Answer the questions honestly and write down the letter of your answer to each one.
1) Laws must be obeyed
a) As long as they don’t conflict with the higher purpose
b) As long as they don’t endanger your people
c) As long as they don’t interfere with profits
d) As long as they don’t conflict with the natural course of things
e) Always
f) As long as they don’t get you into hot water with the cops
2) You see a man breaking into your favorite mom-and-pop store in your neighborhood. You
a) Pull out your sword, go over, and ask him what he is doing
b) Sneak up behind him and punch him in the face
c) Get your flunky to go over and stab him
d) Watch him do his dirty deed, find out where he lives, and poison him a week later
e) Pull out your gun and yell at him to get down on the ground before you blow his brains out
f) Walk away. It doesn’t concern you one way or another.
3) You see your best friend’s spouse making out with another person. You
a) Confront the spouse after and explain that what she is doing is morally wrong
b) Tell your best friend what you saw and be ready to guard his back because there is going to be a brawl
c) Observe the couple, trying to deduce reasons behind the affair
d) Let them be. Each person is free to choose their own path.
e) Confront them on the spot
f) Wait until the date is over and try to blackmail the cheaters for money or sex
4) The most important factor in deciding whether to take a job is
a) Will it benefit the majority of people?
b) Will it benefit your family?
c) Does it hold scientific value and is it intellectually stimulating?
d) What are its consequences?
e) Is it legal?
f) Does it pay well?
5) You’re throwing a party. You provide
a) Good food, good liquor, nothing fancy, moderation is encouraged
b) A feast: lots of food, lots of beer and wine, no hard liquor
c) Expensive food, expensive wine, only the best will do
d) A chance to drink and celebrate being yourself
e) Hard liquor and BBQ
f) A room. This party is strictly BOB—bring your own booze.
6) The perfect pet is
a) A mastiff: loyal and devoted
b) A mutt, a cat, a rat: as long as it has fur, it’s all good
c) A snake: clean, sleek, calculating, and deadly
d) A bird: free, independent, with a clear view of the whole picture from above
e) A German shepherd: it obeys orders, it tracks people, and it protects you
f) A horse: you have to have one to get around, so at least the damn creature is useful
7) Your favorite computer-game genre is
a) Role-playing: being savior of the world is always a good thing
b) Fighting and adventure: nothing better than fast reflexes, agile characters, and triple-kicking your opponent’s head off his shoulders
c) Building sims: taking fifteen minutes to figure out just the right way to position the building is worth it if the city is perfect in the end
d) Puzzles: there is a pattern in all things. You just have to trust in your intuition to find it.
e) First-Person Shooter: blow heads off enemies with a high-powered rifle. If your buddy can play with you, it’s even better.
f) MMO RPG: life is about grinding and getting better gear. Kill X amount of enemies; get X amount of money. Simple and profitable.
8) The most useful subject in school is
a) History: learn from your yesterday’s mistakes to ensure survival tomorrow
b) Civics: without politics, civilization, and social interaction, people are just animals
c) Chemistry, genetics, and anatomy: a human body is a fascinating thing
d) Philosophy, biology, and ecology: we only have one planet. Might as well find our place in it.
e) PE and team sports: the world is a tough place. Might as well learn how to act together according to the rules of the game.
f) Basic math: you have got to know how much change you ought to get back when you give somebody twenty dollars to buy ammo
9) A parent must
a) Teach a child that sometimes life requires personal sacrifice
b) Keep a close eye on a little tyke so he doesn’t go crazy
c) Provide a lot of interesting toys to help a child develop early
d) Get a pet, something small and cuddly to teach a child responsibility and compassion for those around him
e) Teach a kid that there is right and there is wrong, and you’ve got to pick a side
f) Pay for chores—if you work, you get paid; that’s a good lesson to learn
10) Your car is
a) Four wheels and a motor—as long as it gets you from point A to point B on time, does it really matter what it looks like?
b) A Jeep or a Land Rover—functional, you can load a bunch of people in it, and it goes anywhere
c) A black SUV—not gaudy, but powerful and stylish
d) My two legs—I prefer to walk
e) A Ford Mustang—a good solid muscle car, goes fast
f) A Hummer, armored—it tells people two things: one, the owner is a badass, and two, if you’re going to shoot at it, there is a whole lot of steel between you and the driver, so you better start running
Count the letters you wrote down.
If You Answered Mostly A:
You are a knight of the Order of Knights of Merciful Aid. You’re disciplined, competent, and organized. You serve a higher purpose and you tend to take a rational approach to most problems. Your mission is simply to protect mankind, even if it means protecting it from itself. You are lethal, honorable, and, unfortunately, convinced that you are always right.
If You Answered Mostly B:
You are a shapeshifter of the Pack. Family is the most important thing to you. You don’t trust outsiders, and while you’re fanatically loyal to your friends, you’re courageous and aggressive and emotions occasionally tend to get the better of you. You value loyalty, restraint, and courage above all.
If You Answered Mostly C:
You’re a member of the People. You pilot undead for a living and believe that most problems can be resolved through application of reason, money, or a vampire. You believe in the pursuit of academic excellence, as long as it doesn’t conflict with your financial well-being, you like the finer things in life, and you feel that those who work hard should be able to show off the fruits of their labors.
If You Answered Mostly D:
You are a witch of the Covens. You believe in balance: for every action, there must be an equal and opposite reaction. He who disrupts the harmony of the world will get his comeuppance one way or another. You’re independent and comfortable in your own skin, you live and let live, and you look to nature for guidance in resolving your problems.
If You Answered Mostly E:
You are a cop of the Paranormal Activity Division. You have a strong sense of right and wrong, and tend to see the world in black-and-white. The laws are there for a reason and you make sure that they stay in place. You live hard and party hard because you never know when you might have to put yourself between a crazed maniac armed with a fireball and a random citizen who just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.
If You Answered Mostly F:
You are a mercenary of the Guild. Life is hard, but you’re harder. You tend to look out for number one. You risk your hide to provide for you and yours, you work hard, and you don’t let anyone get the better of you. When you take a job, you get it done, but you always keep your eyes on the prize, and if it gets too nasty, you aren’t above walking away from the whole thing.