchin and scallop mousse, 106–07

watermelon and Dungeness crab soup, 44, 45

water spinach, 25

wax gourd. See winter melon

Welsh onion, in twenty-first century salad, 58–59

Westview’s house special spicy prawns, 98

ice, moon cakes, 194–95
kasu and chili bean sauce with salmon steaks, 11
mei gui lu, 29
mirin, 29
sake, 34
Shaoxing, 34

winged beans, 24

winter melon, 24

wok-fried spicy green beans, 161

wok-fried vermicelli with mushrooms and bean sprouts, 173

won tons, Cantonese, 86

won ton skins, 35

wood ears, 23

wood ears, mushrooms and bamboo shoots with braised kaofu, 166–67, 167

wraps, BBQ pork lettuce, 74–75, 75

wraps, bean curd, mushroom, carrot and celery, 82–83

Wuxi ribs with blanched spinach, 147

XO sauce, 35

XO sauce on beef hor fan, 181

yellow beans. See soy beans

yellow ginger. See turmeric

yin-yang salad, 61

yu choy. See choy sum