Make Today the Best Day of Your Life
The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for the circumstances they want, and, if they can’t find them, make them.
—George Bernard Shaw
Today has the potential to be the best day of your life! You could win the lottery or get a call to be on Oprah. Today could be the day you finish a long-term project, purchase the perfect outfit, or find your missing refund check. Or better yet, you could find the best rhythm and flow for your day and your week.
There is the potential that today could be the five-star day you’ve been planning for. It can be a fantastic day, because all “best” days are a date on the calendar. Everything happens in real time. Why not arrange your time so today has the potential to unfold as one of your best days?
When we think of someone’s “best” day, we think of a glowing bride lifting her goblet in a toast or an Emmy award winner exclaiming, “This is the best day of my life!” But you don’t have to have a milestone moment to proclaim today as the best day of your life. Because today is the best day of your life—it’s the only day you have. So make it a fabulous day.
How Can I Get Out of the Rut of Normal Days?
There are two steps to begin making today the best day of your life. Step one is to plan in reverse. In other words, begin with the end in mind. Even though it might be first thing in the morning right now, picture yourself laying your head on your pillow tonight and thinking about the great things that happened today. It was terrific—why? Because you did what you planned and you had good things happen along the way. You simply enjoyed how you spent your time today.
Step two is to be open to the uniqueness of the events of the day. Remember how you need to establish the rhythm of your day and week? When we’re stressed, it’s usually when things are out of control. Don’t give up at that point. Regroup and get back on track, even if you don’t accomplish everything. Keep the goals for the morning and the afternoon in your radar and keep at them until they’re finished.
Why Does Today Feel Out of Control?
The three days we have the most control over are today, tomorrow, and the day after. That’s because they are closest to the present moment and we can still affect them. But do you know which one of those three feels most out of control? Today. That’s because the next two days look good in our minds, but we haven’t started living them.
To have the best day possible, I believe there are five things you need to deal with every day. As you become a better time manager with each of them, your “todays” will turn out better and better. Here they are in an easy-to-remember acrostic. It’s important that you understand each one:
My Best Day Is . . . TODAY
I deal successfully with
TIME. To have a good day, you need to have a regularly good rhythm. That comes with daily using your calendar, a to-do list, and seasonal goals and plans.
OBSTACLES. Overcoming obstacles each day is a feat in itself. Think ahead and allow a cushion of time for interruptions, travel to unfamiliar places, and last-minute details.
DESTINY. You are uniquely created to fill a role and to make a difference in life. Work to succeed at your roles and goals, especially in your circles of influence.
ATTITUDE. A good attitude opens the door to success, so stay positive. Left-brain thinking engages your head, while right-brain responses engage your heart. Use both at the right time.
YOURSELF. Treat yourself well and resist the tangents you create that take you away from your focus for the day. The hardest person to say no to may in fact be yourself!
How Skilled Are You Now? A Time Quiz
An important part of capturing the most in each day is to review your time talents and skills. They should be getting better each year as your responsibilities and networks of people increase.
Take a few minutes to see what you apply already from our thirty-day journey. Note where you still want to grow and improve.
Scoring: This is an open-book test, and you may go back to review the chapter before you rate yourself. Score yourself between 0 and 10 (10 being a strong yes) in this area. Now that you’ve read everything, you can ”score” up to 300 total points!
Congratulations! You have improved your ability to simplify your time just by carefully taking this quiz and reviewing the entire book. You will never look at your watch or calendar without asking, “What do I need and want to do right now?”
Make Today Your Best Day
Make today the best day of your life. Why? Because there is only one day you can control the outcome of. And that’s today. As coach Lou Holtz says, “Every day, some ordinary person does something outstanding. Today, it’s your turn!”
It’s Your Time
Make Today the Best Day of Your Life (Time Strategy #7)
□ Don’t procrastinate on something you are going to do anyway.
□ Do all your to-dos today. There will be new ones tomorrow.
□ Delete or delegate tasks that keep you from enjoying today. Live one day at a time.
Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined.
—Henry David Thoreau