img Phlox img

By Charles H. Curtis, F.R.H.S.

THESE handsome, bold, and bright flowers occupy such a high position in Flora’s realm that a garden without Herbaceous Phloxes is unthinkable. The sturdy stems rise from eighteen inches to rather more than four feet high, according to the variety, though one or two varieties of comparatively recent introduction are lowly enough to form a carpeting or edging to the others. The leafage forms a fine setting for the large branching panicles of flowers that are carried erect at the summit of each growth, but the size and greenness of the foliage, as well as the size of the head of bloom, and the size and brilliance or purity of the individual flowers, are all determined by the degree of cultivation afforded. Even the old-fashioned varieties, with small flowers and lax flower-heads, may become plants of great beauty if thoroughly well grown, while the very finest example of the florist’s skill – the last word in Phloxes – may be spoiled and made useless and unbeautiful by poor soil and inattention to a few simple cultural details. The person who always complains and asserts that his or her non-success is due to the old varieties grown is like the unskilful workman who endeavours to hide his ignorance and inability by constantly grumbling at and blaming his tools.


Even a casual observer will notice that Herbaceous Phloxes do not all flower at the same period, and it is this difference of the flowering time that naturally separates the varieties into two sections. These are the Early-flowering or Suffruticosa section, and the Late-flowering or Decussata section. But the line of demarcation between the two sections grows fainter year by year. The later members of the early section mingle their blooms with those of the early members of the late section, and our gardens are the gainers, because now it is possible to have Phloxes blooming in succession from early summer until autumn is well advanced.

img A Selection of Early-flowering Phlox img

Attraction, 2½ ft., white, crimson centre.

Burns, 1½ ft., rosy-violet.

Charles J. Moir, 2 ft., white, pale pink centre.

Harry Veitch, 2 ft., creamy white, crimson centre.

Herbert Cutbush, 2 ft., white, pink centre.

Isaac House, 2½ ft., silvery pink.

James Hunter, 2 ft., deep rose, darker centre.

Ladysmith, 1½ ft., cream white, crimson centre.

Maggie Forbes, 1½ ft., white, crimson centre.

Magnificence, 1½ ft., rose pink, crimson centre.

Miss Lingard, 3 ft., white, lilac centre, very fine.

Mrs. Cobham, 1½ ft., white and pink.

Mrs. Forbes, 2 ft., pure white.

Mrs. Jas. Robertson, 2 ft., rosy-lilac, deeper eye.

Perfection, 2 ft., white, deep pink centre.

Prince, 2½ ft., white, rose pink centre.

Snowflake, 1½ ft., pure white.

The Queen, 3 ft., soft delicate pink, deeper centre.

img A Selection of Late-flowering Phlox img

Amazone, 3½ ft., pure white.

Archibald Forbes, 2 ft., rosy salmon, crimson centre.

Armand Dayot, 2 ft., salmon, lilac centre.

Belle Alliance, 3 ft., white, rosy centre.

Boule de Feu, 2½ ft., scarlet.

Brilliant, 2 ft., salmon, rosy centre.

Camille Desmoulins, 2 ft., rosy violet, white centre.

Charles Pfitzer, 2 ft., rosy pink, paler centre.

Coccinea, 4 ft., vermilion.

Cœur de Lion, 4 ft., rose purple, carmine centre.

Coquelicot, 3 ft., orange scarlet.

Crépuscule, 3 ft., pale lilac, mauve centre.

Duhamel, 3 ft., bright red.

Eclaireur, 3 ft., carmine, buff centre.

Edward Bour, 2 ft., red-purple.

Espérance, 3 ft., deep rose pink, white centre.

Etienne Lamy, 2½ ft., salmon, crimson centre.

Etna, 3½ ft., bright orange scarlet.

Eugene Danzanvilliers, 3 ft., bright lilac, white centre.

Fedora, 2½ ft., rose and white.

Flocon de Neige, 2½ ft., white.

FreifrÄulein G. von Lassberg, 2½ ft., white.

Flambeau, 2½ ft., bright scarlet.

Henry Fouquier, 3 ft., rose, crimson centre.

Henri Marcel, 3 ft., carmine, rosy centre.

Iris, 3 ft., bright violet, blue-purple centre.

John Forbes, 4 ft., pink, crimson centre.

John Fraser, 3 ft., rich salmon, paler centre.

La Neige, 2 ft., pure white.

Le Mahdi, 3 ft., deep violet purple.

Le Prophete, 3 ft., dark mauve, red centre.

Liberté, 3½ ft., light orange, carmine centre.

Lord Kelvin, 3½ ft., bright red, crimson centre.

Lord Rayleigh, 3 ft., violet, purple centre.

Louis Blanc, 3 ft., violet, dark centre.

Maximilian, 3½ ft., orange scarlet, crimson centre.

Mrs. Burn, 3 ft., orange scarlet, crimson centre.

Mrs. Oliver, 2½ ft., rose pink, white centre.

Obélisque, 3 ft., deep rose, crimson centre.

Panthéon, 3 ft., salmon.

Papillon, 2½ ft., bluish lilac.

Paul Bert, 4 ft., lilac, violet centre.

Paul Fliche, 2½ ft., soft rose.

Rossignol, 2½ ft., mauve, white centre.

Sarabande, 3 ft., rosy carmine, white centre.

Sheriff Ivory, 4 ft., rose, crimson centre.

Siebold, 3 ft., rich red, rose centre.

Tapis Blanc, 1 ft., white.

Tom Welsh, 4 ft., rich carmine.

Tunisie, 2½ ft., violet and purple.

Wm. Robinson, 4 ft., salmon, violet centre.

Zouave, 3 ft., dark magenta.
