THERE is no phase of gardening more delightful and captivating than that of cultivating flowers in the immediate surroundings of the home – on the window-sill, the balcony, the porch, and in the dwelling-rooms. It yields infinite pleasure to those who, having no garden or greenhouse, have no other means of cultivating the choicest and noblest of God’s gifts – flowers of all climes. As a rule, plants grown thus are tended with more love and care than those grown in other ways. They are regarded as children needing the utmost care and watchfulness to enable them to develop their highest and noblest characteristics. And no wonder, seeing the important part even the simplest of flowers play in imparting brightness, happiness, and pleasure to the home and those who dwell within it. Without flowers no house can be said to be bright or cheerful. In the dullest and dreariest parts of our crowded cities we often see noble attempts being made to impart a little sunshine and pleasure into the lives and houses of the dwellers by the cultivation of the Creeping Jenny, the Virginian Creeper, Ivy, or some other even more attractive plant. Every horticultural society throughout the kingdom ought to foster the culture of window plants in every possible way. Prizes should be offered for the best examples of plants grown indoors, as well as for the best decorated window-sills. Many societies do this already, but they do not represent a tithe of those which might and could do it if they chose.
Window Boxes
We will begin with plants in boxes. The first thing to claim our attention is the question of the best form of box to use. There are many forms of boxes in use. Some are made of plain wood, others of wood ornamented in front with virgin cork, split hazel, and larch wood; and others, again, exhibit the taste, skill, and ingenuity of their owners in fancy woodwork or in metals, ornamented with glazed tiles or other pretty designs. As a guide to those who desire to make their own boxes, we give a few designs of useful and pretty types of window-boxes. Fig. 1 represents one of the best and most appropriate styles. The box itself is made as described in the next paragraph, and as depicted in our engraving (Fig. 2), and then covered with pieces of virgin cork affixed to the front by means of French nails. The cork may be improved in appearance by giving it a coating of size and then one of varnish, or by the application of a coat of brown or green paint. Another serviceable and artistic box, which anyone skilled in woodwork can easily make, is represented by (Fig. 4). This consists of a framework (Fig. 2) with strips of hazel wood, having the natural bark on, arranged in the manner shown in the illustration. The hazel strips are nailed to the box by means of French nails, and afterwards sized and varnished. A box of this kind will last almost a lifetime.
Fig 1.– Plain window box ornamented with virgin cork.
Fig 2.– Construction of plain window box.
Fig 3.– Window box showing holes made in the bottom for drainage.
Fig 4.– Window box decorated with strips of hazel wood.
A simpler kind of box is depicted in the illustration (Fig. 6). The framework is made as shown at Fig. 2, and the front covered with split pieces of larch having the bark on. This, when sized and varnished, will also prove a durable box. Another form of box which a carpenter or joiner could make in his spare time is first made in the plain style shown in Fig. 2, and decorated with ornamental beading. The next style illustrated (Fig. 5) is of a more elaborate and costly nature. Boxes of this kind can be purchased ready made of any ironmonger, or made by any skilled worker in metals. The main body of the box (see Fig. 2) may be formed of zinc or sheet iron, or, if preferred, of wood. An ornamental beading of iron or wood must be affixed round the edges of the box, and the remaining space filled with glazed ornamental tiles embedded in putty, plaster of Paris, or cement. The pattern of tile shown in the illustration is an original one designed by the artist who made the sketches, but there are plenty of other patterns equally as pretty that would serve the purpose just as well. We would, however, caution the reader against selecting tiles of bright or vivid colours, like scarlet, blue, or yellow. Soft and pleasing shades of green or brown harmonise best with the colours of the flowers.
Fig 5.– Window box of wood or iron decorated with glazed tiles.
Fig 6.– Window box simply decorated with split pieces of larch.
Plants for Window Gardens
In dealing with the question of plants, we have to consider the various aspects of the windows. For example, some probably never receive any direct sunshine, while others are fully exposed to it. Now, all plants will not succeed alike in sun or shade, and so it is necessary to select those adapted for each. Windows facing north are practically sunless, and here hardy Ferns, Creeping Jenny, Periwinkle, Calceolarias, Fuchsias, and Musk will do best for summer decoration; while for autumn and winter decoration, shrubs such as Euonymus, Aucubas, Box, and Ivies, are suitable; and for a spring display, Crocuses and Snowdrops. An eastern window gets, of course, the morning sun, and here Fuchsias will do well; so also will Dwarf and Tall Nasturtiums, Sweet-Scented Tobacco, Godetias, and Canary Creepers for summer flowering. In autumn plant the shrubs named for north aspect, also Crocuses, Snowdrops, Daffodils, Forget-me-not, and Auriculas for spring blooming.
In a western aspect Ivy-leaved Pelargoniums, Marguerites, Petunias, Lobelia, and Tropæolum Lobbianum will succeed admirably in summer. In autumn plant hardy shrubs, like the Euonymus, Cupressus Lawsoniana, Thuia Lobbii, Variegated Ivies, and Aucubas, to keep the boxes gay during the winter. In autumn, also, plant Tulips, Hyacinths, Crocuses, Daffodils, Snowdrops, Aubretia purpurea, and Wall-flowers for spring flowering. A south aspect may be planted with similar flowers, bulbs, and shrubs, adding also, Mignonette, Zonal Pelargoniums, Nasturtiums, Heliotropes, and Gazania splendens, for summer blooming. If the list we have given is not sufficient, Violas and Pansies may be grown on the east aspect, and Stocks, Asters, Annual Chrysanthemums, and French Marigolds on the west and south aspects. Those who can only afford hardy annuals should sow Dwarf and Tall Nasturtiums in boxes on the east and west aspects, and Mignonette, Godetias, Annual Chrysanthemums, Virginian Stock, Candytuft, and Canary Creeper in those on the other aspects.
Gonium, Petunia, and Tropæolum Lobbianum, should be planted near the edge of the box in order that their shoots may fall over and hide the front entirely. Tall plants, like Marguerite, etc., should be planted at the back, and dwarf ones midway between these and the drooping plants.
The general cultural details to be observed are few and simple. Always make the soil quite firm at the time of planting. Give a good watering at once to settle the soil, and afterwards see that the latter is never allowed to get dry. Beyond training the shoots of Tall Nasturtiums and Canary Creepers up the sides of the window as they grow, we do not think there is any important detail that we have over-looked in the management of window-boxes.
A lady waters her window box