
Exclusive Sneak Peek


Enjoy this exclusive look at Manor Saffron!


THE SKY DARKENED AND a red hue took over the horizon, as it always did when the demons were near. The heavens bled when demons took the lost souls that drifted on the winds.

Altera imagined there should have been screams or cries, but the aftermath came upon her in its crushing silence. Only her heart thundered in her ears, her blood rushing with fear that this time, the demons would not be satiated with what they’d found in the clouds as they’d done once before, a terrifying night she’d never forget.

A golden orb dotted the sky, proof that this wasn’t an event of her imagination. Her grip tightened on her husband who stood rigid as they stared together at the descending piece of heaven. Uruk hadn’t known true terror. He’d only seen the result of it in her eyes, a void of loss that would always be a part of her soul. 

But this child that drifted through the sky had survived what her sisters had not. Its mystical warmth still radiated, somehow having surpassed so many demons winging through the clouds.

Altera didn’t dare look beyond the orb. Bat-like wings still cast shadows over ruby clouds and her tongue locked to the roof of her mouth as she dried up a scream in her throat. 

“They’re leaving,” Uruk said, his voice a broken sound across the still sea of silence between them.

She caught her breath enough to speak. “She’s still alive,” Altera whispered, knowing that this would be a daughter of the sky, a Windborn child of beauty and grace that would be an undeserved blessing for them all, should the babe survive their cruel world.

Her husband’s grip on her tightened. “She won’t be for long.”



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