“Hi, Missus Bordeau. How are you today?” Olivia had always admired Crystal, but had a hint of jealousy, too. She had never let it show, though, because it was difficult to dislike a woman who was always nice and gave great presents. Today Crystal must not be in her usual good mood. She walked right past Olivia’s desk without even a smile or a hello. Olivia watched Crystal climb the staircase to the executive suites. There was something strange about the way Crystal moved. Her face was void of all expression. It reminded Olivia of one of the clients they had who sleepwalked. She debated whether to call Matt and let him know that his wife was here. Olivia decided to mind her own business.
Less than two minutes later, Olivia heard the first gun shot. Several seconds later she saw the two detectives burst through the entrance and race up the staircase. As their feet hit the top stair the second shot rang out.
“Oh my god.” Olivia started to shake as clients and therapists came rushing out of the back rooms. Then a third shot rang out followed by the most frightening sound of all—complete silence.
“What do you think?” Robinson rocked his chair back, the report on Gary Staples spread out in front of him.
Geraldine Berda tossed her pen on the desk and gave the detectives a reluctant smile. “It’s not going to be easy but it helped that your tech guy pulled the last conversation from the victim’s phone. The fact that Staples spoke that one word—destiny, to Crystal Bordeau should help. Frank’s testimony that Tamara Rios said the same word could also be a plus. That’s the good news.”
“Good news?” Jake pushed away from the credenza.
“That means there’s bad news?” Frank said.
“Aw, shit.” Robinson stopped rocking his chair and leaned forward. “Hit me with it.”
“It’s still all circumstantial. Still can’t put the smoking gun in his hand, so to speak, on the other victims. He’s going to plead not guilty and damn confident he’ll be acquitted. The judge laughed at my request for an all male jury as well as a male attorney. And.” She turned her gaze to Jake. “You know I can’t put Sam on the stand and have her testify to her mystic revelations, cosmic messages, or whatever the hell it is she does. And then there’s the matter of Crystal Bordeau. Lucky for her she can’t aim straight. The bullet only grazed Austin’s shoulder and her husband will survive the bullet wound to his chest. She doesn’t remember anything from the time she left her house until you two showed up at the clinic. She doesn’t have a license for the gun and if Sam’s therapist can’t prove Crystal was under hypnosis, Crystal may end up serving more time than Staples.”
“Damn.” Frank whooshed out a breath. “What if she’s still, you know, under hypnosis? What if she’s programmed to try again? I’d hate to be her husband, not knowing when the next bullet is gonna fly.”
“When are they moving Staples?” Robinson asked.
“Tonight. He’ll be at the correctional facility in Michigan City until his trial.”